After breakup jealousy -Sana

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-Version two of sana in the break up series-

Third Person Pov:

Sana broke up with you a little over 3 weeks ago because you guys had distanced, which was true but the worst part of it was that you were a member of twice and you're currently on tour, with Sana.

You made solo music as well, kinda of like nayeons solo thing but it's been since the beginning so 2015-2016 ish. You always preformed one song at the end, half of the time twice was on stage with you, the other half of the time they weren't.

In this case, they weren't. Honestly, you blamed yourself for part of you and Sana breaking up, you would say that you didnt give her enough attention or more like, you let her go. And you both just gave up on fighting so you let go.

Which is where a song in your new album came from. It was a heartbreak album, you were already writing it before you and sana broke up, because your concept was always stages in a love story/love life line.

(The song you're performing Be alright by dean lewis the acoustic guitar version, you were singing but also playing the guitar) The song was about cheating but half of it still applied to Sana.

The lyrics were translated from english to korean on the screen back stage where the members were watching, you and sana had a 3 year difference, you were still the maknae.

All of the members cared for you, a lot. they still saw you as a baby, they weren't mad at sana because it wasn't her fault but they couldn't exactly say they were happy with the situation.

The last minute of the song, your voice got a little shaky but you kept yourself together, blinking away a few tears that were in your eyes. all of the members felt bad, it was obvious.

A few were bitting their bottom lips, inside of their cheeks and some even pouting at the sight and the lyrics. You acted as if everything was okay, even the members were shocked, they couldn't see your face when you were singing because you barely looked up.

You didn't look like you were crying. You didn't look heartbroken, you didn't look upset. you just looked like.. you. Once the song ended you went backstage. You could feel everyone's eyes on you.

Tzuyu was very rarely touchy with the members, you were like her. But the thing is you two are the same age and have similar heights, you're taller by a little more than an inch.

You two weren't touchy but you were each other's source of comfort. So tzuyu immediately grabbing your wrist and pulled you into her lap. Tzuyu wrapped her arms around your waist.

Resting her head on your shoulder. "you okay? how're you feeling?" "i'm okay" "you sang moral of the story yesterday and you sang be alright today, i don't think you're okay" Tzuyu mumbled as you sighed.

"i could be better, but i could also be worst." "when was the last time you slept?" "uh, few days ago, i think?" You felt a glare coming your way so you turned your eye and met Sana's eyes.

You looked away, turning back to tzuyu. You were both saying this quietly so none of the members could hear plus they were having a conversation of their own. "up thinking about her?" "mhm"

Tzuyu just nodded with a slightly sigh, she pulled you off her lap, laying down on the sofa, patting the spot beside her, you lied down beside her, tzuyu just held you, rubbing small circles on your back.

Until the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep. "guys.." Mina whispered as she pointed to the two sleeping figures on the couch above them, sana scoffed looking at the two of you.

"you aren't aloud to be jealous, sana. you broke up with her." "i know okay? i know. i broke up with her because we distanced but it does not! it does not mean i don't love her, more than anyone or anything in the world."

"then why break up?" "i dont know. i felt like we would've been better off as friends but you can't be friends with someone you're in love with" "at least you know, but it seems like it's too late, she seems pretty into tzuyu"

"yeah, the only person she was this touching with was you when she liked you and when you were dating" "well don't point it out? i'm talking to her when she wakes up." "don't even try, they seem so into each other."

"no. i'm not losing her" Sana mumbled as jihyo let out a sarcastic chuckle. "you already did." those words made sana's heart sting. She glared at jihyo before just grabbing you and pulling you of tzuyu. Pulling you to the changing room and locking the door.

"sana? i can't do this right now, im still like half asl-" "do you like tzuyu?" sana cut you off as you rubbed your eyes in confusion, "what?" "you and tzuyu, are you guys like- together? do you like her?"

You looked at her with so much confusion causing her to slowly get frustrated, "just tell me, are you and tzuyu a thing? do. you. like. her." "what? no?" "to which one?" "both!" "then why're you so close? you slept on the couch together while cuddling"

"maybe because she was the main person that was there when you broke my heart. You were the one the broke up with me. why are you jealous?" "i'm not jealous?" "still the same as you were, huh? you're always denying that you're jealous when you obviously are"

"i'm not jealous, y/n" "okay then what if i-" you got cut off by sana smashing her lips against yours, "mm?!" you yelled, you couldn't help but melt in her touch, you were so used to it.

It took a few seconds, neither of you dated to pull away but air was a problem and you guys had to split. "i'm sorry" she whispered, you could feel her breath fan against your lips since she was resting her forehead against yours.

"for what?" "breaking up with you and getting jealous of how close you were with tzuyu, and just- everything. i love you, so much, take me back? please?" you just nodded as sana pressed her lips against yours again.

"you better not do that again because next time, i wont take you back as easily" "i'm never doing that again" "promise?" "promise."   

idk i don't like this but wtv

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