Chapter 22: Happy New Year

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Chapter 22: Happy New Year

Thomas was sleeping on his bed peacefully until Bandit stormed into his room and hit his son with a pillow. "Wake up mate!" Bandit shouted startling his son. "I'm up!" Thomas said, nearly falling out of bed. "Good, get ready mate we have a big day," Bandit said shutting the door. "Always with the big days," Thomas said getting up from his bed. He looked at his phone and noticed it was quite early, just a little earlier than when he would normally get up to jog. Thomas left his room and saw some bags packed up by the door, what was quite odd. "Dad?" Thomas said looking around for his father. "Hey mate!" Rad said from around the corner. "Uncle Rad?" Thomas questioned, surprised to see him. "You got those other bags, Stripe?" Rad asked, calling his brother from the other room. "Sure mate let the little brother carry everything," Stripe said coming in grabbing the bags. "Uncle Stripe? What's going on here?" Thomas asked. "Come on boys let's get this show on the road shall We?" Bob said from the front door.

"Grandpa? Okay what's really going on?" Thomas asked now really confused, especially since he was seeing all the males of the paternal side of his family on one place without being an holiday or family reunion. "We're having a boys weekend mate," Bandit said from behind his son. "A boys weekend?" Thomas asked. "Yep, just you, me, grandpa, uncle Rad and uncle Stripe," Bandit explained. "But when did you..." Thomas started. "Sorry if we didn't tell you, mate, but we just wanted it to be a surprise," Bob said, while approaching his grandson. "You did tell me at Christmas you wished we could have more time to spend together, so I thought what better way to do that than celebrating the New Year by having a traditional Heeler boys weekend," Bob continued. "So this is a tradition?" Thomas asked. "Dad never told me about it," he observed. "Well, at that time you lived at America, so you couldn't come, but now that you're here with us, it's time for you to participate as well," Bob told. "Oh, I see... A weekend just for the boys of the family... That sounds cool," Thomas said with a smile.

"But I want to go with them!" Bingo said to her mother, getting down with Chilli and Bluey, having being awaken with all the commotion. "But you can't go Bingo," Chilli said looking down to her daughter. "Why?" Bingo asked Chilli, who got down to her level and place her hand on her shoulder. "Because this is a weekend for boys to be boys... and you're not a boy, aren't you, honey, and besides we're gonna have more fun here, we're gonna celebrate New Year by having a girls weekend of our own," Chilli said with a warm smile. "Aunt Trixie is coming with Muffin and Socks and even Nana and Frisky will join us," she added. "Then why can't daddy and Thomas join us," Bingo asked. "Because there's no boys allowed this weekend" Bluey spoke up who, unlike her sister, was very excited. "But... I'm going to miss them a lot!" Bingo exclaimed, going to hug her dad and brother's legs.

"Come on, Bingo, don't be like that," Bandit said, while he picked her up. "I bet you're going to have a lot of fun with mommy, Bluey and the others," he said, while poking her nose playfully. "Yeah, little sister, beside we want you to tell us all about it... just like we're going to tell you all about our weekend, that way it will be like we've never been apart," Thomas said to Bingo. Those words from her dad and brother made Bingo feel a lot better. "Yeah, I think I can do that," she said, happier. "That's our Bingo," Bandit said, as he and Thomas went to hug her and then put her down. "Okay, boys, let's get going, we're losing time and there's still a lot to do," Bob said.

As the Heeler boys took their bags outside, Thomas had a question. "So, where are we going exactly?" he asked. "Oh, you already know it, mate, it's that cabin we went before," Rad replied, mentioning the place they went when Thomas got suspended from school. "Oh, yeah... you did tell me grandpa used to take you all there," Thomas remembered. "And... we're taking my truck get there," Rad replied, as he went to put the bags he was carrying at the cargo area of his truck. "I just hope you can get us there safely, okay?" Stripe said, while putting his bags at the truck. "Yeah, no funny businesses like last time you were driving," Bandit added. "Come on, you're still at it again? That was a long time ago," Rad protested. "It was last year!" both Bandit and Stripe exclaimed. "Grandpa, are they always like this?" Thomas asked. "That is nothing, but you don't have to worry, mate, your father and uncles, whenever they argue, are able to always make up very easily," Bob said. And in fact, just like his grandfather had told Thomas, the three brothers quickly ended up the arguing, while also not holding any grudge against each other.

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