Trust -tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

It was june 13, one day before tzuyu's birthday and three weeks away from your anniversary. You were panicked, you had the whole day off, you've been thinking of what to get her for her birthday for the past few weeks and nothing seems to be good enough.

Tzuyu had always told you not to get her anything but you've always gotten her something, in no way was this year going to be different, she's turning 24. Just tomorrow she'll be three years older than you.

You searched on every website possible, designer brands, normal brands, no name at all, small businesses, everything. You had already made her a painting but that wasn't enough.

So you also bought some snacks, a hoodie and a necklace you were also going to get some flowers for her, tzuyu sleeps early and wakes up early, you sleep late but wake up early, you can run off of very little sleep.

You always woke up before tzuyu, no matter what situation, you knew the members knew you were in the living room with them but they didn't talk to you because they could tell you were searching about something.

Assuming that it was important they didn't go to you, they started playing a movie and you couldn't focus on your searching and it pay sound petty but you played your playlist in your airpods, full volume.

You just continued to find gifts, you knew what you were getting her for your anniversary you just didn't know what type, until you felt a tap on your thigh causing you to look down, you saw tzuyu pouting at you as you raised an eyebrow confused before pulling an airpod out.

"you're ignoring me" she muttered as you turned off your phone with a chuckle, shoving your phone in your pocket and taking your airpod case out, putting them into your pocket as well before opening your arms as she crawled into them.

"what were you doing on there? you looked focused" "secret" you replied as tzuyu pulled your phone out of your pocket but you stopped her and shook your head. "why?" "because" "because?"

"because it's a secret" "what're you hiding?" she raised an eyebrow making you shrug, "nothing" "then let me see your phone" "nope, but i promise you. it's nothing bad. Trust me, alright?"

"if it's not bad, why won't you let me see?" "it'll make sense soon, tzu. i promise you." she pouted but she nodded. Trusting you, she trusts you. Pushing her worries aside as she slipped back into your arms.

Closing her eyes shut and hiding her face in the crook of your neck as you put your phone away, holding her tightly.


"happy birthday, tzu!" Tzuyu laughed as you hugged her from behind. "thank you, baby." "get ready, i'm taking you out" "but it's my day off, i don't wanna go out" she pouted making you laugh a bit.

"okay, but we have to go out tonight okay?" she nodded. "okay, deal. now get your butt back in a bed, i'll grab a water bottle before going back up. We can cuddle" you complied, going into your room as she took a few sips of the water.

Going up to your room to just keep you in her arms for the first bit of the day.


"tzuyu?" "mhm?" "start getting ready, la." "where are we going?" "i know you don't really wanna go out so only on a stroll, to our place. The hidden garden" There was a garden you knew, beautiful.

There was a small lake and even a park, yet no one knew about it but you two. Everytime something special happens it always happens there, so it was no surprise you were going there. But you never go for birthdays.

Or even anniversaries, you went a few times for fun but the main times you gone there, your first date, the day she asked you to be hers, and everything like that. So honestly you were both a little anxious.

Once you reached the place, you've hung out there for a bit just laughing and joking around until the sun started setting. "tzuyu?" "yes?" "uh.. well first of all, happy birthday!" "thank you?" she laughed as you kissed the top of her head.

"I wanna uh, thank you for being by my side through everything, when i have a bad day you're there to cheer me up, you're always there when i need it and i honestly am really grateful i have you in my life. You're the girl everyone wants but only i can have

And i'm genuinely still a little shocked that you chose me, you chose to love me. And not only that but you chose to be with me, through everything, even moving me into your house and loving me for the last 4 years.

So this is my chance to finally repay you for everything, and i love you. with each and every piece of me, with every bone in my body. I love you, endlessly, unconditionally and uncontrollably."

You pulled her up before sighing and shaking your head, kneeling down, making tzuyu gasp before mumbling, "you're lying, where are the unnies? they're not just gonna pop out are they? where's the cameras? don't mess with me"

You pulled the box out before chuckling, "i'm not messing with you, lovely." "don't make this romantic, we're gonna look back and cringe" she laughed through her tears as you also laughed, "fine then how about this.. wanna be my wife?"

She nodded as you closed the box, knowing she was gonna lunge at you for a hug, not wanting the ring to fall out. But to your surprise, it wasn't a hug, it was a kiss. You wiped away her tears with your sleeve and thumb before slipping the ring onto her finger.

"it's pretty" "your mom helped me pick it" "my mom?" tzuyu asked confused as a car pulled up, another gasp leaving her lips as her parents as well as her older brother left the car. They immediately embraced the girl that ran into their arms.

"hey" you mumbled as her older brother looked at you, "hey, don't hurt her, okay? i'm trusting you. and if you hurt her, i wont hesitate to slice your throat open" "if i hurt her? i would let you. go straight for it"

You both laughed softly as tzuyu turned to you with a teary smile, "did you plan this?" you nodded, "remember the phone incident? that's when i was planning it." "oh, well i'm glad i trusted you." "i'm glad you did too" she giggled.

"i love you" "i love you too, tzu." "and i'll trust you, forever." "forever and always" "forever and always" tzuyu repeated with a sweet smile plastered on her face. "i love you" you laughed at how much she was saying it.

Tzuyu never said it this much. "heyy, i said i love you" she pouted slightly as you held back a smile, "i love you more" "impossible."

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