Chapter 12: Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 12: Home Sweet Home

Thomas chuckled while watching Bingo playing with her toys just before the doctor came in. "Alright Bingo looks like you can go home now," the doctor said with a smile. "Hooray!" Bingo cheered, "Alright I'm going to call dad to pick us up," Thomas said as he got on his phone and called their father. "Okay dad see you soon," Thomas said hanging up the phone. Thomas turned around to see Bingo trying to get off the bed. "Bingo wait!" Thomas said suddenly. "You should stay in bed until dad comes," Thomas said as he rushed over to the bed trying to keep Bingo in bed.

"But I have to pee," Bingo said almost dancing to use the toilet. "Oh..." Thomas said as he picked up Bingo. "I can walk big brother," Bingo said as Thomas carried her over to the bathroom. "Do you want me to stay?" Thomas asked placing his sister on the toilet. "No, I think I got it," Bingo said with a smile. "Alright I'll just stand by the door," Thomas said walking out of the bathroom and shutting the door just a little. "But Thomas, I can pee by myself," Bingo protested. "Just for me let me stand by the door I don't want you to get hurt," Thomas said looking away so Bingo could pee. "Get hurt going pee?" Bingo asked confused. "Just go pee," Thomas said with a shake of his head.

Soon later, Bandit arrived to the hospital to get Thomas and Bingo, getting in the room where Bingo had already packed her toys, "Okay, kids, ready to go?" he asked. "Yeah!" Bingo exclaimed, ready to get out of the bed. "Hey, Bingo, why don't I take your bag for you?" Thomas asked her, while getting her bag. "But, Thomas, I can take it," Bingo protested. "You heard the doctor, you still need to rest a bit, so why don't I take you to the car?" Thomas said, while going to get her sister and start carrying her out of the room. "But I want to walk!" Bingo continued to protest. As he passed by his dad, he saw that he had an amusing smiled. "What?" he asked him. "Nothing, just happy to have my children all back home" Bandit replied.

They all returned home. As they got in, with Thomas always carrying Bingo, they found a great reception from Chilli and Bluey. "Welcome home, Bingo!" they said. "Wow!" Bingo exclaimed, happy to see her mother and sister. "We're so happy that you're back, honey" Chilli said. "Bingo, give me a hug" Bluey said, while extending her arms. "Thomas, can you put me down, so I can hug Bluey?" Bingo asked her older brother. Despite knowing it wouldn't hurt for Bingo to hug Bluey, Thomas simply didn't have the will to put her down. However, knowing that was something he should do, he placed Bingo down and she went to hug Bluey, with their hug being so tight, and with Bluey even raising Bingo, that made Thomas uncomfortable.

"Wow, you two really like to squeeze..." Thomas commented. "Hey, Bingo, do you want to go to the room to play, I've sorted all of your favorite games," Bluey suggested. "Yeah!" Bingo replied, with the two starting to run and climb the stairs. "Hey, hold on, I'm coming too!" Thomas told, as he followed his sisters, fearing something could happen to Bingo while playing. Chilli noticed that strange behavior from her stepson. "What's up with Thomas?" Chilli asked. "If I have to guess, he's being a little overprotective of Bingo," Bandit said, with a nostalgic smile. "He reminds me of Emily when he used to get hurt." "Should we do something?" Chilli asked. "It looks like that can cause some problems..." "Knowing our daughters as I know, I think they're about to teach Thomas a little lesson..." Bandit replied.

"Wait up! don't run Bingo!" Thomas running after his sisters. Bluey and Bingo then stopped running and looked to their older brother. "Why can't Bingo run?" Bluey asked confused. "Because she could get hurt," Thomas said almost out of breath. "Thomas I'm fine!" Bingo protested now getting annoyed with her brother. "No little sister something worse could've happened to you and I wasn't hear to protect you," Thomas said looking down. Bluey and Bingo looked at each other feeling bad for their brother. "I have an idea!" Bluey said as he went to her room and came back with doctor outfit on. "Let's play doctors! Thomas you be the kid and Bingo can be the mum!" Bluey said with a smile.

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