Not without you -Sana [Requested]

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Third Person Pov:

Sana had been stuck on tour for a while, it's been hard on both of you. She was constantly tired so it was hard to talk, you were tired too, it was exam season for you so it just clashed.

A few week before your exams started though, sana promised that she would be back for a day or two. But it ended up being empty. Usually, it would've been fine. But you missed her. And this wasn't the first time.

You didn't try and start an argument but it somehow happened. It was mess, You were sick, Sana was sick. You were both overworked and tired. You both said harsh things you didn't mean. The argument was getting no where.

You just both kept on saying whatever and blabbering nonsense until Sana finally had enough. She hung up on you.

"Why would you promise though? this isn't the first time this has happened!" "i know? but i'm busy? you think i can help it? y/n, please grow up!" "im just wondering why?!"

It was constant, just that and that over and over again. Hours and hours on end. You just kept ending the calls, calling back a while later, arguing again and again. It's been like this for about a day.

Until you finally caved.

"I can't do this. Please, let's just stop? let's just stop. i don't wanna argue, i dont wanna talk, i don't wanna nothing. Don't call, don't text, don't nothing. I'm tired. I don't wanna do this anymore."

"What're you trying to say? Y/n, stop. what're you saying?" "I'm not saying a break up or anything. just please. leave me alone for a while. i need some space and time to think. this argument is obviously getting no where. we're both not feeling well, let's just take a few days apart."

"Y/n, stop it, you don't know what you're talking about, baby-" The call ended, Sana threw her phone onto the hotel bed, running her hand through her hair with a sigh, cursing softly under her breath, fearing she's lost you for good.


So this filming was a wreck. Fans were so quick to notice, sana only smiled a few times in the beginning, other then that a few sniffles came from her. After a few minutes, she looked up and around the room, a small pout visible on her face.

Her eyes were slightly red, her nose a bit pink too. She was playing with her fingers and fidgeting with the paper they had. It was pretty clear she was nervous, she nodded for approval and kept on scanning around the room.

She honestly looked like she was going to burst into tears at any given moment. Which was rough. You watched the video and sighed softly. But you didn't know if it was because of you or because of her being sick.

So you just kept your mouth shut until that night, you decided to grab your phone and call her. Unsurprisingly, she picked up.

"Baby? It's late in korea, why are you calling? are you okay?"

Of course she asked, your safety was her priority. It was always her number one concern.

"I'm alright. How are you though?"
"Me? i'm okay, why?"
"I saw the video, sha. don't lie to me."

She could only sigh in response as she mumbled.

"I feel really sick"
"I know you do. do you want me to order you soup? what hotel are you in?"
"No, no. It's okay. i ate already."
"What did you eat?"
"Kimchi noodles and rice."

"Okay.. well, um. im sorry about.. you know, freaking out on you like that. i know you're busy and it's out of your control but-"

"Stop. I'm sorry too, i shouldn't have promised and since i did promise, i should've fought harder to keep it. All that time i spent arguing with you, i could've spent arguing with the management. Since i told them about my promise before the tour even started. Im sorry and i hope your forgive me, i really don't want to lose you. I love you a lot, you know?"

"You'll never lose me." "Do you promise?" "Yes i promise? Do you actually think i would leave? As long as you don't cheat or anything you have me forever. you know that, right?" "I thought i lost you." "Never."

"I promise i'll be back when i can, okay? I'm not gonna promise a date, but as soon as i can, i'll call you, yeah? i miss you a lot. i love you more than anything, i hope you know that."


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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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