Try again -Sana

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-Break up series-

Third Person Pov:

You were on hiatus so you just sat against your bed in paris. where you were born, your head leaning back, laying on top of the mattress as rain poured onto the top of your house, dripping onto the window.

The soft sound of the playlist you and Sana had made together playing in the background. The house you were in felt so weird, it was yours, you were alone in a house for the first time in 10 years.

You used to be in a house with your siblings, then the twice dorm and finally. the house that you and sana used to share. But now, belongs to her and her only.

Technically you were the one that bought the house, it was under both of your names but you gave it up for her, since you still liked twices dorm you could stay there or at your brothers house, he was barely home anyways.

You picked up your phone, trying to forget about everything, scrolling on social media for a little bit. Until a text popped up, your eyes widened, you thought you hallucinated for a second but made sure it was true before pressing on it.

Sana: can we talk?

You: uh i guess so

The text was quickly read and in a matter of seconds her contact name popped up on your phone again, but this time as a call. "hello?" you said into the phone as you heard Sana take in a breath.

"hey" she whispered making you slightly confused, from her voice, she didn't sound like she was okay, so off of natural instinct, you had to ask her. "you okay?"

It was silent for a few more seconds before you spoke up again, "sana?" you mumbled, both of you cringed at the name, you never called her sana, it was always some pet name or nickname.

"no" she whispered again, this time even softer then before, "what's wrong?" "i don't know, this is pathetic, i was the one that broke up with you but it feels so wrong, i feel like i should be holding you in my arms"

She took in a breath before continuing "i feel like you should be here with me, in bed. I feel like i should still be there to hold you when your feeling down, run my hand through your hair and kiss your forehead everytime your sad."

You heard Sana sighed before continuing again, "And when you don't know know your worth or how pretty you are, i should still be telling you over and over, so you never forget."

You heard a small crack in her voice, knowing that she had started crying. "come back home please, i miss you, so much." she begged but it came out more like a sob. You didn't hesitate to grab your laptop and book a flight.

Without thinking, you hung up, the flight left in 2 hours, you put on a zip up hoodie over a tee with matching sweats, a pair of high white socks and jordan's. You put on a few rings and yankees hat.

You grabbed the important things, phone, headphones, airpods, laptop and all of your chargers, not taking anything else, running out the door, going into the uber, you could drive but no one would take your car back so you had to take an uber.

You got on the plane just in time, it was a expensive flight, you booked it last minute so it was a business seat, you only had a backpack, and it was a carry on, you put it in between your legs.

As soon as the plane landed, you removed your seatbelt and quickly left the plane, getting a taxi to Sana's house, realizing most of the members cars were in the drive way.

Meaning that Sana had probably called them, talking to them about you and crying about you, you turned the key and removed it, shoving your keys into you pocket, closing the door.

Seeing all of the members sitting around Sana, everyone was shocked to see you, they all knew you were in Paris, they knew about the phone call as well, Sana was too busy crying to notice.

You didn't hesitate to run over and pull her into your arms, "you're okay, i've got you, don't worry" you whispered, wrapping one arm around her waist, one hand running through her hair.

Her forehead was pressed against your shoulder as her cheek rested on your chest, Sana didn't waste anymore time, pulling away from your grip and pulling you into your once shared room.

Cupping your cheeks, pulling you down into a kiss which you quickly kissed her back. "you scared me, i thought you were mad at me" She pouted making you lightly smile.

"sorry, i was more focused because someone was crying on the phone cause they missed me!" you teased making Sana chuckle, "hey?" "yeah?" "be my girlfriend again?"

"i do believe in second chances, you know that. so.. of course i will, you deserve i-" you were cut off by her pacing a soft yet slow kiss on your lips, "i love you, a lot." "love you too"

"don't leave me again, please?" "okay but only if you don't dump me again" you teased making Sana roll her eyes. "deal. and never say that again" "but you didddd" she chuckled bc before kissing your lips.

"so.. we're together again right?" "mhm" "well in that case.. i love you." "i love you too, sha."

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