Chapter 57: Unexpected

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Warning chapter contains some sexual situations reader discretion is advised

Chapter 57: Unexpected

Chilli was in the hall closet, trying to reach something that was way high up. "Bandit, can you come here and get this for me?" Chilli asked, still unable to reach what she was reaching for. "Sure thing babe;" Bandit said, coming from the family room and arriving at the closet. Bandit then looked up where Chilli was reaching. "Oh that's easy," Bandit said as grabbed a box. Bandit then pulled down on the box as other things fell on top of them "Oh biscuits," Bandit said look down at Chilli who giggled a bit while looking at her husband. Bandit couldn't help but to laugh too. After that laugh, the two of them just stared at each other. It had been sometime the two of them had shared a laugh like that, followed by a sudden silence where they would stare at each other with passion. Chilli then leaned in and kissed Bandit passionately. Bandit kissed her back and things started to heat up.

"Mum! Where's my roller skates?" Bluey asked from downstairs. "Dad! I dropped my toothbrush in the toilet!" Bingo shouted from the bathroom. Chilli pulled her kiss away from Bandit and looked down. "That was short lived," Chilli said with a smile. "No babe it was going so good," Bandit said, holding his wife's hand. "I know that, but the kids really need us," Chilli replied. "Come on, Bluey really needs to know where she puts her things and Bingo can pick up the toothbrush on her own," Bandit told. "You mean like when she dropped a lollipop on a muddy puddle and still wanted to keep licking it?" Chilli asked her husband with a teasing look. "Come on, that was a long time..." Bandit started. "It was last week," Chilli replied. With that, Bandit's attitude changed. "Yeah, I guess you're right... But it's just... It's been so long ever since we got time for us," Bandit replied. Chilli smiled looking at her husband. "Where's Thomas when we need him," Chilli jokes. "Out for a run unfortunately," Bandit said. Then they heard the front door close. "Looks like he's home," Bandit said with a smile wagging his tail.

"Thomas mate, could you help your sisters?" Bandit called his son. "Sorry dad, I'm a little busy right now," Thomas said, rushing to the bathroom. "Biscuits," Bandit said under his breath. "There will be other times," Chilli said, picking up the box she was after. Bandit playfully smacks her butt with a light growl. Chilli chuckled and went on her way. Bandit watched her leave with his eyes following her. Bandit then shook his head and then picked up the other stuff on the ground.

A few days later...

Bandit and Chilli were alone in the house again getting hot and heavy but this time on the couch. The girls were at a sleepover at Uncle Stripes and Trixie's while Thomas was at practice. A lightning storm had started to pick up again while Bandit and Chilli continued to kiss each other passionately expressing their love for each other. "Bandit w-wait," Chili said, stopping her husband. "W-what is it babe?" Bandit said, looking at his wife. Then they both heard the front door unlocking. "Oh no!" Bandit said frustrated as Chilli quickly got off of him. Thomas happened to unlock the front door and shook himself off from the rain water.

He entered the house and found his parents on the couch looking nervous. "What's going on here?" Thomas asked, putting his backpack down. "Nothing! I mean nothing mate, what are you doing home so early?" Bandit asked. "Practice was cut early due to the storm," Thomas explained as he sat down in the chair. "Oh what a shame," Chilli said, shaking her head. "Yeah... what a shame," Bandit said under his breath while crossing his arms. "You know, in my time, we would still train under the rain, it made us stronger and faster, coach must have gotten softer," Bandit replied, while Chilli chuckled.

"Did I interrupt something?" Thomas asked, a little confused. Bandit sighed and looked at his son. "No mate, you're fine I promise," Bandit said. Bandit couldn't blame his son for the storm and he wasn't mad at him. "You must be hungry!" Chili said standing up quickly and heading to the kitchen, but before Chili went to the kitchen she kissed Bandit on his muzzle one last time before doing so. Bandit smiled while blushing as he watched Chili go upstairs to the kitchen. "I did interrupt something!" Thomas pointed out looking at his dad. "N-no mate you didn't," Bandit said nervously while looking at his son. "Dad, I'm almost seventeen years old and I know that look you just gave Chilli it's the same look you would give mom," Thomas said with a smirk.

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