Rude. -Sana [Requested]

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Third Person Pov:

You just moved to korea a few months ago, it's been about 6 months, but you joined a school recently, there's one problem, there's dorms. And your roommate is a pain in the ass, Minatozaki Sana.

You hate that she's pretty, you hate that her laugh is cute, you hate that her smile is charming. You hate that she's attractive. An attractive woman with an ugly heart. She's extremley rude.

Didn't even give you a chance, calls you a nerd just because you focus on your studies and like to read. But you wouldn't consider yourself a nerd, with the sports and everything that you play. As well as mma.

But obviously, sana doesn't know those things, she sees you as nerd. "of course you're still in here" you heard her mutter as soon as she walked into the room making you roll your eyes and place the book on the table.

"well hello to you too" You said as you turned to look at her as a small smirk made its way onto sana's face. "you finally looked over here.. did i ever tell you you're ugly?" You raised an eyebrow as she softly chuckled.

"i'm going out" "okay? why're you telling me, i'm not your girlfriend." "don't stay up waiting for me" she teased and winked before blowing you a kiss then leaving. You picked up your book again.

"She's a rude bitch then she's a flirt. she is so confusing." You mumbled to yourself before reading again, a few hours after that, maybe two? you got a text from your friend, ice cream doesn't sound like a bad idea.

So you agreed to go and got changed, you grabbed your wallet and your phone but then sana walked in. "oh? and where are you going?" "why does it matter?" "just shocked you have friends" "you're so annoying."

"you're cute when she annoyed" "then i'm not annoyed" She softly chuckled before you left. The next morning you were putting a book into your locker before you felt someone shove the back of your head.

"what the hell, sana." "book nerd. what a loser" she muttered as you heard a few of her friends laugh. "hey, you, pretty girl?" You heard her call out to some girl in the distance making you roll your eyes.

"flirting with every exist person, again?" "why? are you jealous? just know i wouldn't date you anyways, ugly hag." "you're so full of yourself. why would i ever like you?" "because, i'm smart, im pretty, im popular. what's there not to like?"

"your ugly personality." you mumbled before closing your locker, going to walk away but she shoved you from behind making you slightly fumble before ignoring her and leaving. Hearing the laughs come from behind you.

You really couldn't care less, it hurt at first. But now, her actions don't effect you, it's more of her words. At times, she makes you feel absolutely useless. It different, you never care about what people say.

But for some reason, sana gets to you. After school, you were just walking back to your dorm room but then there she was, right in front of you, stopping you from going. But then before you could say anything.

A large gush of water as thrown onto your face, "loser" she muttered as you wiped the water off of your face using your hands, you didn't wear makeup today, which is good just for this moment.

"you're so lucky the days over because of this happened in the morning i would be pissed." "sure, and what're you gonna do?" "let's just sum it up, we would argue." "oh wow im so scared"

she teased as you grabbed the water bottle out of her hand and throwing the rest of the water on her before throwing the bottle at her. "asshole." Sana froze in shock before picking up the bottle, throwing it away before going to your dorm.

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