Chapter 42: Unstable

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Chapter 42: Unstable

Thomas was whimpering and tossing and turning on his bed, even growling a little bit before speaking. "No, dad," Thomas said to himself. Thomas continued to toss and turn while sweating. "Dad!" Thomas shouted sitting up in bed, waking up. Thomas turned around and, noticing he was in his bedroom, looked at his phone and saw that it was time for him to get up. Thomas was breathing hard, now tearing up from his nightmare about his father dying. "It was just a dream, just a dream, dad's okay... he's okay," Thomas said to himself, trying to dissociate himself from the nightmare he just had. "He's okay... right?" Thomas said, getting worried. Thomas then jumped out of bed and left his room. Thomas went to the kitchen where everyone was starting to get ready for breakfast. "Hey mate," Bandit said with a smile looking down from his newspaper and looking at his son. "Hey, dad," Thomas said nervously. "You okay sweetie? You look like you've seen a ghost," Chilli said, placing down some waffles.

"I'm okay... I just... had a bad dream, that's all," Thomas said sitting down at the table. "Really, about what?" Bandit asked, now concerned for his son. "It was nothing," Thomas said now eating breakfast. "Okay, if you want to talk about it I'm all ears mate," Bandit said getting his paper ready. Despite knowing his father would help him get over the nightmare he just had, Thomas simply couldn't do it, as the mere reminding of the nightmare made him tremble. It was already hard enough losing his mother but the thought of losing his father too would be too much for him to bear. Bluey and Bingo ate their breakfast then asked to go outside and play with the other kids in the neighborhood. Chilli gave them the okay to go outside while Thomas continued to eat slowly, what wasn't normal for the teen, especially if it was Chilli's good cooking. Thomas then reached for his cup of juice only to find himself shaking and hard to breathe. Thomas then accidentally dropped the glass on the floor.

"Mate?! Are you okay?!" Bandit said, looking at his son. Thomas started to take control of his breathing and looked at his dad. "I'm sorry, dad, I'll get this cleaned up," Thomas said, rushing to get the broom and dust pan. Bandit and Chilli looked at each other with concerned looks on their faces about their son. Thomas cleaned up the glass and threw it away as Bandit stood up and went to touch his son on his shoulder. Thomas then flinched at the sight of being touched remembering his dream clearly of his father dying. "Mate? What's wrong?" Bandit asked softly. "It's nothing, dad, I'm gonna go outside with the girls," Thomas said in a hurry to go outside. Bandit was confused by this as he knew something was up with his son and he was sure of it. Thomas went outside and sat down at the porch and watched his sisters play with their friends.

Thomas felt nervous to his core about his dream. He knew his dad was well and healthy and had nothing to worry about, but the dream felt so real. Not to mention that his mother also looked healthy before cancer came around. Thoughts raced into Thomas's mind of all the mistreatment he did to his dad over the years and now he had realized that he's the last dog he'd want to see passing away and for that he's truly grateful to have his father in his life. Suddenly, a ball rolled in front of Thomas, knocking him out of his thoughts. "Big brother could you pass the ball?" Bluey asked as she ran over to her brother. Thomas then kicked the ball over to his sister and sat back down as Bluey grabbed the ball she noticed her brother seemed off. "Thomas?" she asked as she walked up to her brother with the ball in hand. "Yes Bluey?" Thomas asked, looking at his little sister. "Is something the matter? Do you need your pills?" Bluey asked. Thomas smiled at his sister, thankful that she was concerned. "I do actually, could you go get me them and a bottle of water for me?" Thomas asked. "Okay!" Bluey said placing the ball down. "I'll be right back, wait for me!" she said to her friends, before heading inside.

Bluey then comes back with the things her brother needed and sat down next to him. Thomas took his pills and placed the water bottle next to him after drinking from it. "Are you okay now Thomas?" Bluey asked her brother. "Yeah, I think I will be, thank you, little sister," Thomas said hugging his sister. "Bluey! Are you coming?" Rusty called to her. "You better go play with your friends," Thomas said letting go of his sister. "Okay," Bluey said as she grabbed the ball and went back to her friends. Thomas sighed as he stood up and went to the garage, hoping to find someplace where he could dwell in his thoughts without being interrupted. Moved by curiosity, Thomas looked through some boxes and found his dad's old skateboard. "I haven't skated in a while..." Thomas said, taking the skateboard out. He then took the skateboard and started to skate around the street, while also making sure not to intervene with his sisters and their friends. Bandit and Chilli both came outside and watched all the kids playing.

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