Mandarin -Tzuyu

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Third Person Pov:

You were part chinese and could speak both mandarin and cantonese but the thing was. None of the twice members knew that, you introduced yourself to them as korean and french. Nothing else.

You didn't want to tell tzuyu yet, you started dating in early 2016, tzuyu moved out of the dorm in 2020 and lives in her own condo, all of the members were expecting you to move with her but you decided to stay at the dorm for the first year, before moving in with her 9 months ago.

Tzuyu went out for errands and stopping by the dorm just to hang out for a little which is usually a little over 3 hours. As soon as she left you grabbed your phone, tzuyu mentioned that she missed her moms cooking.

So you did this for her. You called her mom and asked what tzuyu's favourite dish was then her mom taught you how to make it, once you were done, you plated it and just talked with her mom for a little longer.

"tzuyu is coming home soon, should i stay so you can talk to her?" you asked as her mom agreed. You had placed the phone up earlier when she was teaching you how to make a few dishes. So she could see tzuyu walk into the kitchen.

Once you heard the front door close, the sound was followed by your girlfriends voice, "baby?" "hm?" you replied as you saw tzuyu rush up the stairs, "hey babe" she whispered, one hand was on your back as she left a small peck on your cheek and a soft kiss on your forehead.

"your mom is waiting for you" you muttered as she nodded, "mommy!" tzuyu said as she grabbed your phone, "you were talking to y/n? what did you guys do?" You just smiled at the two before you signalled that you were going to tzuyu's room.

Which is now your shared room but still. She nodded with a lightly smile as she continued her conversation. After about 20 minutes tzuyu said bye to her room and went to go find you.

She turned off your phone and placed it on the counter before turning to the kitchen table, she couldn't hold back her smile. Tzuyu went to your shared room and jumped onto the bed, where you were laying.

"you made me stuff" "mhm" "my mom said you can speak mandarin! you didn't tell me" she whined as you chuckled, "i didn't think i needed to" "you know how cool it would've been to have secret conversations in front of the unnies" She pouted as you tapped it.

"we can start now, you wanna have secret conversations?" "like mina, sana and momo unnie! they talk in japanese and just laugh about it, let's do it in mandarin" "okay, if you want" "let's eat first, come on, love."

Tzuyu grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the kitchen, she pulled you close to her as she looked at the dishes you made, she just smiled. "thank you for everything. I really don't know what i would do without you."

You just lightly laughed, "i wouldn't know what i would do without you either, eat first. Okay? you're tired. we can talk later, and then we can cuddle and sleep" "okay, eat with me." "okay"

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