Chapter 59: Jake

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Chapter 59: Jake

The Heelers we're having Breakfast together and getting ready for school. "Thomas?" Bingo asked, running up to her brother. "Yes, Bingo?" Thomas said, looking at his sister. "Can you give this to Tori?" Bingo said, wagging her tail. "Sure! What is it?" Thomas asked. "A present!" Bingo said, still wagging her tail. "Okay, I'll give it to her," Thomas said with a smile before kissing his sister on the top of her head. "Are you Tori going to Smoochy kiss?" Bluey asked, putting her hands together and making a kissing face. "Maybe... or maybe I'll give you one!" Thomas grabs Bluey and kisses her on her head while tickling her. Bluey was laughing while doing so. Thomas looked at both of his sisters and kneeled to their level with a smile on his face.

"Hey, I'll help you two set up your lemonade stand after school and I'll send some customers your way okay?" Thomas said looking at both of them. "You will?" Bluey and Bingo both said wagging their tails. "Yeah, I will," Thomas said as he rubbed the top of their heads and stood up. "Kids, are you ready?" Chilli asked as she grabbed her purse. "Yes, mum!" Both girls said happily "great!" Chilli said with a smile. Chilli and the girls went to the family car while Thomas went over to his car. Thomas got in his car and then started it and went to pick up Tori. Thomas pulled up in front of Tori's house as she was sitting on her porch waiting for her boyfriend. She smiled as she stood up with her beg and walked over to Thomas's car. Tori got into this car and then kissed her boyfriend on the cheek. "Good morning," Tori said while putting on her seatbelt.

"Good morning," Thomas said with a smile. "Oh! I have something for you from Bingo," Thomas said, handing Tori a small box. "Oh how sweet of her," Tori said, taking the box and opening it. Tori then saw a homemade bracelet and a little ticket that read "Two free lemonade for princess Tori and Ronnie" "this is so cute," Tori said while putting on the bracelet. "Looks like my sister wanted to give a free lemonade, Thomas said while driving. "My sisters wanted to have a lemonade stand after school and so I'll be helping them with that," Thomas explained while driving. "That's so sweet of you, I'll come by with Ronnie and check it out," Tori said with a smile. "You and Ronnie would make their day!" Thomas said as he pulled into the school's parking lot. Thomas then parked his car in his normal parking spot.

"Alright, here we are," Thomas said, turning off the car and then grabbing his backpack. Tori then kissed Thomas before getting out of the car. Thomas blushed and got out of the car with Tori and walked her to the school building. Meanwhile, all the school buses started to pull into the drop-off zones and drop off more kids for school. A yellow lab with a pink hoodie walks off the bus with his backpack on his back. The yellow lab took a deep breath and then went to the main office of the school. "H-hello," The yellow lab said, looking at the main office dog. "Hi, how can I help you?" The office dog asked. "My name is Jake, Jake labrador and I'm new here," Jake said nervously. "Oh! We were expecting you! You're also new with that boy over there," The office dog said. Jake turned and saw a white German Shepherd. "O-oh," Jake said now looking back at the office dog.

"Just have a seat with him and we'll get you both your schedules for the day," the office dog said before taking a phone call. Jake nodded and then sat down with the White German Shepherd and waited. "You're new too?" The White German Shepherd asked. "Y-yes," Jake said nervously, looking at the German Shepherd. "Me too, uh my name's Verano," Verano said with a nervous chuckle. "I-I'm Jake," Jake said, looking away from Verano. "Nice to meet you, Jake," Verano said, also looking away. "Y-you too," Jake said nervously, still looking away. "Where are you from?" Verano asked, still looking at Jake. "M-Mexico," Jake said as he gripped his backpack. "That's cool, I'm from Michigan," Verano said with a smile. "That's nice," Jake said, still nervous.

"Verano and Jake, I have your schedule here for you," the office dog said. Both boys nodded and stood up and took their schedules. They both looked over their schedules. "Hey! We have some classes together! And lunch too!" Verano said with a smile while wagging his tail. "That's good," Jake said looking up at the tall German Shepherd. The first warning bell rang for classes to start as they both looked at the time. "We better find our first class," Verano said, grabbing his backpack. Jake looked out in the hall and saw all the kids walking to their classes and getting into their lockers. This made Jake a little uncomfortable as he started to breathe a little hard. "Are you okay Jake?" Verano asked little at the yellow lab. "I-um I..." Jake said as he swallowed hard not knowing how to move with all the kids in the hall. "I can walk with you if you want," Verano said, snapping Jake out of his dizzy spell. Jake then looked at Verano.

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