Chapter 64: Movie Night

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Chapter 64: Movie Night

Thomas and his sisters had gone to the store to grab things for their family movie night. "Alright popcorn, juice, some candy and..." Thomas while looking at a list from his phone. "We can't forget the ice cream and root beer for the floats!" Bingo said excitedly while wagging her tail. "Your right Bingo!" Thomas said with a smile. "Can we get whip cream for it?" Bluey asked, looking up at her brother. "Sure! Why not," Thomas replied as they walked into the store. Thomas then grabbed a cart and placed Bingo in the seat. "Alright, let's go," Thomas said as he pushed the cart with Bluey by his side. "Can we get chocolate ice cream too for the floats?" Bluey asked, looking up at her brother. "Chocolate root beer floats? Interesting, sure! Why not!" Thomas said as they went to where the snack selection was.

"Alright pick out some chips or popcorn," Thomas said while also looking for some chips he liked. "Are you girls ready?"  Thomas said as he picked up the chips he wanted for the movie night. "We're ready!" Bluey said as she placed the chips she and her sister wanted. Thomas also grabbed the popcorn kernels and popcorn butter oil. "How come we're getting that?" Bluey asked, looking at her brother. "Yeah, how do we make popcorn out of that?" Bingo said, also looking at her brother. "Well, my mom and I used to make it from the stove and then we would melt butter and place it in a bowl and mix it up and there! We had some good popcorn!" Thomas said with a smile. "Ooh!" They both said. "Is it like magic?" Bluey asked as they moved along.

"Kind of, I can show you two how to make it if you would like, "yes please!" Bluey said excitedly. "I want to see too!" Bingo added also excited to see her brother make the popcorn. Thomas chuckled as he saw his sisters. "Alright, then it's settled! I'll show you how to make it," Thomas said as they went to where soft drinks were. Thomas had grabbed some root beer from the top shelf and then grabbed a coke. "Alright, dad said you two can pick one! Candy of your choice!" Thomas said, making himself clear while they moved to the candy. "Thomas, can I get down from the trolly and pick my candy?" Bingo asked her brother a please face. Thomas smiled lightly and nodded while picking her up and placing her down. Bingo then giggled as she and Bluey went to pick a candy.

Thomas picked out some sour gummies while his sisters picked out some chocolate. "Alright you girls picked?" Thomas asked, looking at his sisters. "Yeah!" They both said. Thomas nodded as they placed what they wanted into the cart. Thomas had also picked out the candy his parents had wanted. "Okay, on the ice cream and whip Cream," Thomas said with a smile. "Hooray!" The girls cheered with their arms up.

(Meanwhile at the Heeler household)

Bandit and Chilli were setting up for their family movie night with a projector falling over to the wall with a screen against the wall. "I'm glad that the projector was on sell," Chilli said as she and Bandit moved the table. "I know! What a great deal it was!" Bandit said as they finished moving the table over. Chilli then went and grabbed sheets and blanks to place on the floor and against the couch. "It was a great idea for Thomas to suggest a family movie night at home," Chilli said while trying to make a tent for everyone to sit in. "Yeah we haven't done this in a while and haven't even done it since he moved in with us!" Bandit said as he helped his wife making the tent like sheet from behind the couch.

"I think that'll do it," Chilli said with a smile as she cuddled up against her husband. "Looks great babe!" Bandit said while he also cuddled next to his wife. "The kids should be home soon, so I will go order those pizza," Chilli said as she took out her phone and started to order from the app. Bandit nodded as he looked at how his living room was now turned into a home theater. This reminded Bandit of how he and Emily used to do this every Friday after school.


"Can I sit between you and dad?" Thomas asked, looking at his parents. "Of course you can sweetheart!" Emily said as she moved over for her son to sit with her and her husband. Thomas smiled and did so snuggling against his fathers fur. Bandit smiled and placed his arm around his son and wife. "Oh! It's time to go get the popcorn," Emily said as she got up and went to the kitchen. Thomas got up and followed his mother and watched her as she made the popcorn from the stove. "Mom?" Thomas asked, looking at his mother. "Yes sweetie?" Emily asked, looking at her son. "Can you teach me how to do that too?" Thomas asked, wagging his tail.

