Chapter 61: The Formal

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Chapter 61: The Formal

Thomas was in the cafeteria with his friends as two dogs were setting up a banner for the formal. Most of the whole school had already got their dates, But Thomas wanted to do something special for Tori. Thomas looked down at his food and started eating. "Have you asked Tori yet mate?" Liam asked his friend. Thomas looked at his friend as he swallowed his food. "Not yet, but I will, it just has to be perfect," Thomas said. "I get that," Liam said as he took a drink of his milk. "What about you? Did you ask anyone yet?" Thomas asked. "Nah, I'm probably going alone," Liam replied before going back to his food. Thomas nodded while eating. After lunch they all went to their classes and then at the end of the day Thomas went to his car where Tori was waiting for him. "Hey babe," Thomas said as he kissed his girlfriend. "Hey," Tory said with a smile before kissing him back. They then got into the car and Thomas drove Tori home. After Thomas dropped off Tori, he then went home.

Thomas parked his car and then went inside the house. Thomas went to the kitchen and sat at the counter and started on his homework. "Hey mate! How was school?" Bandit asked now coming into the kitchen to make a shake after he just went for a run. "It was" Thomas asked, looking up from his homework and looked at his dad. "Yes mate?" Bandit asked, looking at his son. "Did you ask mom to the formal?" Thomas asked. "Oh! Is it that time already?" Bandit asked while taking a drink of his shake. "Yeah, I'm actually nervous to ask Tori so I wanted to know how you asked mom,"Thomas asked. "Well... my first formal we didn't go together because she was with your uncle and second... hmm... actually we never went together," Bandit said now thinking about his past. "Did you go with anyone?" Thomas asked as he got up from his stool and went to get some juice. "Well... there was this one girl I went with and I just asked her out mainly to not be lonely," Bandit explained. "Let me guess, you wanted to make mom jealous when she was with uncle Rad and went with this other girl huh?" Thomas asked while taking a drink of his juice. "I! Well.. yeah!" Bandit said, crossing his arms. Thomas chuckled. "Well that got me nowhere," Thomas said before going back to his homework.

"Hey! Do you want some real dad advice?" Bandit said, leaning on the counter. "Alright dad, what advice do you have?" Thomas said, putting down his pencil. "Just do what you feel is right mate, trust your heart," Bandit said with a soft smile. "Now you sound like Chilli," Thomas said with a chuckle. "Hey! I do take her advice too," Bandit said, raising his eyebrow. "Dad?" Thomas asked, looking at his dad. "Yes mate?" Bandit asked. Thomas looked down before asking. "Did love change for you? After you and mom were divorced? And then getting married to Chilli?" Thomas asked. "After what happened with your mum and I, it was very painful for me and then I met Chilli everything started to heal," Bandit explained. "Oh," Thomas said again looking down. "I still had lots of love for your mum mate and I know it was super hard for you and for all of us," Bandit explained. "I wouldn't change anything though," Thomas said looking at his dad. Bandit was surprised by this. "You wouldn't?" Bandit asked. "I wouldn't have my sister's today if it didn't happen, I do miss everything that you and mom had but, Bluey and Bingo are everything to me," Thomas said with a soft smile. Bandit smiled as he rubbed the top of his son's head. "You're a good brother mate," Bandit said with a smile.

Thomas smiled before going back at his homework. "Your mum should be home with the girls soon, I'm gonna jump in the shower real quick and then start dinner," Bandit said looking at his son. "Sounds good dad, I'll be here eating this banana," Thomas said, reaching for the fruit. "Great! Don't get too full mate! I'm making spaghetti with meatballs," Bandit said as he walked towards his bedroom. Thomas chuckled while eating his banana and continuing his homework. After awhile Bandit had showered and dried his fur and came out to the kitchen to start dinner. Thomas had finished his homework and was watching tv while his dad started dinner. "Do you need help, old man?" Thomas asked with a chuckle. "Sure mate!" Bandit said happily while looking at his son. Thomas smiled and turned off the TV and started to help his father with dinner.

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