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if you two were forced to break up because of their job.

-damn, some of these are so long.-

Would definitely cry, sends you a goodbye text and it's so fucking sad, would tell you how much she appreciated you, asks to kiss you one last time, apologizes so much, makes you promise that you will remember her. Overall, it would be hella sad.

Would go to you in person, she couldn't break up with you over text. The last kiss she would ever lay on your lips would be the most passionate kiss she would ever give you. Promises to not ever love someone as much as she loved you.

Begging the company to let her stay with you. Almost quits her job for you. she would break down in your arms. choking out so many apologizes. holds onto you every moment that she can. She wouldn't even be able to leave kisses on your skin because of how much she was crying and shaking. Honestly the two of you never moved on and got back together a little less then a decade later.

She never thought this was going to happen, ever. She thought she was going to marry you, she even called you her soulmate. As she was told that she froze. thinking of all of your memories as tears fill her eyes. Denying that it's true. She would run to you immediately. Would cry so much. After you broke up, she would cry until her heart physically started hurting and she couldn't breath.

She was going to fight for you, but she knew there was no use. She acted like she accepted it until when she was telling you what was happening she started crying. Whispers apologies as she holds your hand. Looking into your teary eyes from across the table. would use her free hand to wipe your tears and say. "Please, don't cry. this is the last time we're together as a couple, i don't want to see you crying"

It was the first time she ever got mad and argued back to the company. The members even tried to calm her but her anger slowly yells slowly turned into sobs. Unable to accepted it she just stayed silent. Tears running down her cheeks as she shook her head. She went home to your shared house. Knowing it would be the last she walks in while your dating. She had a plan. She even had the ring. But she couldn't give it to you. She pulled it out anyways and gave you the ring. Telling you to wear it until you have moved on. When she saw you without the ring one day. She almost broke down right then and there but you spotted her and walked over to her. Pulling the necklace out of your shirt, the ring was on the chain. Let's just say, you got married.

Pure denial. Mumbling small 'no' and 'no way's. She came home devastated. Shaking while she's breaking up with you. Crying even before she could get the words out. Sobbing in pure agony and devastation as you passed her a polaroid of you two. Making her swear she will never forget you. She even added that she won't ever fall in love with someone as hard as she fell for you.

She would try to act strong but ends break down, she couldn't believe it at first but it slowly sunk in. She wasn't ready to let you go, she tried to convince the company to let you stay together but there was no use. Holds your hands and leaves a kiss on your cheek before leaving. Walking back to the dorm in pure agony. Only wishing that she loved you harder when you were together.

It was the first time she spoke about you like that in front of the members and the company. Even going as far as calling you her soulmate, future wife and the love of her life. Literally said she was going to quit if they didn't let you guys be together, forgetting that she had a contract with them. She mumbled a few swear words, cussing them out under her breath as she walked out of the room, mid meeting, slamming the door shut. She went to your shared house in tears as she was explaining what was going on. Before she left she said one sentence. "oh and, i'm still paying for the house and rent. You can stay here, i'll come back as soon as the contact is over, promise me you'll wait for me. I love you y/n." She said as she walked out. Almost collapsing from the pain in her heart.


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