Chapter 7: I Love You

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Chapter 7: I Love You

Thomas shuts his locker and finds Liam standing next to him. "Hey, I heard what happened are you okay?" Liam asked. "Yeah, I'm good," Thomas said as he grabbed his backpack and started to head down the hallway. "I'm sorry about those guys, they can be real jerks," Liam said while walking with Thomas. "Yeah, I noticed," Thomas said with a chuckle. "Hey what are you doing after school?" Liam asked. "I have to help babysit my sisters with my uncle," Thomas said as they both entered the classroom. After the last bell, Thomas received a text message from his uncle Stripe.


Uncle Stripe

Hey, kid at the drop-off zone waiting for you already got Bluey and Bingo.



Ok, be out in a second.


Uncle Stripe


(End of Texting)

Thomas grabs his backpack and homework for the night and heads out to Stripe's car. Thomas gets in the front seat and sees Bluey and Bingo playing on their tablets. "Hey mate, how was school?" Stripe asked. "It was...well better than most of the time," Thomas said as he buckled himself in. "Good, no trouble with those other kids?" Stripe asked. Thomas shook his head. "Good," Stripe said before taking off. "So where's the family at uncle Stripe?" Thomas asked before they pulled up to Stripe's house. " Visiting Trixie's mum's house," Stripe said as he parked the car. "Oh, so it's just you at home?" Bluey asked. "Precisely Bluey," Stripe said while getting out of the car.

They all get out of the car and head into Stripe's house. The girls go ahead and start playing and coloring with their books and toys. Thomas makes himself a spot on the couch and starts his homework. Stripe went to his office to get some work done while Thomas and his sisters were in the living room. Thomas gets done with his homework and then sits down on the floor with his sisters as they were drawing and coloring. "What are you guys doing?" Thomas asked. "Just coloring," Bingo answered. "And you Bluey?" Thomas asked looking to Bluey. "Drawing," Bluey said in almost a snap at her brother. "What's the matter with you?" Thomas asked. "Nothing," Bluey answered as she continued to draw. Bluey then started to color in her drawings. "What's your drawing about?" Thomas asked.

"It's just a picture of our family," Bluey said showing Thomas the picture. "Oh yeah? Where am I at?" Thomas asked looking at picture. "It's a picture of our family before you came!" Bluey shouted before running to the backyard. "Was it something I said?" Thomas asked looking to Bingo. "She thinks you took dad away from us," Bingo answered. "Oh," Thomas said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you think that too?" Thomas asked. Bingo laughed and shook her head. "No, he's our daddy remember," Bingo said with a chuckle before showing Thomas her drawing. Bingo drawing was about her, Bluey, and Thomas playing together. "I'll be back just keep drawing," Thomas said as he stood up and walked out to the backyard. "What happened to Bluey?" Stripe asked coming out of his office. "I got this," Thomas said as he walked past Stripe and headed outside.

Bluey was inside Muffin's playhouse crying to herself just before Thomas knocked on the little door. "Go away," Bluey said wiping her tears away. "I can't do that kiddo," Thomas said sitting down next to the little door. "You know bluey, just because I'm dad's first kid doesn't mean he loves you any less," Thomas said hoping Bluey would open up. "Do you mean that for real life?" Bluey asked with a sniff. "Oh, yeah, and just because he had kids with someone else doesn't mean I wouldn't love you any less either," Thomas said still hoping Bluey would come out. Bluey then comes out of the playhouse. "Do you mean that too?" Bluey said with a smile. "Always and forever little sister," Thomas said with a smile. "I love you big brother," Bluey said as she jumped on him. "You know what other things big brothers love?" Thomas asked looking at Bluey. "What's that?" Bluey asked. "Being the tickle monster!" Thomas shouted as he started to tickle his little sister.

"No!" Bluey shouted while laughing.

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