How it all started -Tzuyu

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(A/n: Honestly, i don't like this but wtv)

Third Person Pov:

Italic: Thoughts

you didn't talk to twice for the first month of debut and before debut, which equals up to a little over a year that you've been training together but you still are quite cold to them.

But they still treat you like family, coming in to say good mornings, all of those things. So when they left for practice early and you weren't apart of it

You cooked and ordered a few meals, setting them up on the table, doing the dishes, drying the dishes, writing small notes for each member.

And left your reasoning for cooking in one last note for them, the note read 'You guys left early today and i don't know if you've eaten. Goodnight i love you <3'

You were curious about what their reactions were going to be so you set up a mini camera you watched it from your phone as you laid on your bed.

The members walked into the dorm and into the kitchen. Freezing at the sight. "What?" Nayeon mumbled as Jihyo walked up and picked up the sticky note.

"She said i love you." "really?" "no way" small smiles came from the members as the read the note. "I'm gonna go call her down" Tzuyu said as she ran up the stairs.

You quickly shut off your phone and acted as if you were asleep. Tzuyu walked in and walked over to your bed, lightly chuckling. "Sleepyhead"

"Its alright, it's cute. Thanks for the meal" she whispers as she pecked your forehead, going back downstairs. "So.. where's y/n?" "Asleep" "ah, i see" Chaeyeong said as she took a sip of water.

Once the twice members went to bed, Mina quickly fell asleep in a bed beside yours but Tzuyu, for some reason. Couldn't get you out of her mind.

Tzuyu Pov:

why is y/n that cute, wait, what? why am i?She my bandmate. I can't fall for her. Can i?

What would happen if we started dating? could it happen? would we last? am i in love? how, i've known her for a year but why am i only falling now?

Do i love her, or the thought of her? Holy shit. it's 5 in the morning. What have you done to me Y/n..

Third Person Pov:

The next few weeks were normal other then the fact that Tzuyu was talking to you less, "Hey? Tzuyu unnie? do you wanna hang out? just the two of us, the other members are out"

You asked as she let out a small cough, "Yeah, sure, are we going somewhere?-" "Can we?" you cut her off with a smile making her chuckle, "Yeah, get ready, we can leave in like an hour"

"Okay!" you mumbled before going to the washroom and taking a quick shower. Once you finished getting ready you saw Tzuyu on her phone, just sitting there.

A light blush covered your cheeks, her hair was half up half down, it was kinda messy as she was in an oversized t-shirt with some jean shorts, "Hey, you ready?" She asked as you nodded,

"Yeah" you said as you put your wallet, phone and keys in your pockets, "how the hell did you fit all of those things in your pocket?!" She whispered yelled as you chuckled.

"Male pants" you shrugged as Tzuyu's mouth fell into a 'o' shape. "Let's go?" You hummed as she opened the door, you got in the drivers seat as she got into the passenger seat.

"You're a good drive right? im not gonna die?" "If i got my license in Oxford, probably, and no you're not gonna die" "good" she whispers as she grabs the aux cord,

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