Chapter 2: Wake Up

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Chapter 2: Wake Up!

Thomas was sleeping just fine in his warm bed until Bluey and Bingo ran into his room and jumped on him. "Thomas wake up! Wake up!" They both shouted while jumping on him. "Gah! What?! What?!" Thomas said as he sat up quickly. "What are you guys doing?" Thomas said half awake. "Dad told us to wake you because your stuff is here!" Bluey said. "Come on! Let's go get it!" Bingo said pulling on her brother. "Don't you two have dolls to play with?" Thomas said with a yawn. "Your right! We can play dolls later! Now come on big brother," Bluey said also pulling on her brother. "I didn't mean- ah whatever," Thomas said as he got out of bed and went to the living room with his sisters. Bandit was waiting in the living room with some boxes of Thomas's stuff. "Hey mate! good morning!" Bandit said with a smile. "Yeah, thanks for the wake up call," Thomas said with a yawn. "Don't Mention it kiddo glad to help," Bandit said as he grabbed a box and handed it to Thomas.

"I- never mind," Thomas said taking a box and taking it to his room. After a while all the boxes were in Thomas's room with Thomas unpacking. "I didn't know you played guitar?" Bandit said said grabbing Thomas's guitar. "Yeah, I also play piano too," Thomas said while setting up his keyboard. "Since when do you do all this mate?" Bandit asked as he play a couple strings on the guitar. "Mom thought it would be good for me to learn," Thomas said while looking through some more boxes. "You sing too mate?" Bandit asked looking at his son. "No not really," Thomas said nervously. "No not really huh?" Bandit teased. "I bet you get that from me," Bandit added with a smile. "Why? We're you in a band?" Thomas asked, looking at his dad. "I may have been... it's how I met your mother," Bandit said, playing the guitar a little bit. "Oh," Thomas said looking in a box. Bandit then puts the guitar down and looks at his son. "Listen mate... we should talk..." Bandit said sitting in a chair that was next to the door. "Dad, we don't have to talk about it," Thomas said looking at his father. "I think we should... we haven't talked much since-" Bandit started to say but Thomas finished for him. "Since you and mom got divorced," Thomas finished.

Bandit felt bad now for bringing it up. Bandit then opened his mouth to say something but Bluey came rushing in "Dad play Robots with me and Bingo!" Bluey pleaded. "Ah kiddo I got to talk with your brother," Bandit said kneeling down to Bluey's level. "He can play too!" Bluey said pulling on her dad. "It's okay dad I got to set up something's in here anyways," Thomas said as he stood up. "Are you sure mate?" Bandit asked standing up as well. "It's fine dad," Thomas said. " Hooray!" Bluey said pulling her dad away. "Okay, mate if you need anything I'm only a playroom away," Bandit said while walking away with Bluey. Thomas only nodded as he shuts the door. "Peace and Quiet," Thomas said as he started on some more boxes.

About three hours later...

*knock knock* "come in," Thomas said after hearing the knock. Chilli walks into the room and was surprised on how the room looked. "Wow, you really turned the room around, if only I could get Bluey and Bingo to clean their room," Chilli said looking around the room. "Thanks," Thomas said while playing a couple strings in the guitar. "Oh, your dad told me you played and piano too? You got some talent," Chilli said crossing her arms at the door. "It's nothing much," Thomas said as he puts the guitar down. "What's up?" Thomas asked. "Uncle Stripe wants to see his nephew and wants to take you to dinner are you Game?" Chilli asked. Thomas nods "yeah, I'm game," Thomas replied "Good, I'll check in an hour?" Chilli said Thomas nodded in reponse. Chilli nodded before leaving the room.

Chilli then walked into Bandits office. "Bandit?" Chilli said with a knock at his door. "Yes babe?" Bandit said as he turned and looked at his wife. "Do you think Thomas will be alright with Stripe tonight?" Chilli said as she wrapped her arms around her husbands shoulders. "If anyone can get Thomas to open up it's my brother," Bandit said with a smile. "I hope so," Chilli said giving Bandit a kiss on his head.

