Ldr -Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

A long distance relationship. You grew up in europe but moved to canada, for your studies. It wasn't really studies, but you finished your police training about 2 years ago? Since you need to be a police officer for 2-3 year before you can become a swat member.

But thinking once you can get that position, you might move to korea, considering that first, you're dating tzuyu. Second, dahyuns your cousin and it'll be nice to have some family when having a fresh start, since that's something you've been looking for as well.

You love canada, but it feels a little odd. Yes, you were raised in europe mostly, but you were born and lived in canada for the first 6 years of your life. Although you felt a bit lost in both places, europe and canada, and although you've made friends.

For some weird reason, you feel the happiest in korea, with dahyun, tzuyu and the rest of the members. They see you as one of them and once's even call you the unofficial 10th member, which resulted of twicetagram and jypetwice_japan to both follow you on instagram.

You honestly liked making content as well, so you used all social media platforms and sometimes posted on youtube, just making some extra pocket money to spend.

Either way, you're planning to go to korea during winter, just for a month while waiting for the results, you were in. The swat team, you had the benefit of being able to join one in any country, So you would be fine to move to korea.

Although, it's only a matter of days until you go over to there, just for a month, a vacation. You'll probably stay in canada for at least 6 months after that, before moving to korea, if you do that is. But there's a slight problem.

You and tzuyu argued, you can't seem to get a grasp of what's going on, you just know she's mad at you and projecting onto your but refusing to properly communicate.

"if you just communicate directly to me instead of beating around the bush? if you want to hit me, do it when i'm in korea, tzuyu." "are you really that overly dramatic?" "what the hell? it's a genuine question."

"i don't know what's going on between us, but i really need a lot of time to just think so just, leave me alone." You left it as that, you both didn't want to be the one texting first, you didn't want to give in, but for different reasons.

You're a mess right now. Tzuyu's acting normal to everyone just even quieter then usual. But it's been a day and pit of guilt has formed in her stomach, it's eating her up as she keeps on thinking about the words you two exchanged.

She knew she had to talk to someone. Someone that can help her. One of the members, She hates how she feels so upset over something to small, she hates how she made you feel, although she doesn't know exactly how you felt, she knows it must've hurt.

And that. That's what broke her silence. She remembered the promise. Tzuyus promise to you. "no matter how bad things get, i'll never hurt you, baby. i love you, okay? believe me, darling. I promise you, i'll never hurt you."

The word replayed in both of your heads. Tzuyu felt like her chest was tightening, her heart was beating faster, the heat in the room was rising, the emotions overwhelming, the guilt eating her alive, it was that moment, she realized how badly she has messed up.

And how hard it was going to be to make it up to you, she was starting to wonder if you'd ever forgive her, she was praying that you would because she knows deep down, you're the love of her life, and she'll never feel as deeply for someone as she felt for you.

The members caught on to how her breathing start picking up and it started getting heavier and tears welled up in her eyes. "tzuyu?" "im sorry, just give me a second." tzuyu managed to get out as she rushed out of the room with the phone in her hands.

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