Chapter 3: Brother Robot

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Chapter 3: Brother Robot

"Kids are you ready to go?" Chilli said placing pancakes on Bluey and Bingos plates. Thomas comes out of his room ready to go. "Wish your sisters were like you when it comes to getting ready," Chilli joked while getting more pancakes ready. Thomas chuckled before eating his breakfast. "Hey mate," Bandit said walking into the kitchen. "Bandit can you see if your daughters are ready yet," Chilli said looking at her husband. "Sure thing babe," Bandit said as he left the kitchen. Chilli sighed as she continued to cook. Two sudden screams came from the playroom just as Bingo and Bluey came rushing into the kitchen. "Alright girls time to eat and get ready for school." Chilli said placing the last pancakes on the plate. Bluey and Bingo sat at the table and ate their breakfast.

Not long after everyone was out the door and heading to the car. Once everyone was in the car and on their way to work and school. Bandit drops off Chilli then the girls and finally Thomas. "Have a great day at school son," Bandit said as Thomas was getting his stuff ready. "Okay Dad," Thomas said now getting out of the car. Thomas shuts the car door and heads into his new high school. The day was mostly normal besides being picked on for being an outcast and being an American. Thomas sat at lunch alone until someone came up to him. "Hey," said a kid with a British accent sitting down across from Thomas. "Hey..." Thomas said nervously. "American I see," the kid said with a smile. "Yeah... and you're from the UK?" Thomas asked. The kid nodded. "The names Liam nice to meet you..." Liam said hoping to get Thomas's name. "Thomas is my name," Thomas answered.

"Nice to meet you, Thomas," Liam said taking a bite from his sandwich. Liam was a Great Dane."What brings you all the way to Australia?" Liam asked. Thomas chuckled, "Well I moved in with my dad, Stepmom, and half sisters because my mom got sick," Thomas explained. "I'm sorry to hear that," Liam said placing his sandwich down. "What about you? What brings you out here?" Thomas asked. "Dad works for a big museum so we had to move, I was new last year," Liam explained. "Oh," Thomas said. "So I know what it's like to be new," Liam said taking another bite of his sandwich. "But since your American is your dad from Australia?" Liam asked. Thomas nodded. "He moved to America for a little bit and with my mom and the rest is history," Thomas answered. Liam nodded, "are your sisters older or younger?" Liam asked. "Younger," Thomas answered.

"Oh cool, I have a younger sister too should I know your sisters?" Liam asked. "Their names are Bluey and Bingo," Thomas answered. "Bluey and Bingo Heeler?" Liam asked. "Yeah, you know them?" Thomas asked. Liam nodded in response. "My sister Kate goes to school with Bluey and plays with her and Bingo all the time," Liam explained. "Small world," Thomas said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Indeed," Liam said finishing his sandwich. "Then your dad's Bandit right?" Liam asked Thomas nodded. "My dad works with him too," Liam added. "Then it is a really small world," Thomas said with a chuckle. Liam chuckled as well. "Yeah, it is," Liam said. The rest of the day went smoothly with Thomas making a new friend and Liam also making a new friend. After school was over Thomas and Liam said their goodbyes and went to their parent's cars.

Thomas got in the front seat of his dad's car and shut the car door. "Hey mate how was your first day?" Bandit asked with a smile as he started the car. "I met Liam Dane," Thomas said looking to his dad. "Oh the Dane boy, Bluey, and Bingo play with his sister," Bandit said as he drove out from the parking lot. "Did you make friends with him?" Bandit asked as they drove along. "Yeah, I think so," Thomas said looking out the window. "Good, you need friends out here," Bandit said with a smile. Thomas nodded as he sat back in his seat.

Once they got home, Thomas walked to his room and then noticed a drawing on his door. Thomas takes the drawing and looks at it. It was a picture of the whole family together with a small note that read from Bluey and Bingo. Thomas smiles a bit before walking into his room. Thomas shuts the door behind him and places the picture on his desk. Thomas then turns on his music and puts on his headphones before working on his homework. While doing his homework he heard some laughing out in the living room. Thomas takes off his headphones and continues to hear them laughing. Thomas then gets up from his desk and exits his room. Thomas walks into the playroom. Bandit was in the playroom with the girls playing a game. "What are you guys up to?" Thomas asked standing in the doorway. "Just playing a little game, do you want to play with us?" Bluey asked.

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