Chapter 44: Chilli's Birthday

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Chapter 44: Chilli's Birthday

(Years Ago...)

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Chilli, happy birthday to you," a male red Heeler sang while coming into the room with a plate of French toast and a candle on it. Chilli woke up and smiled seeing her fiancé with her birthday brekky. "Ethan, you didn't have to make this for me," Chilli said with a smile as she sat up in bed. "Well, why wouldn't I make brekky for the most beautiful dog in the world," Ethan said as he sat down next to Chilli. "You know, you used to not think that when we were kids," Chilli said with a chuckle. "Well, what can I say? I matured and realized that you are the one for me," Ethan said, kissing Chilli on her head. "So you don't think I have cooties huh?" Chilli asked with a chuckle. "Eat your breakfast brat," Ethan said with a chuckle while playfully hitting Chilli with a pillow. After Breakfast Chilli took her plate to the kitchen and started to get ready for work. Ethan watched as Chilli was getting ready for work. "What are you looking at?" Chilli asked as she turned and looked at Ethan. Ethan just smiled as he walked over to his fiancé and placed his hands around her waist. "Just looking at you," Ethan said, kissing Chilli. "Okay I got to get to work," Chilli said trying to get out of Ethan's arms.

"Oh no you don't," Ethan said with a smile as he lightly pushed Chilli on the back. "Ethan! I really need to get to work," Chilli said with a laugh. "Nah we don't need the money," Ethan said with a chuckle while getting on top of Chilli and tickling her. "Ethan!" Chilli screamed with laughter. Ethan tickled Chilli for just a few more moments and then stopped and just looked at her in her eyes in a passionate way. "I love you so much, Chilli," Ethan whispered softly. "And I love you too, Ethan, from here to the end of the world" Chilli whispered back as they leaned in for a kiss.

(Present Day)

"Happy birthday babe," Bandit said softly as he lightly touched his wife. Chilli woke up and smiled as she turned and looked at her husband. "Thanks Bandit," Chilli said as she kissed her husband. "Bluey! Where did you put my color art pencils?" they heard Thomas calling his sister from outside their bedroom. "I put them back in your room!" Bluey called back to her brother. "They're not here!" Thomas called again. "Did you check the Fridge!" Bingo chimes in. "There goes a quiet morning," Bandit said as he sat up in bed. Chilli chuckled as she also sat up in bed. "Do we even have one of those? Come on, husband of mine, let's get the kids some brekky," Chilli said about to get out of bed. "Where do you think your going?" Bandit asked as he pulled Chilli back in bed. Chilli started laughing as she and Bandit were kissing each other. "Bluey! Why did you put them in the fridge?!" Thomas asked. "Well... they change color when they get cold!" Bluey stated. Those last shouts cut the mood to the couple. "Yeah, let's get the kids brekky," Bandit said as he got off of Chilli. Chilli chuckled at the situation as she too got out of bed.

The two parents then left their room and headed to the kitchen. "Happy birthday!" The three kids said as Chilli and Bandit walked into the kitchen, showing them the breakfast ready on the table. "Aww you guys made me breakfast," Chilli said with a smile. "Well, Thomas did but Bingo and I made you these last night," Bluey said as she handed her mother pop up cards. "Yeah, with the help of the refrigerator colored art Pencils," Thomas said with a smirk. The family then laughed before they started their breakfast. "Let's see what you made for breakfast," Chilli said while sitting down. "My mom used to make these all the time and she taught me how to make them," Thomas said while placing the plate down for Chilli. "Omelettes!" Chilli said with a smile. "Yeah... I hope you like them," Thomas said nervously. Chilli took a bite and then smiled. "They're perfect sweetheart," Chilli said while looking at Thomas. Thømas smiled before seating himself at the table with his family.

After breakfast Bandit and Thomas both started cleaning up while Chilli and the girls were playing a game. "Thanks mate for making breakfast," Bandit said while putting the dishes in the dishwasher. "Your welcome dad," Thomas said while handing his dad more dishes. "Hey mate?" Bandit asked looking at his son. "Yeah dad?" Thomas asked, looking at his father. "Can you come with me to the mall to get your mum's present?" Bandit asked while putting the last of the dishes away. "Sure dad," Thomas said with a smile. "Also... can you watch the girls tonight? I want to take your mum out for dinner," Bandit asked. "Hmmm... what's in it for me?" Thomas asked, crossing his arms. "Come on mate, this is important to your stepmum," Bandit pleaded. "Well... last time I watched the girls a storm came in and then there was the bad joke of monsters under the bed," Thomas explained with a sly smile.

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