Chapter 30: Game Day

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Chapter 30: Game Day

Bandit and Chilli woke up to the smell of breakfast as they turned and looked at each other. "Is someone making breakfast?" Chilli asked waking up some more. "I don't know, let's go check," Bandit said getting up. The two Heelers then walked into the kitchen to find their son making breakfast for them. "Mate? What are you doing up so early?" Bandit asked. Thomas turned and looked at his parents. "Good morning mom good morning dad," Thomas said while cooking. "Did we wake up in the right house?" Chilli asked, while getting inside the kitchen and sitting down. "Just thought I would make everyone breakfast." Thomas said with a smile. Bandit and Chilli looked at each other and then looked at back at their son. "When did you learn how to cook, mate?" Bandit asked also sitting down next to his wife. "I learned from the best dad of the world... that is you," Thomas said looking at father. "Have you forgotten all those times I helped you making breakfast?"

Bandit felt proud that his son had said that, causing him to remember those happy times. "I'll go get the girls," Chilli said as she stood up. Bandit stayed in the kitchen while Thomas cooked. "You know, it's not like you to cook, even if you know how to do it, what can only mean... you are nervous about today, right mate?" Bandit asked as Thomas served him some food. "A little, dad what if I fail?" Thomas asked turning off the stove. "Son I was nervous at my first game too," Bandit confessed. "Dad, you're a legend at school, how could you have ever been nervous?" Thomas asked preparing the other plates. "Hey, all legends started from the bottom, when I started at the team I was a tenth grader, I had a lot to prove, trust me mate I was nervous and so were your uncles," Bandit explained. Thomas laughed at that. "I don't see uncle Rad being nervous at any game... or at anything," Thomas said as he started to eat. "Between me and you mate, he was nervous because he didn't have me by his side," Bandit said winking at his son.

Thomas laughed just as the girls and Chilli came into the kitchen. "Wow you made this big brother?" Bingo asked. "I sure did" Thomas replied. "Wow, look at this..." Bluey said. "I thought you only knew how to make American breakfast," she commented. "Hey, I did grew up with dad... and I learned everything from him," Thomas said as looking to his father with a smile. "Okay, girls, eat up, and after, school, we're all going to see your brother's first game," Chilli said. "Hurray!" the two of them exclaimed, excited. "We can't wait to see you play, Thomas," Bluey told. "Yeah, for sure you're going to win!" Bingo exclaimed. Despite being glad of Bingo's confidence in him, Thomas couldn't help but feeling even more nervous. "Now, Bingo, we must be glad that your brother is playing and support him, even if he doesn't win," Chilli said. "That's right, because we're proud of him, no matter what," Bandit said. Those words from his parents made Thomas become more tranquil, as if they knew how nervous he was getting after what Bingo had said. "Okay..." Bingo said, turning then to Thomas. "You'll do great, big brother," she said to him. "Thank you, Bingo," Thomas replied.

After breakfast, Bandit went to drive the kids to their respective schools. After leaving Bluey and Bingo, he drove Thomas to his school. After stopping and before Thomas got out, Bandit turned to his son. "Look, mate, just keep your head cleared, you got this, okay?" he told him. "Thanks, dad," he said, before getting out of the car. After Bandit went away, Thomas started going to the school. "Hey, Thomas," a voice called. He turned away to see Tori approaching. "Oh... hey, Tori," he greeted, with a little blush. "Thank you for the great afternoon, yesterday, it was lovely," she said. "I am the one that needs to thank you, you really helped me there, thanks to you, I will be able to control my schedule better," Thomas told. "Your welcome, it was a pleasure, if you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask me," she said. "I say the same to you..." Thomas told, while scratching the back of his head. "Well, I better go, I still need to review my homework before class," Tori told, preparing to go. "You know, I can't wait to see you playing," she said, before going. "Thank you, Tori," Thomas said. And she moved away, with Thomas following her with his eyes, before snapping to reality and also getting in.

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