Chapter 31: Job Site With Dad

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Chapter 31: Job Site With Dad

Thomas walked into the living room, feeling a little nervous to talk to his dad about something for school. "Um... dad?" Thomas standing in front of his father who was reading his newspaper. Bandit looked at his son and smiled. "Hey mate, what's up?" Bandit asked. "Um, I hate to bother you about this but it's for school," Thomas said as he handed his father a piece of paper. Bandit took the paper and looked at it. "Oh, the school wants you to experience a job site with both parents," Bandit said reading the paper. "Yeah, your job actually is the first one I want to experience," Thomas said rubbing the back of his neck. "Why do you sound nervous mate?" Bandit asked, looking at his son. "It's just... I know your busy and stuff so I thought that you wouldn't do it," Thomas confessed.

Bandit smiled as he put the paper aside. "Son, of course I'll do this for you," Bandit said still with his smile. "Are you sure dad?" Thomas asked Bandit nodded. "Of course, but I have to warn you that you may not like it so much, archeological work is not that much exciting outside the field," Bandit told. "It's okay, actually I could use a break from excitement... besides I always wanted to know how your work is," Thomas confessed. "Very well... but you'll have to ask your mother about her job site experience as well, let her sign first and then come here for me to sign it" Bandit said, handing his son the paper back. "Alright dad, I'll go ask her now," Thomas said as he went to the kitchen. Chilli was baking brownies as Thomas walked into the kitchen. "Mom?" Thomas said sitting at the counter. "Yes sweetheart?" Chilli asked. "I have this thing for school and I was wondering if you would be able to do it? Dad said he can do it but he said to ask you about it," Thomas explained handing the Chilli the paper.

Chilli read the paper and smiled. "You want me to take you to my work to experience it?" Chilli asked. Thomas nodded. Chilli smiled and signed the paper. "You can do it?" Thomas asked perking up. "I sure can, it will be nice to have you at the airport, now just go get your father to sign," Chilli said handing back the paper. "Okay, thanks mom," Thomas said preparing to leave the kitchen. "Can I get a brownie once they are ready? I love when they are fresh baked," Thomas said. Chilli made a thinking look. "Okay, I think I can sneak one to you... just don't tell your sisters," Chilli replied, while winking to him. "My lips are sealed" Thomas replied, before getting back to the living room to have his dad sign the paper. "So, when it's going to be this day at work with me?" Bandit asked. "I need to deliver this paper tomorrow at school, so... at the next day after it" Thomas replied. "Okay, then, it's settle," Bandit told.

Two days later, after both son and father returned from their morning jog and took a shower, they prepared themselves to go to work. Getting in the kitchen for the breakfast, Bluey and Bingo got to know their brother would go with their dad to the latter's job. "Why is Thomas going with dad?" Bluey asked. "Yeah, we also want to go," Bingo said. "Your brother is going because the school asked him to," Chilli said. "Don't worry, shorties, someday you may also go as well," Thomas replied, while rubbing the heads of his sisters. "Okay, we need to go now, mate," Bandit replied, as he got out while eating a toast. "I'm coming, dad," he said, while also getting a toast. "Have a good day, little sisters, I'll tell you everything later," Thomas said, before leaving.

Bandit drove himself and Thomas to the museum where the former worked and they got in. "G'day, Mr. Heeler," the receptionist said. "G'day," he replied. They advanced through the museum until Bandit turned to a part of the museum reserved to the staff of the museum, where there was a hall with many doors. Entering in one, they entered in a room with a desk and some filling cabinets. "This is my office, you can put your bag here," Bandit said. After putting down his bag, Thomas turned to his father. "So, what are we doing now?" Thomas asked. "Well, I was thinking I could show you around... maybe show you the storage, some of my responsibilities and the new exhibit we're building," Bandit said. "Sounds great!" Thomas said. "Okay, let's go then," Bandit said. They then advanced and Bandit went to show many of the places of work. First stop was the storage, where many findings and artifacts were placed, waiting to be processed or exhibited. After that, they went to a room where bones, either from dogs or any other creature, was processed and studied, being one of the places where his dad passed some of his time.

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