Chapter 9: The Grandparents

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Chapter 9: The Grandparents


"Rad I'm not sure if we should do this," Emily said on the phone. "I know I just don't think I can send him there after..." Emily started to say but was cut off by Rad. "Yes I understand it's the right thing to do but his life his here," Emily said Pacing back and forth. "I know I can't make them move all the way out here with the girls..." Emily said tearing up. "Mom I'm home!" Thomas called from the living room. "I gotta go he's home," Emily said. "Okay, bye," Emily said hanging up the phone

"Hey mom," Thomas said walking into the kitchen. "Hey sweetheart," Emily said forcing a smile. "Who was on the phone?" Thomas asked before getting a soda. "Oh it was nobody," Emily said with a forced chuckle. "Do you want to call your dad? I think you'd make him really happy if you'd call him," Emily said trying to cheer up. "Why would I want to call him he doesn't want to talk to me since he has a new family," Thomas said angrily. "Honey, he's still your father and he loves you," Emily said placing her hand on her son's shoulder. "No, he doesn't! Not since he forgot my birthday four years ago," Thomas shouted before running to his room. Emily sighs with fresh tears coming down her face before looking down at her papers with the result of testing positive for cancer.

(End of flashback)

"Wake up mate!" Bandit said walking into Thomas's room. "Ugh," Thomas said putting a pillow over his head. "Oh come on mate it's not that bad, it's a beautiful day out and we're going to your Grandparent's house," Bandit said with a smile. "Then go without me," Thomas mumbled. "Can't do that mate, you haven't seen Granddad or Nana in a long time," Bandit said trying to pull the covers off. "Ugh," Thomas said taking his pillow and smacking his pillow at his dad. "Come on mate shake a tail," Bandit said leaving the room. Thomas sighed as he got up. Thomas then walks out of his bedroom and heads to the kitchen. "There's the sleepy teenager," Bandit said making eggs and bacon. "Ugh, dad really?" Thomas said sitting down at the table. "And a moody one too," Bandit said with a tender smile. Thomas sighed as he laid his head down on the table.

"Morning dad! Morning big brother!" Bingo and Bluey both said coming into the kitchen. "Morning," Thomas said still with his head down on the table. "Looks like someone is having a morning," Chilli said jokingly. "Really mo.... I mean Chilli," Thomas said almost calling Chilli mom. This also caught Bandit off guard, "Um... I'll just go get my stuff ready," Thomas said as he left for his room. "Mum how come Thomas doesn't call you mum?" Bluey asked looking up at her mother. "I think he just really misses his mum," Chilli said hugging Bluey. Thomas walks into his room and lays on his bed while looking at the picture his dad gave him for his birthday. "I miss you so much, mom," Thomas said with a sigh.

Suddenly there was a knock at Thomas's door. "Come in," Thomas said in a low tone. Bandit comes into the room and sees his son on the bed. "Hey, mate," Bandit said sitting on Thomas's bed with him. "Sorry I rushed out I just don't know what to say really," Thomas said looking at his dad. "I know son and I don't blame you," Bandit said patting his son on the back. "Alright mate, let's get some breakfast and meet out to the car," Bandit said softly. Thomas nodded as Bandit left the room. Thomas grabbed some stuff he needs and then joined the rest of his family out in the kitchen.

Everyone ate their breakfast and headed out to the car. It was a little bit of a drive for them to get to their grandparent's house since it was at the coast. About an hour out they came to their house. Everyone got out of the car and headed inside. "Mum we're here!" Bandit called out as he went inside. "Oh good to see you bandy," Nana said coming in from the kitchen. Thomas couldn't help but to chuckle a bit. "Bandy?" Thomas whispered to his father. "It was a nickname she called me," Bandit said softly. "Oh, my goodness is that my sweet little Thomas," Nana said, giving Thomas a big hug. For an old lady, she sure was strong for her age. "Nice to see you, grandma," Thomas said trying to breathe. "Oh, it's so nice to see you too honey," Nana said letting go.

"Nana!" Bluey and Bingo shouted while giving her a hug. "Oh, my sweets" Nana said, hugging the girls. "Well, who do we have here?" Bob said walking from the deck. "Granddad!" The girls cheered tuning over to give him a hug. "Hey mates," Bob said giving the girls hugs. Bob then looked forward and saw Thomas. "Well if it isn't the godson I've been waiting to see," Bob said walking over to Thomas. "Put it, there mate," Bob said handing out his hand. Thomas then took his hand and shook his grandfather's hand. "Hey Grandpa," Thomas said, shaking his grandfather's hand. "Grandpa now? You used to call Granddad all the time with a cute Australian accent or at least you tried," Bob said with a chuckle. "I did?" Thomas asked taking his hand back. "Oh yes, you used to want to sound just like your dad for the longest time," Bob added. Thomas couldn't help but to blush a bit.

"Come here mate," Bob said hugging his grandson. Thomas hugs his grandfather back. "Now let's get to cleaning," Bob said with a smile. "Wait, what?" Thomas asked. "Funny, you ask that son," Bandit said as he pats his son on the back. "I thought it would be nice if you would help your grandfather clean the attic," Bandit said putting his arm around his son's shoulders. "Gee thanks dad," Thomas said sarcastically. "Oh it'll be fun mate," Bob said with a smile. "Alright I'll give it a go," Thomas said confidently. "That's the Spirit mate!" Bandit cheered.

Bandit and Chilli left the kids with their grandparents while they went out shopping. Thomas and Granddad Bob went upstairs to the attic. "Well here we are," Bob said with a smile. Thomas coughed from the dust that was up there. "Sorry mate it's a little dusty up here," Bob said as he started going through some boxes. Thomas starts looking in some boxes and finds old stuff from his dad. "Wow, dad's baby pictures," Thomas said looking through. "Ah yes Bandit was a sweet little baby," Bob said with a tender smile. Thomas then picked up a picture of Rad and his mom. "This is must be when they went out," Thomas thought to himself. Then suddenly a little picture falls out from the back of the large picture of Rad and his mother. The small picture fell on its front with the words they read "Charlie?" Thomas said softly before turning the picture over.

"Oh my god...."

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