Chapter 34: Stay Away

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Chapter 34: Stay Away

Thomas opens his locker getting his books for his next class. "Donut?" Tori said from behind Thomas startling him, making him hit his head on his locker. "Ow," Thomas said, turning around and looking at Tori. "Oh, I'm sorry are you okay?" Tori asked. Thomas then smiled now seeing Tori. "It's all good," Thomas said with a chuckle. "Glad to see you back," Tori said, handing Thomas a donut. "Yeah..." Thomas said speechless. "Well I better get to class enjoy the Donut," Tori said as she went to class. Thomas eats the donut as he watches Tori leave. Thomas then goes to his next class while also getting greeted for coming back from being sick. Thomas sits at table with Alfie, Liam and Sam. Thomas had introduced Sam to his new friends during lunch. "So Sam, you like Brisbane mate?" Alfie asks before eating his sandwich.

"Yeah it's a cool place," Sam replied, eating his pizza. "And your dads cool for sponsoring the school's touch football team," Liam said also eating his sandwich. "Yeah, that's his thing with new sports stuff," Sam answered with a smile. "Heeler!" Zach shouted from across the cafeteria. "What now," Thomas sighed. Before turning to look at Zach. "Careful Thomas I think he's real mad," Alfie said turning to see Zach approach the group. "What do you want Shepard?" Thomas said standing up now face to face with the German Shepherd. "If you think you can replace me as team captain you got another thing coming!" Zach said with a growl. "What are you talking about?" Thomas asked. "This!" Zach said pushing a piece of Paper into Thomas's chest. Thomas then took the paper and looked. "Oh, would you look at that I replaced you," Thomas said with a smile. "History will not repeat itself!" Zach spat.

"Repeat itself?" Thomas asked, confused. "Your uncle Rad stole that title from my dad!" Zach said with his ears back and growl. "Then I guess you'll just have to sit back and watch me win like my uncle Rad," Thomas said turning around. Zach growled again and exploded like a firework. "You have stayed sick like your mother!" Zach spat. Thomas snap without even thinking he made a fist and punched Zach repeatedly. "Screw you!" Thomas shouted as Zach and Thomas continued to fight. Alfie and Liam quickly got up and tired to get in between the two. Once they got the two to stop fighting two teachers came in and took over the situation. Both boys were reported to the principal's office. Thømas sat in the office with a cut lip and an ice pack on it. Bandit this time came for his son.

"Thomas! What did you do mate?!" Bandit said in Strict serious tone. Thomas stood and walked past his father. Bandit followed his son out to the car. "Son!" Bandit said but Thomas kept on walking. "Mate talk to me," Bandit said, trying to catch up to his son. "Thomas Heeler stop right now!" Bandit shouted. "WHAT! What do you want!" Thomas shouted. "Two weeks of suspension?! And you gave that kid a broken nose?! What had gotten into you!" Bandit shouted. "It's because of what he said!" Thømas shouted, getting into his dad's car. Bandit then got into the car. "What did he say to you that you had to break his nose?" Bandit asked getting the car. "I don't want to talk about it," Thomas said looking out the window. "Will I do, you just do that without a reason mate," Bandit said in a serious tone. "Just drive dad!" Thomas shouted looking forward. "Not until you tell me what happened," Bandit said strictly.

Thomas then shook his head and got out of the car and started walking home. "Thomas!" Bandit shouted to him but Thomas didn't listen. "Thomas!" Bandit shouted to him again. Thomas then started jogging him. "Dang it kid," Bandit said as he drove home. Bandit beats Thomas home as Thomas walks up to the house. "Thomas!" Bandit shouted to him. Thomas tried to walk past his dad but Bandit wouldn't let him through. "Talk to me son! Let me help you!" Bandit said grabbing his son by the shoulders. "Get off of me!" Thomas said trying to break free. "Talk to me mate just talk to me!" Bandit said holding his son back. "You won't understand!" Thomas shouted, struggling to get away. "Just try me!" Bandit said holding his son. "He said I should have stayed sick like mom!" Thomas shouted, breaking free. Bandit was shocked to hear that. "He said that to you?" Bandit asked, feeling heartbroken. He knew kids could be mean, but this was something else. Thomas wasn't done yet. "Ahh!" Thømas shouted as he started hitting his father. "Mate! What are you doing, why are you hitting me!" Bandit shouted, blocking all of Thomas's hits. "Because of you I'm here! Because of you I have to go to that school! Because of you I'm a Heeler!" Thomas shouted as he stopped hitting his dad and breathing hard. "What's wrong with being a Heeler mate?" Bandit asked, feeling his heartbreak.

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