Chapter 8: Sixteen

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Chapter 8: Sixteen

"Are you ready Bingo?" Bluey said with a little laugh. "Ready," Bingo said almost with a squeal. "Okay on three, one...two... three!" Bluey shouted as she and Bingo charged into their brother's room. "Happy birthday!" They both shouted while jumping around. Thomas jerked awake and saw his two sisters. "Thanks, guys," Thomas said with a yawn. "Time to get up!" Bingo said now jumping on her brother's bed. "Yeah sleepyhead," Bluey said as she opened the curtain. "Oh gee thanks," Thomas trying to hide his eyes from the sunlight. "Come on time to get up," Bluey said hitting her brother with a pillow. "You want to play that game huh?" Thomas with a chuckle as he grabbed a pillow. "What game?" Bingo asked. "Attack of the killer pillows!" Thomas shouted as he jumped up from his bed and started hitting both of his sisters with the pillow. They both screamed and ran into the kitchen and hid behind Chilli. "Oh, I see you got the birthday boy up," Chilli said with a smile.

"Attack of the killer pillows!" Bingo said still hiding behind Chilli. "Killer pillows?" Chilli asked. Thomas ran into the kitchen and looked for Bluey and Bingo. "Come out wherever you are," Thomas said with his pillow ready. Bluey and Bingo screamed before running off into the living room. "There they are!" Thomas shouted now running after his sister with his pillow. Bandit was bringing in a box and sets it down next to the TV. "Now time to wake the teenager," Bandit said crossing his arms. Just as Bandit said that he heard Bluey and Bingo scream. "Maybe not," Bandit said to himself. "Dad save us!" Bluey said jumping into her father's arms. "Save you?From what?" Bandit asked. "From the killer pillow!" Bingo. "Killer pillow?" Bandit asked. Thomas then jumped out and started hitting his father with the pillow.

Thomas then realized that he was hitting his father with the pillow and not his sister. "Oh sorry dad," Thomas said as he stopped hitting his father with a pillow. "What we're you guys doing?" Bandit asked. "Waking me up," Thomas said looking at his sisters who now hiding behind their dad. "Huh, why didn't I think of that," Bandit joked. "Anyways, happy birthday mate," Bandit said giving his son a hug. "Thanks, Dad," thømas said hugging his Father back. Bandit then did something unexpected. "Come on son time for breakfast," Bandit then picking up Thomas and carrying him into the kitchen. "Come on dad I'm not five years old anymore," Thomas said while being carried out to the kitchen. "I'm five!" Bingo said following her father and brother into the kitchen.  After the family had breakfast it was time to get ready for school.

Thomas and his sisters rushed out of the house and headed to the car. Bandit was ready to take his kids to school like normal. Bandit dropped off the girls first and then his son. "Alright dad I'll see you later," Thømas said as he got his backpack ready. "Alright mate," Bandit said with a smile. Thomas shuts the car door and heads into the building. Bandit then drives off and takes a phone call. "Stripe, you have all the burger stuff right mate?" Bandit asked while driving. "Sure do mate and Rad has all the drinks in order?" Stripe asked. "Yep, he does," Bandit said while driving to the store. "Chilli and Trixie have the salads going and you are going to get the cake?" Stripe asked. "Yes mate, I'm getting it now," Bandit said turning into the parking lot. "Alright mate I'll see you soon," Stripe said. "Okay mate, love you bye," Bandit said before hanging up.

Bandit then runs into the store and grabs the cake he ordered for his son's birthday. Bandit places the cake in the passenger seat and then went over to his side of the car and started the car. While driving back home Bandit remembered the times of almost messing up Thomas's 1st birthday.


"A little to the left Bandit," Emily said trying to get the pinata leveled. "Right here?" Bandit asked nervously. "Just a little more to the right," Emily said almost getting it right. "Emily!" Bandit shouted almost falling out from the chair. "Alright perfect!" Emily cheered. "Phew," Bandit said just before the chair broke. Bandit caught himself on the pinata but brought the whole thing down. "Oh, Bandit," Emily said with a laugh. "I ruined our son's birthday," Bandit said looking down. Thomas giggles as he crawls over to his father and gives him a pat on the head. "I think you made our son's birthday a good one," Emily said with a smile as she picks up her son and helps her husband up, and then gives him a kiss on his muzzle.

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