Red and Blue -Jihyo

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Third Person Pov:

you bought slushes for you and jihyo when you were going out, the only good flavours were the blue and red ones, Jihyo had always preferred the red ones so you bought her a red one.

Filling the top of the drinks with the opposite colour so she'll take the red one, even though it's fake and it's really blue, just to mess with her. "reds better" she argued as Jihyo took the cup out of your hands.

"good thing i have the red one then huh?" "hm? i have the red one" "yeah? take a sip then" you said as Jihyo took a sip, the top was just red but it was filled with blue. "wowwww" she said with a light chuckle as you sent her a smile.

"want some?" she asked, with a raised eyebrow as you shrugged, taking a sip of yours before answering "why not" You went to take a sip but she pulled it away, taking a sip and puckering her lips, you rolled your eyes but kissed her anyways.

Jihyo ran a hand through your hair, swiping her tongue against your lips, asking for entrance as she placed her and your drinks on the table.

She pulled you down with her, sitting on the chairs in the practice room, she cupped both of your cheeks, you rested one of your hands on her cheek and the other one on her hip.

Both of you sitting but still facing each other. "love you" Jihyo mumbled into the kiss making you smile. "love you more" She pulled away with a light chuckle before pulling you into a kiss.

Straddling you as she does so, slipping her tongue in immediately, the two of you fight for dominance, you both got tired as you let out a soft sigh in her mouth. Making Jihyo drop her hands down to your waist, caressing it.

She didn't stop, continuing to kiss you, at this point you two don't even pull away from air, neither of you dared to, you just took soft breaths in between every few kisses.

Finally letting yourselves pull away after a few more minutes, "fuck, i love you so much." Jihyo whispered, her breath fanning on your lips as she rested her forehead onto yours.

"i love you too, more than anything." you replied, Jihyo got off of you, pulling you up, keeping you in her arms, she was shorter then you but still acted as if she was taller then you by holding you in her arms.

she left a lingering kiss on your forehead before grabbing her drink, taking a sip. "you know, if this is what happens everytime you get me blue.. i don't think i mind blue anymore" She smirked making you roll your eyes.

"whatever, weirdo" you said, taking the drink out of her hand, passing her the red one. Just in time because the members had just walked back into the room. "We have the snacks and food! that momo surprising didn't eat all of..""hey!"

All of you chuckling at Momo who still had a packet of chips in her hand and a drink in the other along with her phone. "sorry unnie!" Dahyun said looking back to Momo who was sulking.

"also, jihyo, y/n, why're your tongue purple?"nayeon asked as you two of you just looked at each other and shrugged at her, "we shared a few drinks" "oh"

You and Jihyo just enjoyed the rest of your day with the other members, having no clue of what surprise awaits the two of you the next morning..

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