Chapter 19: Together Makes Sense

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Chapter 19: Together Makes Sense

"I'm on the long way home..." Thomas sang using his guitar in his room. Thomas wrote down some more lyrics until there was a knock at the door. "Come in," Thomas said getting ready to play more strings. Bluey walked into the room and greeted her brother. "Hey, there, Thomas, Mum said we're leaving soon," Bluey said standing in the door. "Okay, tell her I just need to get ready and I'll be outside in a jiffy" Thomas said as he put down his guitar and grabbed his pills from his night stand. "What do those taste like?" Bluey asked looking at Thomas's pill bottle. Thomas stopped what he was doing and looked at his pills and then at Bluey. "They're nasty," Thomas said putting them away. "Are they like candy?" Bluey asked. "No little sister they're not like that," Thomas trying to shoo his sister out of his room.

"Then why do you have to take them?" Bluey asked as she and Thomas left his room. "Because... um... I just do..." Thomas said as he grabbed Bluey and Bingo's bag from the living room after they came downstairs. "Why can't I know!" Bluey protested, as they got out of the house and headed towards the car. "Because your too young to know," Thomas said as he placed his sisters bags in the car and then went to go get his bag. "But I want to know now!" Bluey begged. Thomas groaned before thinking of an idea. "Here take these ones," Thomas said as he handed his sister ticTac's.

"Breath mints?" Bluey asked looking down at them. Thomas should've have known Bluey was too smart for this. "Trust me those ones are made just for you and Bingo," Thomas explained hoping Bluey with understand. "But they're breath mints," Bluey said looking up at her older brother. At that moment, Bingo arrived. "Why do you have Thomas's pills?" Bingo asked walking up to her sister. "See, Bingo gets it," Thomas said as he went for his bag. "But Thomas!" Bluey cried out to her brother.

"Okay, kids let's get some food in the belly's and then we're off!' Chilli said as she was finishing making their breakfast. Thomas walks up to the kitchen and sits down at the chair, while putting down his bag. "Is dad coming?" Thomas asked as Chilli placed down some eggs and bacon. "Your father has a meeting at the museum for some bones he found," Chilli said, getting the girls breakfast ready. "Go dad," Thomas said eating his breakfast. "Did you take your pills? You must take them with food," Chilli reminded. "Yeah I got them," Thomas said taking two pills out and took them with food. Bluey saw this and took the breath mints and did the same as her brother with her breath mints.

After they have finished breakfast, Chilli and the kids got into the car, with Thomas sitting on the front and the girls at the back seat, each one on their respective child seat. As they were on the way to Chilli's dad's, Thomas decided to take a sleep, so, following the advice Dr. Beagle had given him before the end of their first therapy session, he put his phones on, connecting them to his phone, and put on play a calm song that would help him relax and have a good sleep. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. Noticing his stepson sleeping peacefully, Chilli couldn't help but make a smile, as she was happy to see Thomas was having the rest he deserved.

Meanwhile, Bluey continued to think about Thomas' pills, while looking at the breath mints. She didn't understand why Thomas wouldn't let her take some of his. "Mum, Thomas won't let me try some of his pills," Bluey said. "And he did the right thing, those things are not for you, Bluey," Chilli said, while driving. "But why can he take them, but I can't?" Bluey asked. "Because he needs them, sweetie," Chilli told. "Why does he need them?" Bingo asked. "He didn't have to take them before," she observed. "Well... do you two remember when Thomas went to the hospital?" Chilli asked, while trying to find the right words to use. "Yeah..." the two girls said at the same time. "It was scary..." Bingo told. "Well, those pills help him to get better, so he doesn't get sick again," Chilli explained. "Oh, so they're magic?" Bingo asked, with an excited smile. "I guess you can say that... but those pills are not little kids, so don't even try to take them, okay?" Chilli said. "Okay, mommy" Bingo replied, promptly. "Yeah..." Bluey said, still a little puzzled.

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