Secret Friend -Mina

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Third Person Pov:

Twice a secret friend thing and their reactions to your gift for Mina. First Item, A necklace in gold with her name in cursive, The others coo as she turns to you with a smile, "It's cute" "I know"

You replied as she chuckled, She opened the next thing and it was a ring, in silver this time but her name was also in graved in cursive, the date of your guys first date was in graved on the inside along with the date of your anniversary.

She chuckled, slightly tearing up at the ring. "Yah! don't cry!" "I'm not crying!" You smiled as you lightly shook your head. "Cutie" you mumbled before she continued, She opened up the next thing,

realizing it was a hoodie, she opened it and looked at the design, she was slightly confused because it look like a plain black hoodie, "Flip it around" you told her as she nodded and flipped it around, letting out a small gasp at what she saw

"Mina? What is it?" Nayeon asked "I'll show you later" Mina replied as she turned to you, it was a black hoodie, with writing in white but the writing wasn't what she was expecting,

she was expecting it to be a brand of some sort but it ended up being custom made. Your last name was on the hoodie. "You sure this ain't yours?" she asked and you nodded "I only got one"

She blinked away a few tears before continuing "Why'd you get me so many things!" "i couldn't decide on what to give you!" The members laughed at the small yet cute interaction between the two of you.

she pulled out a white t-shirt, it was simple but cute, It just had her name on the back, nothing else, Then she pulled out a pair of Platformed converse,

"I have a black and white pair that i wear all the time so i got you a pink and white one" You explained as Mina nodded,

"Last thing!" you said as she pulled out a black box and there was a custom phone case, with her name in cursive but the small writing around the camera was your ship name and at the bottom right corner there was a really small signature that belongs to you,

"There's also a letter, but don't read it now" Mina agreed with a light nod but that only lasted about 5 minutes until you and Nayeon both yelled out at the same time, "Yah! Nayeon unnie!" "Y/n! y/n!"

Both you of you chuckled before turning to where each other were pointing. "Yah! why are you reading it already!!" Nayeon scolded as she went over to Jeongyeon as you turned to Mina.

"Babe! I told you to read it later!" "Sorry" She mumbled as you caressed her cheek, "You're tearing up! How much did you get through" "I was only a few sentences in"

She whispered as you shook your head, "I told you not to read it now" "Why are three people crying right now?!" Jihyo asked as you all shrugged, "Jeongyeon unnie, Nayeon unnie and Mina" You all started laughing at how Jeongyeon sobbed,

"You okay?" you asked Jeongyeon and she nodded. "We should really give letters last next time" You said as you sat down and Nayeon agreed.

"Anyways- Mina! Go to your secret friend!" And with that she stood up and shuffled over to you, "hey darling" "Ahhhh, they were each other's secret friend, Nayeon and Jeongyeon 2.0" Momo said as you all laughed.

After opening the gift everyone started asking what Minas mission was "I completed it, it was pretty easy" "What was it?" You asked, pretty confused because you don't remember anything different.

"Getting a massage from her" "oh? it's not easy for any of us but it's easy for your because your dating, that's so unfair, Mina and Y/n got the easy missions!"

"Yeah, mine was really easy" "Yeah! literally hug, kiss on the cheek and a compliment in front of the members, that's so easy for them! And getting a massage! This is rigged!"

"How can it be rigged? we picked missions from a box!" "i don't know?! it's just rigged!" All of you chuckled at Chaeyeongs words as Mina, grabbed your hand, giving it a light squeeze.

Once the shooting ended Mina walked up to you pulling you in a close hug, "Thank you jagiya" "mhm" you hummed as you hugged her back, lightly patting her back as she kissed your shoulder.

"I love you" "love you too" "I want what they have" Nayeon whined as you all laughed. "Then.. find it, you're pretty and humans aren't THAT bad" You mumbled as the members continued laughing.

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