Chapter 63: Anniversary

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Chapter 63: Anniversary

Brisbane Australia, 1985

Bob and Chris were sleeping in their bed. Bob then opened his eyes and looked at his sleeping wife and smiled as she slept. Bob then got out of bed and yawned. He scratched his stomach before leaving their room. Bob walked passed his son's room and the three of them weren't in their beds. "They better not be up to something," Bob said to himself before making his way to the kitchen. Bob started to make brekkie and then noticed his kids were outside playing in the backyard. "At least they're getting along so far," Bob said as he continued with the brekkie. "Chris," Bob said softly while holding a tray of food. Chris woke up and looked at her husband. "Good morning, and happy anniversary," Bob said with a smile. Chris smiled tiredly as she sat up. "Happy Anniversary," Chris said as Bob placed her breakfast in front of her. "Scrambled eggs, bacon and butter toast," Bob said as he kissed her on her head. "Where are the boys?" Chris asked as she started to eat her bacon. "Outside playing still," Bob said as he watched her eat.

"What are you looking at?" Chris asked with a chuckle. "You, my beautiful loving wife," Bob said with a soft smile. "That wasn't fair mate! I touched you and you had to drop the ball!" Stripe cried out. "No! You didn't touch me and I ran faster than you anyways!" Bandit shouted. "Rad! Tell him he's wrong!" Stripe cried out again. "Both you stop arguing'" Rad shouted to his younger brothers. Chris and Bob both sighed. "3... 2... 1..." They both counted down. "Mum!" All three of the boys called out to their mother. "Alright," Chris said as she started to put her food to the side. "No, no, I got this hun," Bob said standing up. "Are you sure?" Chris asked while looking at her husband. "Yeah, I got it," Bob said before giving his wife a kiss. Chris chuckled giving her husband a kiss back before he left the room.

(Present day)

"What do you think mate? For Chilli?" Bandit asked his son while looking at a necklace for his wife. Thomas looked at the necklace in the jewelry case. "Looks great dad, are you going to get it?" Thomas asked while looking at his dad. "I'm not sure, kinda still looking really," Bandit said while looking at other pieces. "What about a charm bracelet from pandora?" Thomas suggested. "You think so mate?" Bandit asked, looking back at his son. "Why not? She can add new charms when she wants and maybe someday Bluey and Bingo can match with her," Thomas suggested. Bandit smiled at that. "That's actually a great idea mate!" Bandit said still with his smile. "Other than that, what are you and mom doing for your anniversary?" Thomas asked as he and Bandit continued to walked around the shopping center.

"Dinner actually! I found this new restaurant downtown," Bandit said while they walked. "That's nice," Thomas said as they went into an ice cream shop. "Hey mate?" Bandit asked as they waited in line. "Yeah dad?" Thomas said, looking at his father. "Thanks for hanging out today mate," Bandit said with a smile. Thomas smiled at that. "Your welcome dad," Thomas said, still looking at his father with a smile. Once the father and son duo sat down at a table together with their hot fudge sundaes they continued their conversation. "Dad?" Thomas asked, taking a bite of his sundae. "Yes mate?" Bandit asked before eating more of his. "When was the first time you admitted you loved Chilli?" Thomas asked, also eating more of his sundae. "Oh! Well I uh invited her over for dinner at my apartment for the first time ..." Bandit said while explaining the story.


Bandit was working in his office at the museum trying to get things done but something else was on his mind. Chilli, ever since he had a few dates with her, he wanted to commit to her, he hasn't felt this way since being with Emily and felt that this was the right time to confess his love for her. Bandit then finished his work and looked at his phone for the time. It was after five o'clock and Bandit stared at the picture of his son on his phone. Bandit felt strange knowing he would betray his son's trust on moving on with his life away from his mother but knew he wanted to be happy. Bandit loved his son with everything in his heart and hoped his son would understand his feelings of moving on. Bandit quickly grabbed his things together and went home to his apartment. While staying at his apartment Bandit was also updating his childhood home with Rad. Once Bandit got into his apartment he called Chill. "Hey babe how was your day?" Bandit asked while sitting down on his couch.

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