Chapter 69: This Is Us

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Chapter 69: This Is Us

"I'm bored!" Bluey groaned while laying on her back while staring at the ceiling. "Me too," Bingo added while also on her back staring at the ceiling with her sister. "What's wrong with you two?" Thomas asked while coming into the play room. "We're bored!" Bluey replied before looking at their brother. "Yeah we're bored!" Bingo added while also look at their brother. "Bored huh?" Thomas asked while raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms. Both girls sighed and nodded. "Alright, get your bathing suits," Thomas said with a smile before starting to walk away from his sisters. "What? Why?" Bluey asked as she and Bingo perked up. "You'll see, go get them on and meet me at my car," Thomas said before continuing to smile while leaving.

Bluey and Bingo looked at each other before doing what they were told. Bluey and Bingo stood by their brother's car and waited for their brother. "Where do you think we're going Bingo?" Bluey asked while looking at Bingo. "Maybe uncle Stripe's pool?" Bingo said while looking at Bluey. "Alright! Let's go!" Thomas said coming out of the house and unlocking his car.

"Where are we going Thomas?" Bluey asked as she and Bingo got into the car and in their car seats. "I told you, you'll see," Thomas said as she made sure Bingo was buckled. "Is it Uncle Stripes Pool?" Bingo asked as she looked at her brother. "Nope," Thomas said as he closed the car door and then got into the driver side door. "Then... where?" Bluey asked as she and Bingo looked at the rear view mirror to their brother. Thomas chuckled while looking at them. "Do you two trust me?" Thomas while looking at his sisters. "Yes but-" Bluey started to say until Thomas beeped his horn. "But-" Bluey started again until Thomas beeped again with a smile. "Thom-" Bluey said *beep!* Bingo started laughing "beep beep" Bingo said while laughing Bluey sighed. "Alright, I give up," Bluey said giving in to her brother. Thomas nodded with a smile before he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"Think they'll have fun?" Chilli asked while looking out the window. "I think they will babe," Bandit said as he cuddled up to his wife while also watching his son take the girls. "Alright big fella, we have a few until they get home let enjoy it while we can," Chilli said as she sat on the couch. Bandit chuckled and sat next to her. "Stranger things marathon?" Bandit asked while cuddling up to her. "You already know it!" Chilli said while turning on the TV. Bandit chuckled while holding his wife close to him.

(Meanwhile with Rad and Frisky)

"Mrs. Heeler," Rad said with a smile as he let Frisky into the hotel room. "Why thank you Mr. Heeler," Frisky said as she entered inside. "Oh! The honeymoon suite," Frisky said before looking at her husband. "A little gift from Prince," Rad said before walking up behind his wife and kissing her neck. "Our reservation is in an hour, so we could relax and check out this beautiful view," Rad said while holding her. "That sounds nice," Frisky said with a smile.

Rad then wagged his tail before he went over to the balcony door and opened it. Their honeymoon was in Honolulu with an ocean front view. "This is something I could get used to," Rad said while looking at the sunset. Frisky then joined her husband and cuddled him behind and breathed in the ocean air. "Me too," Frisky said while resting her head on Rad's back. "Are those storm clouds?" Frisky asked, now looking out to the ocean. "Hmm, maybe? Well it looks like it's heading the other direction," Rad said as he placed his arm around his wife. "Hopefully it won't ruin our dinner," Frisky said, a little worried as Rad held her close to him.

"Nah, it should be fine babe," Rad said as he kissed her on top of her head. "Let's dig into this strawberry champagne," Rad said with a smile as he walked back into the room. Frisky was still a little unsure about the storm that may or may not be on its way to them. Frisky then heard the pop from the bottle as Rad poured it into two champagne glasses. Frisky smiled as she then joined her husband. "Did you read the note?" Frisky asked as she grab the note to read it.

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