Chapter 10: About Charlie

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Chapter 10:  About Charlie

"Oh my god..." Thomas said looking at the small picture. It was a picture of Rad holding a pup that looked like him. "Granddad?" Thomas said looking at his grandfather. "Yes mate?" Bob said looking at his grandson. "Whose Charlie?" Thomas asked. "Oh mate," Bob said walking over to his grandson. "I guess I should explain this," Bob said with his ears down. "Explain what exactly? Is Charlie my brother?" Thomas asked. Bob didn't Hesitate, "yes, he's your half brother," Bob answered. "Then my mom and uncle Rad they..." Thomas said knowing the answer. Bob nodded.

"Is Rad my dad?" Thomas asked hoping for the right answer. "No mate, Bandit's your father," Bob said softly. Thomas nodded in response. "But where's Charlie?" Thomas asked still confused about the whole situation. "That is something Rad will have to explain mate," Bob said placing his hands on his grandson's shoulders. Thomas nodded. "Come on mate I bet Nana has cookies waiting for us," Bob said now walking down the stairs. Thomas was still confused about the situation. Where was Charlie this whole time and why did Rad lie about it when he said him and his mom dated for minute when they had a kid together.

After getting cookies and ice tea Bandit and Chilli came to get the kids. Thomas was silent the whole way home and didn't even pay attention to his sisters when they asked to play a game in the car. "Something on your mind mate?" Bandit asked shaking Thomas out of thoughts. "No, I'm okay," Thomas said as they finally pulled up to the house. Everyone got out of the car and headed inside. Thomas went to his room and took out the picture of Charlie. "Where are you," Thomas said to himself. Thomas then grabbed his phone and texted Rad.



We need to talk...




Sure mate what about?




In person




Okay I can be at your dads in a hour




Not here meet at the coffee down the street from my house




Okay mate I'll be there in a hour





(End texting)

Thomas then grab a jacket and headed out. Thomas snuck out through his window and started to make his way to the coffee shop. It took about 20 minutes to get to the coffee shop. Thomas sat down at a spot near the window near a neon light so Rad could see him. Not long later Rad parked his truck and and walked inside. "Hey mate," Rad said sitting down. "Do you want a coffee or something?" Rad asked with a smile. Thomas shook his head. "Okay then what did you want to talk about?" Rad asked still with his smile. "Charlie," Thomas said as he slid the picture to Rad.

"Oh..." Rad said losing his smile and having his ears down. "Where is Charlie?" Thomas asked with a serious look on his face. "He's dead," Rad said looking away. "What? What happened?" Thomas asked. "He was premature and didn't make it," Rad said looking down at the picture. "Then that was you holding him?" Thomas asked. Rad nodded feeling down. "Grandpa told me already but I want to hear it from you, are you my real dad?" Thomas asked. Rad was surprised by hearing this from his nephew. "What? No mate, Bandit is your real dad and always will be," Rad said firmly. "Then why did you lie about dating my mom wasn't serious?" Thomas asked firmly. "Because I didn't want to remember this," Rad said having hurt in his voice. "Then why did you and my mom break up?" Thomas asked.

"Mate, do we really have to play 20 questions?" Rad said trying to fight back how hurt he was from his nephews questions. "Answer the question!" Thomas ordered. Rad then gave into the question. "Because your mom was devastated after Charlie passed and we began fighting so bad that we gave it up," Rad said letting a tear fall from his muzzle. "Oh uncle Rad I'm so sorry," Thomas said now feeling bad for forcing Rad for answers. "My brother then would be a friend to her after the passing of Charlie and then they fell in love with each other and had you. The rest is history," Rad said wiping his tears away. Thomas looks down at the picture of Charlie and then looks up at Rad. Thomas then places his hand on Rads and smiled. "I'm here for you Uncle Rad," Thomas said keeping his smile.

Rad then turn his frown into a smile. "I love you mate thank you," Rad said with his smile. Suddenly Thomas's phone rang. "It's my dad I'm probably grounded for real life as Bluey would say," Thomas said before answering the phone. "Hello?" Thomas said in the phone. "Whoa dad slow down, what happened to Bingo?" Thomas asked. "Okay, okay I'm on my way," Thomas said as he hung up the phone. "What's going on?" Rad asked nervously. "Bingo had a seizure and fell down the stairs," Thomas said now worried. "Can you take me to the hospital," Thomas said standing from his seat. "Of course mate, just get in my truck," Rad said Thomas nodded and rushed to the truck.

Not long later. Thomas and Rad rushed into the hospital and found the family in the waiting room and Bandit having an angry look on his face. "Thomas Micheal Heeler! Where were you!" Bandit shouted grabbing Thomas by his shoulders "Dad I was just with..." Thomas tried to explain but was cut off by his father. "Your sister is sick and you decided to leave the house without permission?!" Bandit shouted again. "Dad listen..." Thomas tried again but was cut off again. "No mate! You listen Bluey was terrified and you weren't there to help her!" Bandit shouted some more. "Bandit he was with me," Rad spoke up. Bandit then looked to Rad, "what?" Bandit asked. "It was about Charlie," Rad said looking down. "Oh..." Bandit said softly now calmly. "Where's my sister?" Thomas asked shaking with fear and anger. Bandit sighed as he pointed to a room. "In there mate," Bandit said rubbing in between his eyes. Thomas then rushed into the room and saw Bingo all hooked up to things and banged up. Chili was sitting next to her with Bluey.

Bluey had fallen asleep in a chair that was next to Chilli. "Mom," Thomas said with a crack in his voice and tears forming in his eyes. Chilli heard Thomas call her mom as she stood up from her seat and ran over to Thomas and gave him a hug. "It's okay honey she's going to be alright," Chilli said, holding Thomas close to her. Thomas then broke down and collapsed to the ground while in Chilli's arms. "It's okay, it's okay honey," Chilli said also forming her own tears. "Bandit!" Chilli called her husband. "And so I told him, he deserves to know about Charlie," Rad explained everything. "Bandit!" Bandit heard Chilli called his name and she said like she was in trouble. Bandit rushed into the room and saw Thomas crying into Chilli's arms. Chilli looked at Bandit with tears of her own. That sight seeing his son heart broken all over again since his mother passing broke Bandit all over again as well. Bandit the got down on the ground and hugged his wife and son.

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