Chapter 23: Skate

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Chapter 23: Skate

It was a rainy summer day outside, but, willing to have a day outside home, the Heeler family decided to go to the mall. Bluey and Bingo walked beside their brother as they walked through the mall, as they had left their parents to have some time for themselves. "I'm bored," Bluey puffed out as she walked. "You won't be bored when we get there," Thomas said with a smile, having had the best idea to pass that rainy day and, at the same time, teach something new to his little sisters. "Why's that?" Bingo asked while holding her brother's hand. "You'll see," Thomas said while walking.

"Is that the reason why you brought your bag?" Bingo asked, noticing her brother's bag. "Maybe..." Thomas replied, mysteriously. "I just hope we get there soon..." Bluey said, while dragging herself behind just a little. They advanced through the mall, going to a special part of it that proved to be their destination... "An ice rink!" Bingo said looking at all the other dogs skating on the ice. "Isn't this neat?" Thomas asked. "I heard the mall was having an ice rink for a few days, so I decided it could be a great place to pass the time", Thomas replied. "Does this means... we's going to skate?" Bluey asked a little concerned. "Yes we are! I'm going to teach you," Thomas said. "Hooray!" Bingo cheered. "Not hooray," Bluey said in a low tone.

"It sure is nice of our son to take the girls while we shop," Chilli said as she and Bandit walked through the mall. "I sure hope Thomas knows what he's doing," Bandit said while looking in a store. "Bandit!" Chilli said, astonished. "I think the girls are a little too young to learn how to skate on ice." Bandit said. "Wasn't Thomas around Bingo's age when he started?" Chilli asked looking at some mugs. "Well.. yeah... but... I don't know," Bandit said worried that his daughters were going up to fast for him. "They'll be fine Bandit, we can check on them later," Chilli said kissing her husband on his muzzle. Bandit blushed a bit and knew his wife was right about his kids.

At the ice rink, Thomas had just rented two pairs of skates, two helmets and two walkers. "Why do we have to ice skate, there's still other things to do at the mall," Bluey complained, while Thomas was putting the helmet to Bingo. "I thought you had said you were bored," Thomas replied, while making sure Bingo's helmet was well secured. "Well... yeah, but..." Bluey said, trying to find a way to justify her unwilling to skate. "Come on, Bluey, it will be fun, I know you guys never had fun with ice sports, like I did, so I thought it would be fun for you to give it a go," Thomas told, while helping Bingo putting her skates. "But... the ices looks... too slippery... and I don't feel comfortable using skates, what if I fall?" Bluey asked, crossing her arms, sad.

Thomas finished putting Bingo's skates and then turned to Bluey. "I know learning to skate can be... a little difficult and scary and I'm not going to lie to you, probably you'll fall a lot, but I'm going to be with you," Thomas said. "You promise?" Bluey asked. "I do, and, as long you practice and don't give up, I bet you and Bingo are going to be skating around the rink like pros in no time," Thomas said. But he could see Bluey was still uncertain. "Come on, Bluey, do this for your big bro," Thomas pleaded. It was then that Bluey made a slight smile. "Okay..." she replied. Thomas returned the smile to her. "Thank you, Bluey, you won't regret it," he replied, proceeding then to put the skates on Bluey, while she put her helmet. After getting his sisters ready, Thomas when to put his own skates, the ones he had received from his parents, with them having been turned into ice skates before they came.

When they were all ready, Thomas and his sisters went to the entrance of the rink. "Thomas, how are we're going to get in the rink without falling?" Bluey asked. "Yeah, I also want to know that," Bingo said. "Well, you could hold yourselves by the wall, but I have a better idea," he replied, showing them the walkers. "What are those for?" Bluey asked, with both her and Bingo confused. "These walkers will allow you to skate without falling, much like training wheels," Thomas replied, while giving his sisters a walker, each. "So, are you ready to skate?" Thomas asked. "Yeah!" Bingo exclaimed. "I guess..." Bluey said. Thomas then entered in the rink and his sisters got amazed how he slid through the ice without even falling once. "Come on, don't be afraid," Thomas motivated. Bingo then took the chance and got in, using the walker. "Look, Bluey, I'm skating!" she said. Seeing how her sister was having fun, Bluey decided to risk and, using her walker, she also got in. She couldn't believe she was actually doing it, skating through the ice while holding the walker.

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