Chapter 52: Locked In

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Chapter 52: Locked In

That was a different day for Thomas, as he would not spend it on his school, but rather on another one... "I'm glad you have taken the role of being a volunteer or as our school likes to call it the buddy system" Mrs Baker said, as they started heading towards her classroom. "It's no problem, my school said I needed this for Community service points in order to graduate, I got lucky I got this job before it was taken," Thomas said with a smile. "And your help comes in handy, as we're going through a little flu outbreak, some staff and students got sick and we're a little shorthanded, you will be working in my classroom that I'm substituting for, and I think you already know who's in this classroom," Mrs. Baker said with a smile as she opened the door to the classroom. "Ah yes, my sister Bluey," Thomas said, not knowing if it was a good thing or a bad thing he would have to help taking care of his sister's class, knowing her and some of her friends so well.

As Thomas and Mrs Baker got inside the classroom, Bluey was talking cheerfully with some of her friends in the corner of the classroom, not noticing her brother getting in. "Class! We have a visitor today!" Mrs. Baker said getting the classroom's attention. "Thomas!" Bluey shouted, wagging her tail. "Well we see someone already knows our guest... as she lives with him," Mrs. Baker said. "He's Bluey's older brother!" Mackenzie said, wagging his tail. "Yeah!" The rest of the class said. "I can see you are very popular in this class," Mrs. Baker commented. "Well, they have seen me around... and I bet Bluey has told them a lot about me," Thomas answered. "Oh good then this should be easy, now I will tell you some of the things I may need you to do, while I teach the class," Mrs Baker said with a smile.

As they day went on, Thomas started doing his job as Mrs. Baker's assistant, which was basically running things for her. Some of those things went from keeping the classroom cleaned, get from or to her office and helping the students around the classroom. During the recess, he would also watch over the kids and make sure no troubles were created, despite Bluey's constant attempts to lure him to play with her and her friends. When the day was almost over and Thomas thought he would be able to do his voluntary job without any big problems, Mrs. Baker got to run something herself over to the other side of the school. Tasking Thomas to get something from the back closet of the classroom, she also told him to keep an eye for the kids. After she left, Thomas went to the back closet to find what he was supposed to be looking for. Bluey and her friends: Coco, Mackenzie, Honey, Rusty, Jack, Indy, Snickers, and Lucky, all got together and wanted to scare Thomas.

Thomas was looking in a box for whatever Mrs Baker wanted to teach the kids with until Bluey and her friends jumped into the closet and howled. "Gh!" Thomas shouted as he slammed his head on the box. "Bluey!" Thomas shouted, causing the kids to get silenced. Trying to remain calm, Thomas took a deep breath, "Why...?" he asked. "Sorry, big brother, I just thought it would be funny..." Bluey said, a little embarrassed, with her friends also feeling the same way. "But, Bluey, I didn't come to your school to play, but to work, this is important for my school work," Thomas replied. "Guys, I wanted to join the scare too!" Gruber said, running into the closet. "Wait! Don't shut that!-" Thomas started to say but it was too late. "Door..." Thomas said as the door closed behind Gruber.

Bluey then tries to open the door. "It's locked!" Bluey said, still trying the door. "Yeah... that door locks when shut," Thømas said with a sigh. "Wait, so... we're stuck here?" Bluey asked. "I'm afraid so..." Thomas sighed. "What?!" the kids shouted. "We're all going to die!" Gruber shouted, scared. "We're not going to die, we just need to either wait for Mrs. Baker to get back or find our own way out," Thomas explained. "It sure is dark in here," Jack said, a little uncomfortable, looking around in the dark. "Thomas! Can you use your phone to call for help?" Bluey asked. "Good idea blue! If only I had it..." Thomas said, looking for a flashlight. "Aww you don't have your phone?" Bluey asked. "Nope, I gave it to your teacher so that way there were no distractions, all right I found it" Thomas said, finding a flashlight. "Alright who's all in here?" Thomas asked, while turning on the flashlight and then using it to see if all the kids were there.

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