Chapter 25: Learning

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Chapter 25: Learning

Thomas was sitting in his hospital bed playing on his phone when he heard someone knocking at the door of his room. "Come on in," he said, while putting his phone away. The door opened and Dr. Beagle walked into the room. "Hello, Thomas, I hope I find you well," he said. "Dr. Beagle? What are you doing here?" Thomas asked, confused. "It's our weekenly appointment, remember?" he asked, while sitting on the chair besides the bed. "Don't tell me you thought I would let something like a hospital to prevent me from helping one of my favorite and most fascinating patients?" Dr. Beagle asked. "Good to know I'm that interesting..." Thomas replied.

"So Thomas is there anything you want to talk about?" Dr. Beagle asked. "You mean, other than being stuck here for three days and thinking I broke my dad?" Thomas said sitting back in his bed. "Well, he's been a little sour after carrying you all by himself, but I don't think..." Dr. Beagle started. "That's not what I mean..." Thomas replied. "My dad is resilient, he can handle any physical pain, I know he can recover quickly from a back pain" Thomas added. "So you mean metaphorically... Why do you think that?" Dr. Beagle asked. Thomas sighed. "Because of all the things I've said," Thomas answered. "Have you talked with your father lately?" Dr. Beagle asked. Thomas sighed again before answering. "I have, but not about what happened," Thomas answered.

"I see... and why haven't you talked about it?" Dr Beagle asked writing some stuff in his pad. "I just feel if I talk to him about it then it might break him more," Thomas said before drinking a glass of water. "Besides... I feel maybe it would be easier to talk to my uncle Stripe about it since he doesn't have history with my uncle Prince," Thomas explained. Dr. Beagle nodded while writing. "Do you want me to call your Uncle Stripe to see you?" he asked. That caused Thomas to chuckle. "Dr. Beagle, I have my uncle's number in my phone, I can talk with him whenever I want," he replied. "Fair enough... and have you? Talked with him?" Dr. Beagle asked, to which Thomas didn't answer. "I'll take that as a 'no', but it's okay, it's only up to you when and what to talk and with whom," Dr. Beagle replied.

"But now I'm more interested in talking about... this last episode of yours... that is, if you don't mind," Dr. Beagle told. "What is there to talk about? I had a panic attack... no surprise there," Thomas said. "Yes, but this one was pretty nasty, worse than any other panic attack you ever had, it exhausted you completely, both physically and mentally, that's why you're here, right? Not to rest your body, but your mind," Dr. Beagle told. "Story of my life... my mind always causing trouble," Thomas said. "You're really the son of your father, always cracking a joke to avoid troubles... but you cannot deny that this episode, despite everything, was very... enlightening, I mean, we finally get to know the source of your panic attacks," Dr. Beagle said. "Yeah, right... I'm thrilled to know that the reason for me to be on a hospital bed is because of my conflicted feelings for my family," Thomas said, sarcastically.

"What you're feeling is not that uncommon as you may thing, some people suffering from panic attacks feel themselves conflicted in some way, and sometimes they don't know why, but you do and now we can work to solve that conflict... or at least mitigate it," Dr. Beagle said. "I don't know how I'll possibly do that, I mean I came to love and admire my dad again, my sisters are everything to me and I even came to love my stepmom like she is my real mom... and yet, I can't help but still feeling this... aversion to them, because..." Thomas said, unable to finish the last sentence. "Because, despite everything, they are still the source of your pain," Dr. Beagle finished. Thomas nodded. "That explains all of the overcompensating you've been doing... you're trying to love them as much as you can in order to forget the pain, but forget doesn't erase, only accumulates," Dr. Beagle said. "I can attest that," Thomas told.

"You know, Thomas, for what is worth, I believe you've already overcome a great obstacle," Dr. Beagle commented. "What do you mean?" Thomas asked. "I'm talking about your sisters, during your panic attack, you vented to them all your frustrations, all while expressing your love for them, only to be responded with love from them," Dr. Beagle explained. "So, you think that if I do the same with all the members of my family I can be cured from these... attacks?" Thomas asked. "Not cured, but in control, and not with all of your family, only those that are the source of your pain... but of course for that..." Dr. Beagle said. "I'll have to talk with them about it," Thomas finished. "What you don't have to do right away... you can take all the time you need, you can focus on getting better for now," Dr. Beagle said. Thomas nodded to him, a little more relieved.

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