Chapter 67: Surfers Paradise

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Chapter 67: Surfers Paradise

After a few weeks Thomas stayed focused on his uncle's painting project for his wedding. He made very unique paintings for the wedding and wanted them to be perfect. "Done," Thomas said to himself while stepping back to see his hard work. Thomas had made twelve art pieces for his Uncle Rad and soon to be Aunt Frisky. Each piece was a symbol of their love and support for each other. Thomas's heart started to hurt upon seeing these pieces as they reminded him about how true love felt and how it felt about being with Tori. Meanwhile, Bandit was in the kitchen taking the dishes out of the dishwasher while Chilli was upstairs giving the girls a bath. Bandit sighed as he took his phone and texted his son. Thomas felt his phone vibrate and took it out and looked at it.


Dad: Hey mate, are you okay?


Thomas: yeah I'm okay,


Dad: please talk to me if you want, I'm just worried about you, you've been working hard at these art pieces for you uncle Rad and I just want you to know I love you and it's okay to feel the way your feeling,


Thomas: I know... do you want to see them?

(End Of Texting)

Bandit placed his phone in his pocket and went to the garage. Bandit slowly opens the door and walks in closing the door behind him. "Mate?" Bandit said before walking closer to his son. "Hey dad," Thomas said while looking at his work. Bandit turned and looked at his son's work. "Thomas, these are fantastic mate," Bandit said with a smile. Thomas looked down and teared up. "Oh mate, I didn't mean to upset you," Bandit said as he placed his arm around his son's shoulder. Thomas rested his head on his dads shoulder. "Dad?" Thomas asked with a sniff. "Yes son?" Bandit asked. "Did it hurt this bad after the divorce? Even weeks after not being with mom?" Thomas asked before wiping his tears. Bandit then made his son look at him. "It did mate, sleeping alone for the first time in years was lonely for me and I missed you mum very much. Over time my heart healed and it was okay to see other people and eventually I met Chilli and the rest is history," Bandit explained.

Thomas sniffed again before replying. "She told me don't be afraid to find someone, but it's just hard," Thomas said with his ears back. "I know mate trust me, but your heart will heal," Bandit said before giving his son a hug. Thomas hugged his father back, knowing that he was right. If anything he knew his father would know the hardest thing about love, even uncle Rad would as well as his love life with his mother was also very much painful. Thomas then broke the hug and looked at his father. "Do you think uncle Rad will like these?" Thomas asked before looking at the art pieces. "He's going to love this mate!" Bandit said, wagging his tail. "I just want to make him happy," Thomas said, crossing his arms. "You will mate, if I know my brother he's going to be so happy with these," Bandit said again wrapping his arms around his son's shoulder. "By the way, what do you have planned for a bachelor party mate? And no wild parties and such," Bandit asked looking at his son.

"Oh! I thought maybe you, me, Uncle Stripe, Uncle Rad and Pat could go surfing?" Thomas said, looking at his dad. Bandit smiled wide with his tail wagging out of control. "Surfing?! That will make your uncle very happy! And proud that you suggested that!" Bandit said still smiling. "Have you ever been surfing dad?" Thomas asked as he tilted his head to the left. "Oh yeah! Your uncles and I used to surf all the time! Your mum even tried!" Bandit said with excitement. Thomas's eyes widened as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Mom?! She surfed? With you?" Thomas asked curiously. Bandit nodded, "she sure did mate! And she was hot doing it," Bandit said with a grin. "Dad!" Thomas said with a chuckle. Bandit laughed at that response. "On a serious note kid, yeah we can do that since Uncle Rad did give you a surfboard for your birthday," Bandit said with a smile.

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