So.. you're mine? -Mina [Requested]

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Third Person Pov:

"Dahyunie?" you mumbled as dahyun picked up the phone, "what's wrong? are you okay?" "we broke up." "holy shit. why? what happened?" "we argued really badly and we-" "do you need me at call her?" "no, it's okay-"

"Y/n, i swear i will literally call sana unnie right now if you want, i do not care. I'm your cousin, i'll always out you above anyone, okay?" " "No, i promise you it's okay, i think we just.. weren't meant to be"

"If you say so.. so you're not hurt?" "No, we agreed to end things, it was a mutual decision.. but there's another reason why i called you.." "hm?" "remember what you told me before i dated sana unnie?"

"i said a lot of things" "i mean, what you said about mina." "about her having a crush on you?" "yes" "oh, yeah. i remember that. why?" "does she still like me?" "y/n don't tell me.." "sana unnie likes jihyo unnie."

"Y/n please listen to me-" "Im not using Mina unnie. I never told you this but it wasn't that i just liked sana unnie more than her. Unnie told me to pick sana unnie, she said that it would make her happy. I wasn't ready to chose"

"So then your relationship with sana was toxic because of you as well" "I liked Mina unnie while we were dating and she liked Jihyo unnie. So basically, we were both mentally cheating, okay? so just tell me, please."

A sigh was heard from the other line.

"Yes. Yes, she still likes you."


"Y/n? it's midnight and it's raining. what are you doing here?" Mina muttered, opening the door and letting you come in. "we broke up" "oh my god. why? what happened? are you okay? she better not have hurt you."

"she didn't, don't worry" She nodded, unzipping your sweater. "it's raining, you're soaking wet. youre gonna get sick" she grumbled, as you shrugged. "it was worth it. your house is warm" "why did you guys break up?"

You ignored the question and started talking "i talked with dahyun unnie today" "oh really? when?" "just before i came over here, she told me something really important though" "what'd she say?" "She says you still like me"

"What?" "Do you? be honest with me." "Y/n-" "Please." "Yes, i still like you." You cupped her cheek and tilted your head slightly, connecting your lips. Mina hesitated but kissed back.

"This isn't just because-" "We broke up because i liked you and she liked jihyo unnie." "So.. are you mine?" "mhm" "good"


Requested by like 7 of you.. 😭😭

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