Chapter 50: Learning To Drive

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Chapter 50: Learning To Drive

Thomas was eating his cereal and looking on his phone. Bluey and Bingo then came out of their room and went over to the table to get some cereal. "Good morning, Thomas," Bluey said while she started to eat her breakfast. "Good morning," Thomas said, still eating. "Good morning big brother," Bingo also said while she started eating her breakfast. "Morning," Thomas said as he took a drink of his juice. "Hey mate, are you ready for your first driving lesson?" Bandit asked his son while walking into the dining room. "I am," Thomas said looking at his father. "Are you going to learn how to drive big brother?" Bingo asked. "I am," Thomas said as he continued to eat. "Can we come?" Bluey asked, looking at her father. "Sorry mate, but I need your brother to have all his focus on the street," Bandit explained. "Aww," Bluey said looking down with a sad face.

"Sorry Blue, but dads right," Thomas said looking at his sister. "Okay..." Bluey said as she continued to eat her breakfast. After the family had eaten their breakfast. Chilli watched the girls while Bandit took Thomas to an empty parking lot. "Alright mate, let's switch spots," Bandit said while unbuckling himself. Thomas nodded as he and his father switched spots. "Alright son, just take it slow and easy and you'll be fine," Bandit said with a smile. Thomas took a deep breath and started the car and took it nice and slow. "You're doing good mate!" Bandit said as they went along. "This is easy," Thomas said as he drove in the parking lot. "Remember mate, we live in Australia so everything is on the opposite side," Bandit explained.

"I got this," Thomas said as he continued to drive slowly. After driving around for a bit, Bandit wanted to make things a little harder. "I brought this with us," Bandit said, getting something from the back seat. Thomas then stopped the car and put it in park and looked at his dad. "Cones?" Thomas asked. "Time to see if you can miss the cones," Bandit said, getting out of the car. "This is going to be fun," Thomas said as Bandit placed out the cones. Bandit then got back into the car and gave the okay for Thomas to continue. Thomas started to drive around the cones and smoothly turned the corners on them.

"You're a national mate," Bandit said with a smile. "Thanks dad," Thomas said as he continued driving. "Watch out for that...." Bandit said but it was too late and Thomas hit a cone on a tight turn. "Sorry dad," Thomas said now looking at his father. "It's okay mate you're still learning," Bandit said as he got out of the car and moved the cone Thomas ran over. "Let's see if you can parallel park," Bandit said as he started to make a space for Thomas to practice parking. After Bandit sets up the cones so his son could parallel park. Bandit then got back in the car and looked at his son. "Do you want me to teach you how to parallel park?" Bandit asked. "Yeah I think you should," Thomas said as he and Bandit traded spots.

"Alright mate, since this car does the parallel parking for you with a press of a button, I want you to learn how to do it on your own," Bandit explained. "Who taught you to drive dad?" Thomas asked. "Your Granddad of course!" Bandit said with a chuckle. "I should have known that," Thomas said with a smile. After Bandit had shown Thomas how to parallel park, he then tried to do it himself. Thomas tried it a few times and failed at first but Managed to get it right. It then started to rain as Bandit got out of the car and picked up the cones and switched places with his son. "Thanks dad for teaching me," Thomas said with a smile as they sat in the car while it rained .

"You're welcome mate," Bandit said softly, looking at his son. "But mate," Bandit said, still looking at his son. "Yeah dad?" Thomas asked. "I was scared before teaching you when you asked me to teach you," Bandit confessed. "Why?" Thomas asked, confused. "Because you're my little boy mate and you're growing up. I was your age when I met your mum," Bandit explained. Thomas looked forward and then looked back at his dad. "I know dad but I'm still here now," Thomas said resureing his dad. "I know mate and you're sisters are still young but you are my first kid mate and it's hard for me to see you grow up so fast," Bandit said, placing his hand on Thomas's shoulder.

