Surprise, loser -Dahyun

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Third Person Pov:

You were apart of twice but weren't on media as much as they were, it was kind of like you had two careers, a solo one and one that's with Twice. You were in music videos, in practice, award shows and lived with them.

When they were told to live on the dorm of course, but there was one thing. You didn't go on tours with them. Tomorrow night, they have a show in Paris, which is where the members will probably say a whole speech about how you should be there with them.

Which you were planning to go to, you had already bought the ticket, you're staying on tour with them until they return back to korea, which is just a week so you were able to get it off, but you still have to perform at least one song on stage.

You agreed, you had finished packing, so your plan was going to bed and getting some rest, almost drifting off to sleep until you heard a ding come from your phone, followed by a call.

You rubbed your eyes as you reached to grab your phone, "dahyun-ah? what is it babe?" you mumbled, "it's so dark and you sound tired, did i wake you? i'm sorry, i wasn't expecting you to be asleep, you're usually awake at this time, i'll let you go and get some rest"

"it's okay, i can talk for a little, what did you need?" "i was gonna ask if we could fall asleep on facetime together but it looks like we're already doing that" Dahyun says as she turns off the light, climbing into bed.

You lightly chuckled as you positioned your phone, so that you can both see each other and have your phone charged at the same time. "goodnight baby, i love you" Dahyun muttered, her eyes already fluttering closed.

"love you too, loser" "shut up dork" she giggled making you hum, "but im your dork soooo" "shut up and go to sleep!" "yes ma'am" You whispered, watching Dahyun slowly fall asleep.

How her lips slightly parted as a few soft breaths left them, a piece of hair, covering some parts of her face, her chest rising and falling. "sweet dreams, honey" you mumbled under your breath so she wouldn't wake.

Slowly drifting off to sleep as well, Dahyun was expecting to wake up with you still asleep on her screen or writing a song at your desk, listening to some music, but to her surprise the call had ended.

Meaning you had hung up, she thought you were just busy or had practice so you had to leave the call, which is what you texted her, but in reality, you were on the plane to Paris.

Their show was in 5 hours and you're going to be in Paris in 3 hours, getting to the stage in 4 hours, so a little less then 1 hour before the show starts, you might go get a few things from the store so maybe 30 minutes before the show starts.

You thought of ways to surprise Dahyun and the members but you couldn't think of anything that doesn't take a lot of time, so you decided to do something pretty simple.

You were texted by Dahyun on the plane, you smiled at the text before replying.

Loser <3: yah! i woke up and you hung up on me!

You: i texted you on our private chat, did you not see?

Loser <3: i don't check that app that much, i thought i was gonna see you when i woke up and get to say good morning :(

You: ah, sorry babe, i had practice, i'll make it up to you the next time i see you

Loser <3: you better, now get back to practice, dork

You: okok, i'll talk to you later, loser. love you

Loser <3: love you more

You shook your head, knowing you how definitely had to get something for her because you had told her so. Probably flowers and some chocolate, it sounds cliche but she loves chocolate more then you so it makes sense.

Flowers are just cute and you like giving her flowers because.. i don't know, flower giving and reviving is just cute. As soon as the plane landed, you grabbed your carry on, with a few hoodies and pants.

Not a lot of clothes because you knew you could just steal Dahyuns, you're only bringing some hoodies and pants because Dahyun is definitely going to tell you to get her some hoodies of yours.

And pants because, you like baggy pants and dress pants which she doesn't wear often so. You got some roses, also cliche but you both liked them, you got her a small box of chocolate.

Not too big or else she'll eat it without eating dinner. You walked into the building, greeting the staff as you walked into Dahyuns room, she was on her phone, facing away from a mirror, so she won't be able to see you unless she turns around.

You came behind her and wrapped your arms around her neck, placing a few soft kisses, she removed your hands, not looking up from her phone. "i have a wife." Unaware it was you.

"oh do you?" you whispered as Dahyuns head shot up, turning around to face you, shocked. "baby!" "since when was i your wife, huh?" you teased making her roll her eyes

"who said i was talking about you?" She teased back making you raised an eyebrow, Dahyun just smiled, pulling you into a kiss, you grabbed your bag, pulling out the flowers and chocolate,

"you're cute" she whispered, pecking your lips again, taking the stuff out of your hands, putting them on the desk next to her, "before you ask, im staying until the tour is over" "really? are you actually?"

She looked adorable, a smile growing on her face as Dahyun grabbed your hands. "mhm" you hummed as she gave your hands a little squeeze before holding you by your waist and hugging you.

"now that you're here, do you need anything? are you cold?" Dahyun asked as you shrugged, "are you?" you asked back as you saw a smirk slowly forming on her face.

You rolled your eyes, lightly shaking your head as you pulled off your hoodie, throwing it to her, "loser" "dork" you both mumbled at the same time making the two of you chuckle.

Dahyun reached down and grabbed her hoodie, passing it to you. "there" you raised and eyebrow in amusement as she put your hoodie on, taking in a breath of your scent. "stop staring at me and come here, weirdo"

You comply, pulling her hoodie over your head before sitting on the couch beside her, "sooo" "so?" "when are we telling the other members you're here?" "i have to perform a song on stage so, probably then"

"wow i'm special, you told me first" "yeah only because you would sulk if i didnt" you replied, poking her cheek before she lies it on your shoulder. "hey?" "yeah?" "love you" "love you too" It went silent for a few seconds before you spoke up.

"surprise, loser" "i love you, dork."

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