Chapter 60: Seventeen

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Chapter 60: Seventeen

Thomas was sound asleep in his bed happily snoring just until his family barged into his room. "Happy birthday!" His family shouted while bringing the teenager breakfast in bed. Thomas was startled awake as he looked at his family. "Thanks, guys," Thomas said with a smile while sitting up. "We have a big day planned mate! So eat up!" Bandit said, patting his son on his head. "Sounds good," Thomas said while started to eat his food. "Happy birthday sweetheart," Chilli said as she kissed her son on his head. "Thanks, mom," Thomas said while continuing to eat. "We made you this," Bluey said as she brought in a giant card from her and Bingo. "Wow, that's a big one!" Thomas said before taking a bite of bacon. Bluey and Bingo then both opened the card and a Happy birthday sign popped out. "Nice! Thanks, girls!" Thomas said, clapping. They wagged their tails while giggling.

The girls then left their brother's room as Thomas finished his breakfast and took his plate to the kitchen. The family was all finishing their breakfast just as Thomas was coming into the kitchen to wash his plate off. "All right Heelers! Party is at two at Uncle Stripe's house and we need to grab some Sausages and Burgers for the party," Chilli said while making sure everyone was listening to her. "You got it, babe, Thomas and I will grab those while you and the girls set things up at Stripes," Bandt said with a smile. "Good, Girls finish up and then we'll get ready to go," Chilli said with a smile. "Okay mum!" the girls said while finishing up their food. Chilli nodded and then went up to her and Bandit's room to grab something. Thomas then sat down at the table and texted his friends and Girlfriend where and what time the party was being held.

"Seventeen, I can hardly believe it," Bandit said with a soft smile while looking at his son. "Dad, were you ever seventeen?" Bingo asked her father. "Of course mate! I was a kid once," Bandit said with a chuckle. "That's when he was with my mom," Thomas said while looking at his sisters. "You were?" Bluey asked. "I was, I met her when I was fifteen," Bandit said looking at his daughters. "I didn't know you knew that mate?" Bandit said looking at his son. "Mom told me when she met you but with the Uncle Rad thing I didn't know that part," Thomas explained. "What happened with Uncle Rad?" Bluey asked looking at her brother. "It's nothing Blue," Thomas said looking at his sister with a soft smile. "Oh okay," Bluey said as she finished her breakfast. "All right everyone in the car!" Chilli ordered while having her purse in her hand. "Put your bowls in the sink kids!" Bandit said as he stood up and went outside to go start the car.

It wasn't long until everyone was in the car and on the way to Uncle Stripes. Bandit had dropped off the girls with his wife at his brother's house. Bandit and Thomas then made their way to the store to pick up the food and anything else they needed. while in the store Bandit wanted to start up a conversation early. "So, mate what else did your mum tell you about me when I was young?" Bandit asked as they went to go look at the meets. "Well, she said you were very caring towards her but, I mean she never really said anything about you really," Thomas confessed. "Oh, Well is there anything you want to know mate?" Bandit asked while putting things in the trolly. "When did you and mom get together?" Thomas asked as they moved along. "I was fifteen and she was sixteen," Bandit explained. "So you two were young," thomas asked while they walked. "So then Mom and Uncle Rad weren't together that long when Charlie happened," Thomas said trying to piece together everything,

"Yeah... they weren't," Bandit said trying to dodge the question. Thomas didn't want to push for the answers with his dad as he knew it must have been tragic for him and his uncles. "Anyway, how are you feeling dad?" Thomas asked as he looked at his dad. "Feeling? I'm feeling good mate, why do you ask?" Bandit asked now looking at his son. "I'm just asking, since you know I'm now seventeen and all," Thomas said with a cheeky smile. "Oh! I get it! Just because you think you seventeen you think I'm old now don't you!" Bandit said with a smirk. "You said it! Not me!" Thomas said with another smile. "Right! Well, I will have you know just because you are now only one year away from being an adult I am still your dad and I still love my son," Bandit said while crossing his arms. "You gonna say it louder?" Thomas said crossing his arms. "Yes I will," Bandit said with a cheeky smile. "Everyone! My name is Bandit Heeler! And I love my son who just turned seventeen today!," Bandit shouted in the store. Other dogs in the store started to stare and then clapped at the proud father at the milestone.

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