Chapter 38: How I'm Feeling Part 1: Rad

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Chapter 38: How I'm Feeling Part 1: Rad

Rad woke up in the early morning, as soon the sun entered through his room and hit his face. He sit up and stretched, while yawning, before taking and looking at his phone. When he noticed the date, he realized what day it was and wasn't up for the day ahead of him. In fact, he dreaded for that day ever since he came to learn the worst news he could possibly have months ago. "Happy birthday Em," Rad said in a whisper as he gets out of bed. Rad went to the bathroom and washed his face and brushed his teeth before heading to the kitchen to make his breakfast. Rad ate his breakfast, chewing his cereals in a way that seemed like he was being forced to do so. It was then that his phone buzzed. Rad went to get and noticed he had just receives a text from Frisky. Rad looked at his phone and read the text from his girlfriend.


Good morning babe.




Good morning to you babe ;)




Hey I'll be a little late for dinner tonight but I'll be there.




Don't worry about it Frisk I'll be fine waiting for you.




Okay, I love you and I'll see you later




I love you too and I'll see you later :)

Rad put his phone down and continued eating his breakfast. Thoughts raced in his mind thinking about Emily since today was her birthday. He pondered what she would have thought about Frisky. She never got to meet her. In fact, Rad didn't got the time to tell her he had found new love at last. He would have to, but with her cancer, Rad simply didn't get the courage to do it. But then his thought went suddenly to the one person that should be have a much harder time than him at that day. "I wonder how Thomas is holding up?" Rad thought to himself. Rad hesitated to pick up his phone to check on his nephew because he too wasn't sure how he was holding up. "Hold it together, Rad," Rad said to himself, still hesitating to call his nephew. But his hesitation took the best of him. "Agh!" Rad said as he picked up his phone and called Stripe instead.

"Hey there, little bro, are you busy?" Rad asked his youngest brother. "No, not really, why do you ask, brother?" Stripe. "Do you want to meet for lunch later, mate?" Rad asked nervously. "Sure, that sounds good, but I have to confess I am surprised by the invitation, you don't normally ask me for anything... or Bandit for that matter, normally you expect to be invited, is everything alright?" Stripe asked confused. "Oh come on mate, can I just treat my favorite baby brother to lunch?" Rad said nervously. "But I'm not your favorite," Stripe said, still confused about what his brother was trying to do. "Just please meet me for lunch," Rad said, more seriously. "Okay, mate, there's no need to be so serious about it, just text me the place," Stripe said. Rad let out a sigh of relief. "Alright, mate, I'll see you then," Rad said before hanging up the phone. Despite feeling a little guilty for practically force Stripe to come lunch with him, he couldn't be happier that lunch would happen. Rad had texted his brother where to meet him at before doing his morning workout.

It was now noon with Rad sitting alone at the restaurant waiting for his youngest brother. Stripe then walked into the restaurant and then spotted his older brother. "Hey Brother," Stripe said as he sat down. "Hey mate," Rad said looking nervous. "Are you okay, mate? You look awful, are you sure you want to eat?" Stripe asked. "Yeah, I just.... need someone to talk to, that's all," Rad said, forcing a smile. But Stripe knew Rad very well. When Rad, a dog that always tried to be as happy as he could be, forced a smile like, that meant something was really going on and he was trying to hide it. "Okay, what's on your mind, mate?" Stripe asked. "I... um... have you talked to Bandit or Thomas today?" Rad asked nervously. "No, why?" Stripe asked. Rad looked down as he shook his leg. "You haven't checked on Thomas today? After what today is?" Rad asked, still acting nervous. "What's today?" Stripe asked confused. "It's Emily's birthday Stripe! And you're telling me you haven't talked to Bandit or Thomas at all today?!" Rad snapped at his youngest brother.

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