Chapter 49: One Year

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Chapter 49: One Year

Thomas was sleeping in his bed tossing and turning while whimpering. Breathing hard while dreaming about his mother, he shot opened his eyes now filled with tears from his dream. Thomas sat up in his bed and looked at his phone, it was after midnight. "Mom's one year anniversary," Thomas whispered to himself. Realizing what day it would be Thomas couldn't help to cry silently to himself. After letting it out about his mothers one year anniversary of her death, he didn't want to sleep alone in his room. Thomas collected himself from he's bed and went to his parents room.

Thomas quietly walked into his parents room and went to his dad's side of the bed. Seeing his dad peacefully sleeping, Thomas really didn't want to wake him up, but he didn't want to go back to his room. "Dad," Thomas said softly as he shook his father awake. "Son?" Bandit said sleepy while waking up. "Dad, I had a nightmare about mom and today's one year anniversary," Thomas whispered. Bandit, now fully awake and aware of what his son was telling him, looked up at his son with a sad look on his face. "You don't want to be alone do you?" Bandit whispered. Thomas shook his head. "Come here mate," Bandit said while scooting over to make room for his son to sleep. Thomas then got into the bed and laid next to Bandit, now being close to him. "Don't ever be afraid to ask to sleep with me mate, I don't care how old you are," Bandit said softly.

"Thanks dad," Thomas whispered as he cuddled into his father's chest. Thomas took in a deep breath and let it out as Bandit felt the pain in his son's exhale. "It's okay mate, it's okay," Bandit whispered while cuddling up to his son. Thomas let's his tears free as they drop onto Bandit's blue fur. Eventually Thomas cried himself to sleep in his dad's chest and when Bandit was able to move when Thomas moved away from him he didn't let go. Bandit also had tears in his eyes as he couldn't believe it has already been a year since his ex wife passed away from cancer. Bandit cuddled his son tightly while letting his own tears fall onto his son's fur.


"Daddy!" Four year old Thomas shouted from his room from his race car bed. "Hey mate, Did you have a nightmare?" Bandit asked while going into his son's room. Thomas nodded while wiping away he's tears. "Come here mate," Bandit said as he picked up his son. "Daddy I'm scared," Thomas said while hugging his father. "You scared? Why are you scared mate?" Bandit asked while holding his son. "There's monsters," Thomas said as some lighting had striked. "No, mate there's no monster I promise," Bandit said softly.

"You promise?" Thomas asked. "Cross my heart mate," Bandit said with a smile. Suddenly some thunder came and more lighting. Thomas got scared and hugged Bandit tightly. "It's okay mate, it's just some mean thunder and lightning," Bandit explained. "Will it go away?" Thomas asked while still holding onto Bandit. "Of course it will mate, you know I was once afraid of thunder and lightning too," Bandit said softly while bonucing his son up and down. "Really?" Thomas asked. "Really mate, do you want me to get your mum?" Bandit asked. "No, please stay with me daddy," Thomas asked while putting arms around his fathers neck.

"Alright mate, but just until you fall asleep. "Okay," Thomas said as Bandit placed him down in his bed. Thomas rubbed his eyes and yawned while looking at Bandit. "Daddy?" Thomas asked. "Yes mate?" Bandit asked softly. "Where you used to live, was there always thunder and lightning?" Thomas asked with a yawn. "Sometimes," Bandit said while sitting on his son's bed. "Did granddad help you not to be afraid?" Thomas asked with another yawn. "He sure did mate with help of your nana of course," Bandit said softly with a smile. "What about uncle Stripe?" Thomas asked. "Well mate, I helped him with that because your uncle Stripe was afraid of everything," Bandit said with a chuckle. "No he wasn't," Thomas said with a smile. "He was mate, I would know," Bandit said proudly. Thomas then laughed before shutting his eyes and going back to sleep. "I love you so much mate," Bandit whispered before giving his son a kiss on his head.

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