Chapter 48: Bingo's Birthday

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Chapter 48: Bingo's Birthday

Thomas and Bluey walk through the shopping center looking for a birthday present for their sister. "I'm bored!" Bluey groaned. "You wanted to come with me," Thomas said as they walked along. "I know, but why are we taking so long," Bluey complained. "We have to find the perfect present for Bingo," Thomas said while looking into shops. "Thomas?" Bluey asked her older brother. "Yes blue?" Thomas said looking at his younger sister. "I realized that this is the first birthday you'll be at for Bingo," Bluey pointed out. "Your right blue, this is the first birthday for me," Thomas said with a smile. "Which is why I have to pick the perfect gift for her," Thomas said as he looked into another shop. "Like you picked the perfect one for me?" Bluey asked as she looked down at her watch. "Yeah, just like the one I picked out for you," Thomas said with a smile.

"How will we know we picked the right one?" Bluey asked as she went into a shop with her brother. "I guess we'll know when we find it," Thomas said while looking at the toys. "At least she's with aunt Trixie and Muffin getting her nails done for her birthday," Thomas while still looking at toys. "You know blue, you could have gone with them," Thomas said, now looking at his sister. "But I wanted to be with you," Bluey said looking at her brother. Thomas smiled at that and then kneeled down to Bluey's level. "Are you sure you wanted to stay with me?" Thomas asked with a smile. "Yeah, we don't spend a lot of time together, just bring us," Bluey said with a blush. "You're right blue," Thomas said, rubbing the top of his sister's head. Bluey smiled at her brother as he stood up. "Alright let's find our sister something she'll like," Thomas said as he continued to look through toys.

"What about this?" Thomas asked as he showed Bluey a puppet of a pony. "I don't think so," Bluey said, shaking her head. "Maybe this?" Bluey said, showing Thomas a sun hat for kids. "Nah," Thomas said, shaking his head. "This is hard," Bluey said with a sad look on her face. "Don't worry Bluey, we'll figure it out," Thomas said with a Reassuring smile. "Okay," Bluey said with a smile. "Let's go to another shop," Thomas said as he took his sister's hand and they walked out of the shop they were in. Thomas and Bluey continued to look around for the perfect gift for their sister but still couldn't find one. Thomas and Bluey then sat down at a water fountain that was in the middle of the shopping center. "Do we give up and call mum and dad?" Bluey asked, looking at her brother. "No, maybe we can get something to eat and then continue looking," Thomas said as he stood up. "Okay," Bluey said as she stood up and followed her brother.

The two dogs got some food and sat down and ate before continuing on their search for the perfect girl for their little sister. "Thomas?" Bluey asked as she started eating her burger. "Yeah?" Thomas asked while eating his food. "Was it always hard for you to pick presents on our birthdays?" Bluey asked. Thomas was a little surprised by this question. "Um... well..." Thomas said while rubbing the back of his neck. Now realizing it he never really picked out his presents for his sisters, his mom picked them out and sent them out to them. "Listen blue... I never really picked them out when they were sent out to you," Thomas explained. "Really? Then who picked them out?" Bluey asked, confused. "My mom did, she just signed my name on them," Thomas confessed. "Oh," Bluey said, lowering her head down in sadness. "Look blue, other dogs may say I'm a good brother but I'm not," Thomas confessed. "But you are! Your best brother I could ever ask for! You made that sign for my bake sale," Bluey said hoping to cheer her brother up.

"That maybe true, but I wasn't the best at being there for your birthdays and getting you things, my mom did those things and just put my name on them saying they were from me," Thomas said looking down from his sister. "But it's important that your here now big brother," Bluey said placing her hand on her brothers. Thomas perked up and smiled at his sister. "Thanks blue," Thomas said softly.

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