Chapter 70: Stay With Me

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Chapter 70: Stay With Me

As the bell rang for school to be over Sam took a deep breath before making his way over to Thomas's locker. The young Dalmatian felt nervous as for the news he had to tell his best friend. Thomas was at his locker putting things away before going home. At the corner of his eye he say Sam walking up to him. "Hey Sam, how's it going man?" Thomas asked with a smile before turning a looking at the Dalmatian. "Hey Thomas..." Sam replied with a small sad smile. He knew he couldn't lie to the Heeler-Husky Mix's face, Sam knew Thomas would find out eventually, and it would make this situation worse. "There's something I've got to tell you..." Sam said, looking his best friend in his eyes."Oh yeah? What's that?" Thomas asked, looking at Sam as he closed his locker.

"I'm... I'm moving away." Sam replied with tears in his eyes, "I'm really sorry, man..." he said, swallowing a lump in his throat. "What? When do you leave?" Thomas asked confused. "I leave in a couple of weeks..." Sam replied as he wiped his eyes, "I know you were already upset about Tori leaving, I didn't want to hurt you too." He explained. "It was bittersweet with Tori so... we're going to do something together with our friends then," Thomas said perking up.

"That's good to know... I want the last few weeks we spend together to be filled with good times." Sam said before holding up his fist for Thomas to bump with his. Thomas gave him a fist bump. "How about a going away party?" Thomas asked. "Absolutely..." Sam replied, smiling at the idea. "We definitely got to do that." He said, placing a hand on Thomas' shoulder. "Don't worry Sam I got you," Thomas said with a smile while wagging his tail. "What do you want to do until then? We got to do a bunch of fun things before I got to leave!" Sam said excitedly as his tail wagged. "I have a few ideas! Do you need a ride home?" Thomas asked as he grabbed his backpack off the ground.

"Sure, I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind!" Sam replied, grabbing his backpack out of his locker. "Great! How's your dad anyway?" Thomas asked as they walked to the parking lot. "He's doing great, says that he found a nice house in Oregon." Sam replied as he and Thomas walked towards Thomas' car. "That's great!" Thomas said as he unlocked the car. "Yeah, and I mean this won't be the last time we see each other. Once I'm eighteen and I get enough money, I'll move back here, and we can still hang out!" Sam said as he explained his plan to his best friend.

"That would be great!" Thomas said as he started the car. "Would it be okay if I see him?" Thomas asked, looking at Sam. "Sure, I think he'd love to see you again." Sam replied as they both got into Thomas' car. "Awesome! Let's go!" Thomas said as he started the car and drove to Sam's house.


Adam was packing up the house until he came across a picture of him, Sam and Thomas when they were ten at the batting cage. He smiled as he picked it up to take a better look at it. "Those were some of best memories..." Adam said to himself as he held the picture, "You would so proud of how Thomas has turned out Emily..." He said with a small smile. "Bandit and Chilli have done a great job." He stared at the picture for a moment or two before it carefully packed it away.

"I'll always cherish the memories we made together, Emily... along with Thomas, too." He said before continuing to pack up his belongings.


Emily was laughing so hard from Adam's jokes. "That was really funny," Emily said before taking a drink of her wine. "Thanks, I mean I am funny looking after all." Adam said with a chuckle as he top a sip of his wine. "No you're cute," Emily said with a soft smile. "Thanks, you're not too bad looking yourself." Adam replied with a smile as he winked at her. Emily smiled "thank you," Emily said while putting her cup down. "To be honest I really like your black spot over your right eye," Emily said with a blush.

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