"Sure! I will!" Emily said with a smile also wagging her tail. "Oh! And don't forget the butter, dad likes the extra butter," Thomas said while watching his mother. "Of course, how could I forget your dad's favorite part of the popcorn," Emily said as she made some melted butter and mixed it with the popcorn and mixed it well. "I think we're ready for the movie!" Emily said as she was holding a big bowl of popcorn. "Do you want any help mom?" Thomas asked about to follow his mother out to the living room. "Oh! Can you bring the drinks honey?" Emily asked, looking at her son.

"Yeah!" Thomas said as he went back to the kitchen. "My little helper," Emily said as she went to the living room. "Here you go dad!" Thomas said, handing his drink. "Thanks mate!" Bandit said with a smile. "Here you go mom," Thomas said, handing her drink to her. "Thank you sweetheart," Emily said with a smile. Thomas then got in between his parents and snuggled next to them. "Are we ready kiddo?" Bandit asked. "Yeah!" Thomas cheered. "Great!" Bandit said as he played the movie.

(End of Flashback)

Thomas was putting the bags in the back of his car while Bluey and Bingo got in their car seats of their brother's car. "Let's rock and roll," Thomas said as pressed a button to make his trunk down and close. Thomas then got into the driver side of his car. "Ready?" Thomas asked, looking in his rear view mirror. "Yep!" Bingo said with a smile. "All set!" Bluey added also with a smile. "Awesome!" Thomas replied with a smile. Thomas then started his car and they drove home. Thomas pulled his car into the driveway and opened his trunk. The girls had gotten out of their brothers car and started to help bring all the groceries for movie night.

Thomas had grabbed the last of the bags and closed his trunk with a press of a button the three siblings then went into the house to see the living was set up for the family movie night. "Oooh!" The girls said while looking at the set up. "Hey kids, do you need help?" Bandit asked as he walked up to his daughters. "Nice set up dad," Thomas said while coming in behind his sisters. "Thanks mate! Your mum and I worked hard setting it up!" Bandit said just as he took some bags from his daughters. Thomas then took the bags that he had in his hand and took them to the kitchen. The doorbell then suddenly rang at the front door, Chilli knew who it was since she ordered pizza for dinner. Thomas helped his dad in the kitchen with putting things away and taking the things they needed for the living room. "Chocolate root beer floats mate?" Bandit asked, looking at his son.

"Hey! Your daughter asked for it," Thomas said with a chuckle. Bandit chuckled as he shook his head. "Alright kids! Pizza is here!" Chilli said as she took the pizzas over to the living room. "Go on ahead mate, I'll start on those floats. Do you want vanilla or chocolate?" Bandit asked, looking at Thomas. "I'm going for chocolate," Thomas said with a chuckle. Bandit chuckled and nodded. Thomas then went to see if Chilli needed any help with anything in the living room. "Need any help mom?" Thomas asked, looking at Chilli. "I think we're all good here sweetheart, but can you hand me those plates and napkins?" Chilli asked while pointing at where they were. "Sure thing," Thomas said as he grabbed them and handed them to his step mother.

"Are we ready to start?" Bingo asked as she wagged her tail excitedly. "Almost! We just need your dad." Chilli said with a smile while looking at her youngest daughter. "I'll go see if he needs help, do you want to come with me Bluey?" Thomas asked, looking at his sister. "Yeah!" Bluey said getting up and following her brother. They then went into the kitchen to find their dad. "Need help dad?" Thomas asked while looking at their father. "Sure mate! I just need these to be taken into the living room," Bandit said as he placed the whipped cream on the tops of the glasses.

"No problem dad, Bluey do want to help me?" Thomas asked, looking down at his sister. "I got mine and Bingo's!" Bluey said as went and got both her and her sister's root beer float. Thomas then grabbed his and Chilli's while Bandit was finishing up his own. "Thanks kids," Bandit said as he started to put things away. "Your welcome dad!" Thomas said as he and Bluey took the floats to the living room. After they had brought the floats into the living room, Bandit then joined them close behind. "Alright Heelers! I think we're ready!" Chilli said while sitting on the ground with all the blankets.

Bluey and Bingo also sat with their mother while Bandit and Thomas sat together on the couch. The family had agreed on a family movie which was the lightyear movie. That night  went smoothly as it was planned with the family having fun and laughing and feeling full from their meal. They continued this tradition every Friday and even followed it over at uncle Stripe's house to share with their cousins.

Kodiwolf321 A/N: Hey guys! This one was a fast short one but it was needed. Tell me what you think! And I'll see you for the next chapter!

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