Looking back on his life and missing out on important things with his dad. Thomas teared up and hugged his father tightly. "I love you dad," Thomas said, hugging his dad. "I love you too mate," Bandit replied, hugging his son back. Then started to clear up and the two Heelers went home. Thomas was in his room drawing until he received a text from Tori.


Tori: Hey!


Thomas: Hey how are you?


Tori: I'm doing good, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to meet up for coffee this week?


Thomas: yeah! That sounds like a plan!


Tori: Great I'll meet you at that coffee shop near your house, I'll text the time and day.


Thomas: Great!

Thomas smiled, putting his phone down and continued drawing. "Thomas?" Bluey asked at her brother's door. "Yeah Blue?" Thomas said, looking at his sister. "Can I come in?" Bluey asked. "Sure, come in," Thomas said with a smile. "Hooray!" Bluey said coming into her brother's room. Thomas chuckled as he turned to continue drawing and then started coloring. "What are you drawing?" Bluey asked now sitting on her brothers bed. "An ice cream cone," Thømas answered while coloring. "Can I see?" Bluey asked, wagging her tail.

"Sure," Thomas said showing his sister his drawing. The drawing was an ice cream cone with the ice cream being pink and a cherry on top. "Is it strawberry ice cream?" Bluey asked asked. "Yeah I guess you could say that," Thomas said, putting down the drawing. "Thomas?" Bluey asked looking at her brother. "Yes blue?" Thomas asked, looking at his sister. "Was driving with dad fun?" Bluey asked Thomas, smiling with a nod. "Yeah, it was," Thomas answered. "Was it hard?" Bluey asked, now interested in her brother's experience. "Yeah a little bit," Thomas said, still looking at his sister.

"Well, I hope you can drive soon," Bluey said happily. "Really? Let me guess you want me to drive you and Bingo everywhere?" Thomas said with a chuckle. "Yes please! Other than Coco who also has older siblings that can drive, you can drive us places!" Bluey said, wagging her tail. "Hmm I don't know, why would an awesome brother like me want to drive silly kids like you and Bingo around," Thomas said as he stood up and walked over to his bed. "Hey!" Bluey protested. Thomas chuckled as he grabbed Bluey and tossed her in the air.

Bluey was giggling and laughing while her brother tossed her up and down. Bingo walked by her brothers and saw how much fun Bluey was having. "Hey! I want to be tossed!" Bingo said coming into the room. "Oh no! not Bingo! She must weigh a ton!" Thomas said, looking at his youngest sister. "Hey! I don't have the feather wand!" Bingo protested. Thomas smiled and grabbed his sister and placed her on his head. "Yay!" Bingo said while hanging onto her brother. "Oh no, a wind storm!" Thomas said, now shaking around Bingo. Bingo started laughing while hanging on.

Without knowing as the three siblings played around in Thomas's room. Bandit was smiling watching his kids play and spending time with each other. Bandit shed a tear before heading into the kitchen where Chilli was making dinner. Bandit came from behind his wife and kissed her. "What's that for?" Chilli asked with a smile. "Just to let you know that I love you babe," Bandit said cuddling his wife. "Well I love you too honey," Chilli said, kissing her husband.

"Dinner is almost done if you want to get the kids ready," Chilli said finishing up. Bandit nodded with a playful growl. Chilli rolls her eyes as she started to get the table ready. Bandit then walked into his son's room. "Dinners ready mates," Bandit said with a smile. "Okay!" Bluey said as she jumped off her brother. Bingo, who also was with her brother, got off of him and went to the dining room with her sister. Thomas then stood up from the ground stretched and looked at his father who was smiling at him. "What?" Thomas asked with a smile.

"Nothing mate, it's just nice seeing you with your sisters," Bandit said softly while smiling. "It's my job to be the best brother I can be," Thomas said still with his smile. "Remember when you said you'd make a good brother when you had a bad day at school?" Bandit asked, crossing his arms. "I remember that," Thomas said as he and Bandit started to make their way to the dining room. "Well mate, you weren't wrong," Bandit said putting his arm around his son's shoulder.

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