Chapter 40: How I'm Feeling Part 3: Thomas

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Chapter 40: How I'm Feeling Part 3: Thomas

Thomas woke up with his alarm and sighed while sitting up. Thomas then looked at his phone and noticed the date. Even though Thomas knew this day was coming, he knew nothing could prepare him for it. He turned and noticed the framed photo of him as a new-born baby with his father and mother, being more focused on the latter. "Happy birthday mom," Thomas said to the smiling picture of her, getting then out of bed. After making some stretches, Thomas got out of his room to go on his morning jog. He walked past his father's study and noticed him sleeping at his desk, what he found off. "I wonder why dad is sleeping in his study?" Thomas asked himself. For a moment, he thought it could have to do with that day, but Thomas realized it was for the best to put that thought aside, making then his way downstairs. Thomas then left his house and started jogging. Thomas was fine for the most part of his job and then he started thinking about his mom and her last birthday that they had together.


"Happy birthday mom," Thomas said bringing in a cupcake with a candle alright lit to his mother, who was in bed. "Sweetheart, you didn't have to get me a cupcake," Emily said placing her paperwork to the side. "Did you forget your birthday again mom?" Thomas asked with a chuckle. "I believe so," Emily taking the cupcake from her son. "Dad was always the one to remind you of your birthday," Thomas said, sitting on his mother's bed. "He sure did," Emily said before blowing out the candle. "What did you wish for?" Thomas asked curiously. "I wish for the same thing every year and every year I get it," Emily explained. "Really? What's that?" Thomas asked. "Your happiness," Emily said as she took a bite of her cupcake. "Thanks mom," Thomas said with a smile. "Oh, you have something on your muzzle," Emily said as she looked closely at her son. "Really? What?" Thomas asked. "This," Emily said pushing the cupcake in her son's muzzle. "Really mom?!" Thomas shouted with a smile as he grabbed some cup cake and put it on his mother. "No!" Emily shouted while laughing.

(End of Flashback)

Thomas ran and ran as fast as he could trying to forget the memory he was having, as, even though it was a good memory, it still was painful. He was so focused in trying to think over the memory that Thomas tripped and fell down, hitting his knee. "Damn it!" Thomas shouted while laying down on the ground. "Thomas?" A voice said coming up to him. Hearing that voice, Thomas then sat up and saw Tori jogging. "Tori?" Thomas said, starting to blush out of embarrassment for having fallen in front of the girl he liked, as Tori ran up to him. "Hey! What are you doing on the ground?" Tori asked. "Um... just resting," Thomas said, forcing a smile. "Are you sure? You look hurt," Tori said looking down at her friend. "Nah, I'm good," Thomas said trying to stand. Thomas yelped in pain while, quickly limping towards a nearby bench, sitting back down. "Yeah I guess I'm a little hurt," Thomas confessed.

"Do you need me to call someone? Maybe your dad or stepmom?" Tori asked, now sitting down next to Thomas. "No, it's okay I'll be fine, I just need a little rest," Thomas replied. "Are you sure? That doesn't look good," Tori commented. "I already told you I'm fine!" Thomas replied, with some harshness in his voice. Realizing quickly the way he talked to Tori, Thomas started feeling really bad. "Sorry, Tori, it's just... today is a particularly bad day," Thomas confessed. "I can see that, but what's going on? Is it any problems with your family?" Tori asked. "Not exactly... it's just that this day... brings some memories that are a little painful," Thomas told. He took a moment to take a deep breath, before deciding to tell her what was going on with him. "Today... it's my mom's birthday," Thomas told. "Today is Mrs. Heeler's birthday? That's wonderful! Let me guess, you don't have a gift to give her and you're trying to figure out something, right?" Tori asked.

But after noticing Thomas deeply sad look, she realized her mistake. "Oh... you meant your other mum... sorry, I..." she said. "It's okay, Tori, you didn't have how to know," Thomas replied. "It must be... hard for you," Tori said to Thomas. "Honestly, I didn't know how I was able to get out of the bed, but now that I did, I just want this day to pass as quick as possible," he replied. "How about your dad? I bet it must be also hard for him," Tori said. "I guess... honestly, I didn't pay that much attention, I just... wanted to go jogging and clear my mind of everything, to forget that this day has ever happened," Thomas confessed. "Well, if you want my opinion, running from your problems won't just make them go away," Tori replied. "That sounds something my psychiatrist would say," Thomas commented. That caused Tori to drop a chuckle. "Maybe, but it doesn't make it any less true," she replied.

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