Chapter 35: Lonely

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Chapter 35: Lonely

Thomas and Bandit were both driving home from Stripe's house. "Dad," Thomas said looking out the window. "Yes mate?" Bandit said, while driving. "I'm sorry I slept on you basically," Thomas said now looking at his father. "It's okay mate, it just felt like old times," Bandit said with a smile. "Old times?" Thomas asked confused. "You used to sleep on me all the time back in the day," Bandit said, as they pulled up to their house. "I did?" Thomas asked still looking to his dad. "Yep, when you were a baby I would let you sleep on my chest all the time," Bandit explained. "Oh, I didn't know that," Thomas said. "Your mother would be worried that you would fall but I wouldn't ever let that happen, not to a child of mine" Bandit said, while placing his hand on Thomas's hand. That caused Thomas to smile, glad he was able to work things out with his father. He then turned to the house. "We better go inside I have some explaining to do," Thomas said as he got out of the car. Bandit also got out of the car and joined his son walking up to the house.

They walked into the house as Bluey and Bingo raced to their brother and jumped into his arms knocking him over to the floor. "Big brother you scared us!" Bluey said hugging her brother tightly. "You promise me you wouldn't run away!" Bingo said hugging her brother tightly as well. "I know and I'm sorry, and I know have some explaining to do, what I will do as soon as I can" Thomas told, as he hugged his sisters back. They broke the hug and the kids got out of their older brother to let him stand up. "Mums got breakfast going and I think she wants to talk to you," Bluey said. Hearing that, Thomas started to feel himself a little nervous. "Yeah I bet she does," Thomas said as he stood up. Thomas then looks at his father who nodded at him, giving him the okay to go into the kitchen to talk to Chilli. "It will be okay, son," he told him. Feeling himself a little more confident after hearing his father saying that, Thomas took a deep breath and then started to climb up the stairs.

Thomas then walked into the kitchen alone, fearing for what might happen. "Mom?" Thomas said as he walked into the kitchen. Chilli quickly turned off the stove and went to hug her son tightly. "Thomas, honey, you had me and your dad worried sick," Chilli said still holding her son. "Mom... I'm fine really," Thomas said with chuckle. Chilli then pulled away from her son and looks at his with tears in her eyes. "What that boy said to you wasn't fair and I get that," Chilli said with a crack in her voice. "Mom..." Thomas started to say. Chilli hugged Thomas again and whispered. "You are my son, Thomas, when you get hurt, I get hurt," Chilli said softly with a tear falling from her muzzle. "And when you hurt us by running away like that, it hurts even more... however, I want you to know that you'll always have my love, no matter how much you hurt me," Chilli told. "Thanks mom," Thomas said hugging her back. They stayed like that for a few moments. "Why don't you go play with your sisters while I make breakfast," Chilli said breaking the hug. Thomas nodded as he went to the playroom.

After Thomas left, Chilli wiped her tears away and went to finish up breakfast. Bandit walked into the kitchen and placed his keys down at the table. "Did you two talk?" Chilli asked her husband. "We did and we made up," Bandit answered, sitting down at the counter. "Good, I'm glad he needs his father," Chilli said with a smile. "He also needs his mother," Bandit replied. "Yeah, you're right about that..." Chilli told. There was a pause that was interrupted by Bandit. "Did you ever imagine that raising a teenager would be this challenging?" Bandit asked his wife. "It makes me wonder if Bluey and Bingo will be like that," he added. "Well, we were at some point teenagers," Chilli replied. "I bet we both had already given a lot of work to our parents," she said. "Well, Rad was the one to give a much bigger headache to my parents, but... you're right about that," Bandit said. "And we can't forget that Thomas is his own case, the boy already experienced more than any other normal teenager," Chilli said. "He lost his mother, he moved into a country he barely knows, he has to deal with those nasty panic attacks..." Chilli told, grabbing her husband's hand next. "I believe, overall, we're doing a good work with him," she told, making Bandit to make a smile and then share a kiss with his wife.

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