Not over you -Nayeon

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Third Person Pov:

You and Nayeon broke up about 2 months ago, she's tried going on dates, she was the one that called things off with you anyways. You thought you were over her.

You really did, you tried dating someone else, it didn't even last 3 weeks. Nayeon finally knew. She would never find someone who could treat her the way you did.

You tried to accept it but you couldn't let Nayeon go. nine years, you can't just let nine years go like that, but you thought she did. Although she didn't.

Everything reminded Nayeon of you. There was a playlist that you made together, with songs that reminded her of you or sings that reminded you of her and something you guys called. 'your' song.

Nayeon let out a shaky breath as she put her airpods in, pressing play on the playlist. Going to instagram. Which is the only app she didn't delete your messages on.

She scrolled up and read from the beginning. Tearing up at the first few sentences. "I'm sorry, i'm so sorry.." she sobbed as she hugged her knees against her chest.

Only crying harder because of the music. She wiped her tears, trying to compose herself as she saw something popping up on screen, you were active.

She picked up the phone but something made her stop from scrolling. 'both of you are in the chat'. Nayeons eyes widened as her phone fell onto the bed. she wiped her tears confused on what to do next.

Your heart almost stopped, why was she in chat? was she reading the old text that you used to send each other, wishing you were still texting each other like that? Like how you were?

You were only a few rooms away from each other, you guys could easily just walk over to each other. you typed a message. Once Nayeon saw you typing, she grew anxious.

You thumb shook over the send button as you tapped it. Sending the message. Nayeon was shocked yet grew more anxious because of what you wrote.

'hey nabong, allow me to come over?' she let out a teary chuckle, turning the music down, only putting it to the third level. She typed a quick. 'sure, i'll leave the door unlocked for you'

You read it as you walked over to her room, and it was in fact, unlocked. "Hey" you whispered as you stepped in, seeing her teary eyed as she wiped her tears away.

You locked the door as you walked towards her, softly caressing her cheek, wiping away her tears as a content sigh escaped her lips. "So, can we talk?" you asked as Nayeon nodded.

"what about?" you took in a small breath before whispering. "us" "oh, um, alright, go on" "well, it's pretty obvious that you've moved on but i wanna know, what were you doing in the chat?"

Nayeon let out a small giggle, "you're wrong. I haven't moved on. I was reading our old text because i missed you." "i missed you too you know" "then come back to me.." she whispered, lifting up her hand and placing it on the side of your neck. Lightly caressing.

You raised your hand and pulled her hand down. "not so fast, why did you break up with me?" "we distanced. we didn't see each other a lot, i thought there would be no difference in having you here and not, you were on hiatus."

You hummed accepting her answer before asking another question. "did you ever think of me while we were filming?" "always." "Why did you just break up with me out of no where, we were on call a day before. You acted normal to me"

"It was.. you looked so happy, i couldn't act cold to you, you were too cute" Nayeon whispered, you sighed as you saw at how Nayeon was looking at you.

With such love in her eyes, a slight look of hope on her face. A smiling curling at her lips as you two made eye contact that lasted more then 5 seconds for the first time in 2 months.

"I'm not over you." Nayeon said out of no where as you hummed, "i'm not over you either" "i'm so hopelessly in love with you." Nayeon added on.

Raising her hand, placing it back on your neck, lightly caressing it, this time you didn't stop her. "you're so beautiful." Nayeon whispered as she pulled you closer, pulling out an airpod, putting it in your ear. the song that was playing was played when you first met each other.

"and cute" she whispered as your faces were inches apart, you left your hand of her cheek, as soon as you looked down at her lips, she leaned in and captured your lips with her own.

Both of your lips moving together, softly, yet passionately. Nayeon sighed into the kiss as she ran her hand through your hair and back to your neck.

"i missed you so much" she mumbled into the kiss, making you smile. "missed you too" Nayeon finally pulled away from you a few minutes later, smiling at she let her forehead fall onto your shoulder.

"im sorry, i love you." "love you too yeonie" "stay with me tonight?" she pouted as she lifted her forehead off of your shoulder. you hesitated but nodded anyways. "okay" you agreed as she smiled.

She turned off the light, plugging her phone in, taking the airpod out of your ear, putting it into the case, she knew she wasn't going to need the airpods tomorrow, so she charged your phone instead.

"I did my skin care already i still need to change though-" you started but she cut you off by throwing you a pair of shorts and a hoodie. "here" she mumbled as you shook your head with a light smile.

"Alright miss im, as you wish" you muttered making her chuckle. You went into her washroom making her whine. "you should've changed here, i haven't seen your body in like 5 months because of breaking up and tour"

"i think i'm alright actually, thanks for the offer boss" you mumbled sarcastically making her roll her eyes. "whatever, just come here, i missed you in my arms at night."

"Yes ma'am" you said before putting in her passcode. "you changed your password?" you furrowed your eyebrows, a frown making its way on your face.

Her old password was your anniversary so it was bound to make you upset. Nayeon turned around to see a pout on your face, making her shake her head.

"it's your birthday" she whispered as your eyes widened, "oh" you mumbled, putting in your birthday, unpausing the playlist making Nayeon smile.

She thought you were going to check her phone. Forgetting you weren't like that. You turned off her phone so only the music and your breaths were heard in the room.

"wait, before you fall asleep." Nayeon started before pausing, "what?" you whispered as she gulped. tucking a piece of hair before your ear. pecking your forehead.

"i wanted to ask you tomorrow so it's more romantic but i can't wait. Be my girlfriend again please? we can act like we never broke up. You can still be called my girlfriend of 9 years."

You agreed as Nayeon pulled you into a kiss, it was a quick one, she kissed your cheek before the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep. Without knowing, you two were going to wake up to a lot of screams and photos taken by the members.

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