Chapter 47: Save The Date

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Chapter 47: Save The Date

Thomas looked in the mirror thinking of what to say to Tori when he meets her at the movie theater tomorrow night. "Hey Tori, how's it going?" Thomas said in the mirror. "No," he said to himself. "Hey Tori! How's it going mate?" Thomas said, trying his best with an Australian accent. "Definitely not," Thomas said looking down. "Thomas I need to wee!" Bingo said from the door to the bathroom. Thomas sighed and exited the bathroom. "All yours Bingo," Thomas said leaving the bathroom. "Hooray!" Bingo said as she went into the bathroom. Thomas went to the kitchen where his family was making dinner. "Hey Mate!" Bandit said while cooking the steaks. "Hey dad," Thomas said in a low tone while sitting at the counter. "What's the matter sweetie?" Chilli asked while making the salad.

"Just a little nervous to see this movie with Tori tomorrow," Thomas answered. "Ohh Thomas has a date!" Bluey teased. "It's not a date," Thomas said looking at his little sister. "Thomas is going to have a romance with Tori," Bluey teased again. "No I'm not!" Thomas protested again. "Are too!" Bluey poked fun again. "Oh yeah? What about you and Mackenzie?" Thomas said with a smirk. "What about Mackenzie?" Bluey asked. "Maybe you have a crush on him," Thomas teased. Bluey blushed "dad!" Bluey protested. "Sorry mate but you walked into that one," Bandit said while continuing to cook. "Bluey's got a boyfriend," Thomas teased his sister. "No I don't!" Bluey said, crossing her arms. "Nobody has a boyfriend or a girlfriend," Chilli spoke up while setting the table. Thomas then stuck his tongue at his sister. "Mum!" Bluey protested again. Chilli sighed while continuing with the table.

Now at the table with the family sitting down for dinner and talking about their day, Thomas seemed quiet for the most part of dinner. "You don't have to be nervous mate, just be yourself," Bandit said while eating his steak. "Easy for you to say dad, you got two chances at love and this is my first crush," Thomas said while pushing his food around. "Don't worry sweetheart, it'll come naturally," Chilli insisted. "We could teach you how to be romance," Bluey chimed in. "Yeah!" Bingo spoke up. "No thank you," Thomas said as he shrunk into his seat. "Aww why not? we helped mum and dad with their romance," Bluey said looking at her brother. "Gee I wonder how that turned out," Thomas said looking at his dad. "Well..." Bandit started to say. "He threw up," Chilli spoke up. "Yeah, I did," Bandit said with a chuckle. "Then there you have it I don't need help from my little sisters," Thomas said as he took a bite of his food. "Aww," Bluey said with a sad face. "Sorry Blue but until you have your romance with your first boyfriend then I don't need your help," Thomas said as he continued to eat. "Okay..." Bluey said still with a sad look on her face. "Maybe uncle Rad or uncle Stripe have advice," Thomas spoke up.

Bandit then nearly choked on his food. "You okay dad?" Thomas asked. "Uncle Stripe and Uncle Rad?! Mate your uncle Stripe learned everything about love from me when it comes to girls! And uncle Rad well... he only had two real lovers and that was your mum and Frisky," Bandit explained. "Bandit Heeler!" Chilli said with a chuckle. "It's true! Mate if you want love advice just talk to me!" Bandit pleaded. "Maybe I have better chances with Bluey and Bingo," Thomas said to himself. "Hooray!" Bluey and Bingo cheered. "Really mate? You don't love advice from your old dad?" Bandit asked. "This I have to hear," Chilli said looking at her husband.

"I don't know dad, what can you tell me? What's the most romantic thing you did for mom or Chilli?" Thomas asked. "This should be good," Chilli said with a smile. "Well... with your mum I..." Bandit said getting nervous to talk about his ex wife with his current wife. "With Chilli I..." Bandit said, now starting to sweat. "Go on, I want to hear this," Chilli said, now interested in what her husband had to say. "I... oh biscuits," Bandit said in defeat. "See! What am I supposed to do now if you won't talk about the most romantic things you did with mom or Chilli?" Thomas said now frustrated. "Well... do we need to have the talk?" Bandit asked with a chuckle. "What's the talk?" Bluey asked. "Dad!" Thomas shouted in frustration as he left the dinner table. "Mate wait! I'm sorry!" Bandit said while trying to stop his son. "I got this," Chilli said while getting up from the table.

Thomas went into his room and laid on his bed and screamed into his pillow. Chilli knocked on the door and came inside. "Thomas? Honey?" Chilli said softly. "Some advice dad gives! He can't even talk about the most romantic things he did for you or my mom," Thomas said, not looking at Chilli. "Do you want to know the most romantic thing your dad did for me?" Chilli asked while sitting on her son's bed. "What?" Thomas asked. "Telling me he loved me for the first time," Chilli confessed. "That's it?" Thomas asked, looking at Chilli.

"Simple, I know, but I knew he really meant it," Chilli said with a smile. "Love is just confusing, because there was a moment when my parents were madly In love with each other and then they weren't," Thomas confessed. "I know that it must have been hard to see that and then get a whole new family afterwards. But your dad never stopped loving his old one," Chilli explained. "Never?" Thomas asked. "Never, he missed you and your mom," Chilli said with a smile. "Didn't that bother you? Him missing my mom?" Thomas asked. Chilli shook her head. "No, because you know what?" Chilli asked. "What?" Thomas asked. "It just showed how much love he had to give," Chilli said with a smile "then what was the most romantic thing he did for my mom?" Thomas asked. "Chasing after her in the rain mate," Bandit spoke up from the doorway. "You did that?" Thomas asked looking at his father. "I sure did mate," Bandit said while also sitting at his son's bed. "When was this?" Thomas asked. "Well, she was finishing up the school year just after your uncle Rad graduation and she was getting ready to leave for home in Oregon, but I couldn't let her walk away, I couldn't let her slip out of my arms again," Bandit explained. "So you chased after her?"' Thomas asked. Bandit nodded.

"There was no way I could let the dog I loved walk out of my life," Bandit said with a smile. "So... you just want me to be myself?" Thomas asked, sitting up. Bandit nodded, "I was myself around your mum and Chilli for that matter," Bandit said while cuddling up to Chilli. "You could say your dads a hopeless romantic," Chilli said with a smile. "I always said he was a sucker for love," Thomas said with a chuckle. "Hey!" Bandit protested. The three of them started laughing. "Alright let's get back to dinner," Chilli said as she, Bandit and Thomas went back to the dinner table with the girls.

(The Next Day)

Thomas gets out of his dad's car and shuts the door. "Remember mate! Just be yourself!" Bandit called out to his son. "I got it! Thanks dad!" Thomas said as he walked into the movie theater. "Alright Heeler just be yourself," Thomas said to himself. Thomas waited for a few minutes and then saw Tori. "Hey Thomas sorry I'm a little late," Tori said with a smile. "It's okay we still have time," Thomas said with a smile. "Awesome, you look a little nervous, are you okay?" Tori asked looking at her friend. "Just a little nervous, but I'll be okay," Thomas said with a smile. Tori smiled looking into Thomas's eyes. "Don't mind me saying but I really like your eyes," Tori said softly. "Thanks, I have my mom's eyes," Thomas chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Then she had beautiful eyes too," Tori said with a smile. Thomas chuckled as he blushed a bit. "Are you ready to go in?" Tori asked. "Yeah, let's go in," Thomas said as he and Tori went into their movie.

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