Chapter 54: Only Child/Favorite Sister

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Chapter 54: Only Child/Favourite Sister

Bluey and Bingo were at the backyard with Snickers, who had come to visit with his mother. The trio was trying to get something to play, but they were not having that much luck. "Ugh! I'm bored!" Bluey said laying on her back. "Me too!" Bingo said. "Me three!" Snickers said while also laying on his back. It was then that he got up. "I have an idea!" Snickers said. "Really? What's that?" Bluey asked, looking at her friend. "Let's play K9 news!" Snickers said. Bluey and Bingo formed a smile. "Okay! What news are we going to cover?" Bluey asked. "Um... kids who are only children!" Snickers said. "Like you?" Bingo asked. "Nah the game won't work if you're interviewing me," Snickers said. "Then who do we interview?" Bluey asked. "Well we need someone who is or at least was an only child and ask them what it was like or is like," Snickers explained. "Hmm..." Bluey she started to think. "Oh! Maybe mum is an only child!" Bluey said, wagging her tail. "Then let's go ask her!" Bingo asked. "Yeah!" Snickers said.

The three then went to the kitchen where Chilli and Snickers mum were talking. "Really? Then what did you do?" Chilli asked Snicker's mum. "Well..." she started, only to stop when the kids got in. "Mum?" Bluey asked her mother. "Yes sweetie?" Chilli asked. "Are you an only child?" Bluey asked as she wagged her tail. "Um... well... no..." Chilli said. Bluey and Bingo were both confused by this. "You're not?" Bingo asked. "No sweetie I'm not you both actually have an aunt but we don't talk much," Chilli explained. "Oh is she Thomas's aunt too now?" Bluey asked. "Yeah by marriage," Chilli explained. "Oh... we're trying to find someone who is an only child..." Bingo said.

"Hey, Snicker's mum, are you an only child?" Bluey asked. "No, I have two younger brothers and I was very little when the first one was born to remember well," Snicker's mother said. "Yeah, I forgot about my uncles... they are so great..." Snickers said. "What are you kids playing anyway with these questions?" Chilli asked. "K9 news!" All three said. "We need someone who was or is an only child to interview them," Bluey explained. "Now that's some news story," Chilli said. "But we can't find someone to do the story with," Bingo said looking down. "Well, I do know someone you can interview... and he lives right under this very roof..." Chilli started to say. "It can't be dad, uncle Rad is older than him," Bluey said looking at her mother. "Actually... I was going to say your brother, he was an only child for a while," Chilli said while making some tea. "Oh yeah!" Bluey said now looking at her sister and friend. "Let's interview him!" Snickers said. "Yeah!" The girls said before running off to find their brother. "Just don't torture him!" Chilli called out with a smile. "Kids am I right?" Snicker's mum said with a chuckle. "Yeah... okay, what were you saying about Bill?" Chilli asked looking at Snickers mum.

Meanwhile Thomas was painting a picture while listening to music through his earbuds at the garage. "Thomas!" Bluey and Bingo shouted while running into the Garage. Thomas was too busy listening to his music, while focusing on his painting that he didn't notice his sisters and their friend behind him. "Big brother!" Bingo shouted while tugging on her brother's tail. "Oh hey! Sorry, guys, I didn't notice you," Thømas said, taking out an ear bud. "What are you doing?" Bluey asked. "Making some art pieces for Uncle Rad's wedding," Thomas replied. "Ooh! I can't wait to see that!" Bluey exclaimed, wagging her tail. "Bluey the interview," Snickers said. "Oh! Can you play with us?" Bluey asked, wagging her tail. Thomas then checked his phone and then looked at his sister. "Yeah I guess for a little bit," Thomas said, while putting down his painting brush and palette. "Hooray!" The kids cheered.

Now outside in the backyard. Snickers and Bluey had set up a pretend camera and mic for Thomas to use. "So what are we playing?" Thomas asked, taking the mic. "K9 news! And the story is what it's like being an only child!" Snickers explained. "But I'm not an only child, or at least not anymore," Thomas said looking at the kids. "That's the story! You used to be one," Bluey said, now getting ready to take notes. "Ah, I see," Thomas said. "So tell us Thomas, what was it like being an only child?" Bluey asked. "Uh... well growing up, toys were always mine and attention on me was important," Thomas answered. "Did dad play with you like he does with us?" Bluey asked with a smile. "Yeah most of the time but mostly I played with uncle Stripe," Thomas answered. "How come?" Bluey asked, pretending to write something down. "Well, dad worked a lot more than he does now and when uncle Strike came to visit, he had all the time for me," Thomas answered.

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