Chapter 55: First Car

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Chapter 55: First Car

"I did it!" Thomas said flashing his new drivers license. "Great job mate, I knew you could do it!" Bandit cheered for his son. "Only took me two tries," Thomas said looking at his license. "I'm glad we kept practicing," Bandit said with a smile. "Can I drive us home?" Thomas asked, looking at his father. "Hmm I guess you can mate, your uncle Rad drove us home once," Bandit said, getting in the passenger side of his car. Thomas climbed in the driver side, buckled up and started the car. "You do know the way home right mate?" Bandit asked teasing. Thomas rolled his eyes. "Yeah, dad I know," Thomas said, making sure of his surroundings and then started to drive them home.

"Where are they?" Bluey said, looking out the window for her brother and father. "Still waiting for dad and brother huh?" Chilli asked, passing her daughter in the front room of the house. "Yeah... Do you think Thomas passed this time?" Bluey asked, wagging her tail. "I think he could have this time," Chilli said, picking up a basket of clothes. "I hope so," Bluey said, still looking out the window. "I hope they get here soon. I still have to pick up Bingo from Lila's," Chilli said, concerned for her husband and son's return. "They're home!" Bluey cheered. "Oh good," Chilli said, going outside with Bluey.

Chilli smiled seeing that Thomas was in the drivers side knowing that he indeed passed his drivers test. "Looks like we have a new driver in the house," Chilli said as Thomas parked the car. "Only took me two tries!" Thomas said getting out of the car. "Now you can take me and Bingo everywhere!" Bluey cheered. "That's if mom and dad let me use the car," Thomas said as Bandit got out of the car. "Just wait until you get your own car mate, it's a new experience," Bandit said with a smile. "When will that happen?" Bluey asked a little hyper from seeing her brother being able to drive. "Not for a while, let's just use the family car for now," Bandit said, placing his arm around his son's shoulder. "My little boy is able to drive. I'm so touched!" Bandit said being a little dramatic. "Dad!" Thomas said embarrassed.

"Let's get a picture," Chilli said as she got her phone out. "Come on blue, get in the picture," Thomas said as he held out his arms for his sister. Bluey nodded and jumped into her brother's arms and then Chilli took the picture of her husband, son and daughter together in front of the family car. "Great! I'll post this congratulations to my son for getting his license," Chilli said while making the post. "Oh! I have to pick up Bingo," Chilli said, rushing to get her purse and heading out. "Can I go with you mum?" Bluey asked. "Sure! I could use the company," Chilli said as she got into the car. "Hooray!" Bluey said as she went to her car seat and got in it. After Chilli and Bluey left to go get Bingo. Bandit and Thomas went inside as Thomas called all three of his uncles letting them know he had gotten his license.

Rad and Stripe were both proud of their nephew for getting his license and congratulated him. After talking to his uncles on his dad's side it was time to call uncle Prince. "Hey uncle Prince, I just got my license today," Thomas said on the phone. "Really? Great job punk!" Prince said with a smile. "Where are you? It sounds kinda loud," Thomas said. "At a party in Toluca with Kylie but hey I want to see you and your sisters," Prince said as he moved away from the party to hear his nephew better. "Great! When are you coming?" Thomas asked. "I'll see you in a few weeks and I'll buy you something," Prince said with a smirk. "Uncle Prince you don't have to get me anything, seeing you is a great gift," Thomas said with a smile. "Nonsense! You're my favorite nephew of course I have to get you something, I'll get your sister's something too so don't worry," Prince said while taking a drink of his soda.

"If you say so uncle Prince," Thomas said with a chuckle. "Alright punk, tell your dad I said hi," Prince said with a smile. "Will do, I love you uncle Prince see you then," Thomas said "I love you too and hey! Tell you dad to lose the puppy fat and maybe I'll play real football with him," Prince said with a laugh. Thomas rolled his eyes and said his final goodbyes to his uncle and then hung up. "Was that your uncle Prince mate?" Bandit asked while washing some dishes in the kitchen. "Yeah he said hi and he'll come over in a few weeks," Thomas said while starting to help his dad in the kitchen. "Oh good it's been awhile since we made up," Bandit said was putting the dishes away. "He also said lose the puppy fat and he'll play real football with you," Thomas added. Bandit rolled his eyes knowing this was the same Prince yet he had a change of heart. "Always with the puppy fat I didn't even have puppy fat when I was younger," Bandit mumbled to himself. Thomas chuckled while helping his dad finish with the dishes.

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