About an hour later...

Thomas sits and plays on his piano until he hears a knock on his door *knock knock* "come in," Thomas said before writing something in his notebook. "Mate! What are you doing being locked up In here?" Stripe asked while opening the door. "Hey, uncle Stripe," Thomas said looking at his uncle. "Whatcha working on?" Stripe said as he grabbed Thomas's notebook "Hey!" Thomas said as he tried to get his notebook back. "Long Way Home huh? I didn't know you wrote songs?" Stripe said as he started reading. "I do on my spare time," Thomas said as he grabbed the notebook. "I see mate, anyways are you ready?" Stripe asked. Thomas nodded "alright then mate let's go," Stripe said before leaving the room. Thomas sighed before leaving his room and joining Stripe out in the leaving room. "There's the kid," Stripe said hugging his nephew and rubbing his hand against Thomas's head. "Now, now let the kid breathe," Bandit said walking into living room. "Okay mate, go jump in the car I'll meet you there," Stripe said letting Thomas go. "Okay," Thomas said as he heads out of the house and goes to the car.

"He really has grown up huh?" Stripe said as he watched his nephew go to his car. "Yeah, 15 years old," Bandit said with a chuckle. "Alright then he'll be home before midnight brother," Stripe said as he made his way to the door. "Just get him to talk little," Bandit said showing Stripe to the door. "You got it," Stripe said as he went out the door.

Now at the restaurant Stripe and Thomas sit across from each other. "So mate how are you liking it here?" Stripe asked. "It's okay I guess," Thomas replied before taking a drink of his coke. "Getting along with your sisters?" Stripe asked. "Sure," Thomas replied. "You know mate, you can talk to me about anything," Stripe said tiling his head to the left. "Did my dad tell you to talk to me?" Thomas asked looking at his uncle. "Uh... Er..." Stripe stuttered. Thomas only nodded while playing with his straw to his drink. "Look mate, I'm going to be honest with you, your dad only wants you to open it about it," Stripe explained. "Which part? My mom dying or the divorce?" Thomas asked sitting back in his seat. Stripe rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... both I'm sure," Stripe answered. Thomas nodded, "let's change the subject," Stripe said trying to change the mood. "Okay," Thomas said taking another drink. "You start school soon mate?" Stripe asked. "Monday," Thomas answered. "Are you a freshmen?" Stripe asked. "Sophomore now," Thomas replied. "Gee mate make me feel old now," Stripe said with a laugh. Thomas then cracked a smile to his uncle. Thomas missed this feeling, he used to play with Stripe when he was younger but that was back when he was Bluey's age. They drive back home and then sit in the drive way of Thomas's house.

"Here you go mate," Stripe said as he parked the car. "Are you not coming in?" Thomas asked looking to his uncle. "Nah mate I got to get home," Stripe said looking at his nephew. "Okay, I love you uncle Stripe," Thomas said with a smile. Stripe smiled at that and then pulled his nephew in for a hug. After saying good bye, Thomas walks into the house and places his jacket on the rack and sees his dad in the living room reading a book. "Hey mate," Bandit said turning a page in his book. "Hey dad," Thomas said sitting down in the living room. "Are the girls asleep?" Thomas said looking to his dad. "Yep, all tucked in," Bandit said putting his book down. "How was dinner mate?" Bandit asked now putting down his reading glasses. "It was good," Thomas replied. "Just good?" Bandit asked. "Alright it was fun seeing uncle Stripe again," Thomas said with a chuckle. "Good, he missed you so much," Bandit said with a smile. "Dad?" Thomas asked nervously. "Yes son?" Bandit asked. "I'm ready to talk," Thomas replied. "Good job little brother," Bandit thought to himself. "Alright son, let's talk," Bandit said putting his book away.

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