Chapter 45: Bake Sale

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Chapter 45: Bake Sale

"But mum! You said we could make the cupcakes together," Bluey said as she followed her mother to the front door. "I know sweetheart but work called me in for an emergency," Chilli explained to her daughter. "But who is going to make the cupcakes for the bake sale now?" Bluey asked, disappointed. "I talked to your dad and he will help, he also said your brother would help too," Chilli explained. "Hooray!" Bluey cheered. "Speaking of which, where is your brother?" Chilli asked. "Oh, he's out on trampoline drawing for some club at school he was offered," Bluey explained. "Oh..." Chilli said knowing what club that was. Thomas was out on the trampoline groaning from frustration as ripped out a piece of drawing paper from his drawing pad. "Hey sweetie," Chilli said, getting inside the trampoline with her son and sitting in front of him. "Hey mom," Thomas said, still trying to draw something creative. "Still struggling, I see..." Chilli commented. "I just wished deciding what to draw was as easy as eating a piece of cake," Thomas told.

"Speaking about cake... I have something to ask you and your dad is already on board," Chilli said. Thomas sighed, putting down his pad. "Yeah?" Thomas asked while sitting up. "Bluey needs help with her bake sale for school and your dad agreed to help and he said you would too," Chilli said. "What?! Mom I'm already in my neck with this special art club thing at my school that my mom basically started and now..." Thomas said now stressed about all the work he's doing. "Sweetie you'll get this done in a jiffy, I know how hard you work, all I'm asking is for you to help your dad and your sister," Chilli explained. Thomas took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay I'll help," Thomas said looking down. "That's my boy," Chilli said, rubbing the top of Thomas's head. "Hey, my mom used to say that to me," Thomas said with a smile. "Well good mum's think alike," Chilli said softly with a smile. "Yeah, they do," Thomas said with a smile.

Both Chilli and Thomas walked into the kitchen with Bandit and Bluey already starting the cupcakes. "So how many cupcakes do we have to make?" Thomas asked while sitting at the counter. "fifty!" Bluey spoke up. "Fifty?! How many dogs do you think will buy these cupcakes?!" Bandit said while getting the bowls ready. "Can you even count that high?" Thomas asked with a smirk. "No, but that's what we have to make," Bluey said with a smile. "Have fun you three," Chilli said as she was getting ready to leave. "Wait, who's getting Bingo from gymnastics?" Bandit asked as his wife was leaving. "Trixie is, love you and I'll see you later," Chilli said as she left. "Red velvet cupcakes huh?" Thomas said while looking at the recipe. "That used to be your mum's favorite cupcake," Bandit said while mixing. "Yeah," Thomas said while helping his dad with another bowl of frosting. "What can I do?" Bluey asked. "You can help me with the frosting," Thomas said while getting the stuff out to make real cream cheese frosting.

The three Heelers worked hard while making those cupcakes. They had made many of the cupcakes Bluey needed by the Bingo got home. "Daddy I'm home!" Bingo said while coming up the stairs. "Hey Bingo!" Bandit said while making the last of the batter together. "Cupcakes!" Bingo said coming into the kitchen. "We can't eat them Bingo, not unless there's extras at the end of the bake sale," Bluey explained. "Aww," Bingo said with her ears down. "Don't worry, Bingo, we latter make a few more for us to eat," Bandit said to his younger daughter, while winking at her. "Hurray!" she exclaimed. "I know they smell so good," Bluey said while helping Thomas finish up the last of the frosting. "Hey mate!" Stripe said walking in the kitchen. "Stripe? I thought Trixie was picking up Bingo?" Bandit asked. "What? Can't I pick up my niece?" Stripe asked, crossing his arms.

"Well... It'd be the first time you would do that," Bandit said with a smirk. "Thanks for the vote of confidence mate," Stripe said, not amused by his older brother. "So you're making cupcakes huh? What's the occasion?" Stripe asked as he picked up one and started eating one. "Wait!" Bandit and Thomas both shouted. "What?" Stripe asked, looking at his nephew and brother. "Uncle Stripe! That cupcake was for the bake sale!" Bluey said, stomping her foot. "Why does uncle Stripe get a cupcake but I can't!" Bingo spoke up. "Oh..." Stripe said, realizing that he made a mistake. Bluey then ran off to her room and slammed the door. "Thanks mate," Bandit said, not amused with his younger brother's actions. "Let me fix this," Stripe said as he went to Bluey and Bingo's room. Arriving to the door of the room, he knocked on it and then opened, seeing his niece sitting on the bed hugging her legs and tearing up. "Hey, Bluey, it's me, can I come in?" Stripe asked. "No, go away!" Bluey said.

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